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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 13127d7f1dafa01⋯.png (14.05 KB, 645x720, 43:48, Black_ppl.png)

d2cb00  No.138517

We've been told numerous times by the political left that 'race is a social construct' and 'race doesn't really exist.'

If that's the case, then how can 'black lives matter' exist? There's no such thing as 'black people' because race doesn't even exist.

It's all just a social construct guys, there is no race.

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0bc074  No.138520


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07edaa  No.138523


The message of "black lives matter" isn't for the people who already think it's true. You don't tell a man who can see that the sky is blue. "Black Lives Matter" is for the people who don't think someone with darker skin is human.

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51290b  No.138571


if someone thinks that will a slogan change their mind?

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b3cbdf  No.138580

People generate all these different posters.

Does anyone actually post them anywhere? If so, where are the videos?*

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294e99  No.138583


Yes, with enough peer pressure and top-down enforcement of it. They will side with who *looks* to be on top and dominant, which, right now, would be our enemies.

The flock is only as good as the shepherd leading them, and sadly, our natural flock has been stolen by what acts like a parasitic fungus, but in human form.

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07edaa  No.138593


Of course! If you pound something into someone's head enough, they will believe it. That's called "radicalization" and it's how all cults work. You either repeat something simple on a constant loop or you flood them with so much information all at once that they can't process it and just assume, "Well, with all that research, it must be true." There are people still capable of critical thinking, but the response to that is to simply paint them as the enemy/part of the conspiracy. (Basically, denouncing them as "racist" or "kike" depending on which side of the coin you're on.)

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0b067a  No.138634

File: 3213f163de70795⋯.png (44.69 KB, 612x792, 17:22, BIJASC.png)


>The message of "black lives matter" isn't for the people who already think it's true.

That is marketing in the same way "No Child Left Behind" or "The Patriot Act" or "Pro Life" work. BLM serves to shield the organization and its proponents from criticism because it makes a basic refutation of it look extremely bad. You've heard the automatic refrain, "So you think black lives DON'T matter?!?" enough to know this is how it works.

Whereas IOTBW-style propaganda baits brainwashed people into refuting it and looking bad in front of normies. BLM is a shield, IOTBW is a trap.


OP's messaging can be improved by reducing the words. The phrase itself MUST contain its own justification and argument. The fact that you feel the need to use a parenthetical to explain it means it isn't at that level yet.

A better version would be pic related if only because it makes its own argument in itself and baits out the refutation that "being black is more than just a social construct!" But this only works in select environments where the messaging that "White is just a social construct" is universally known to the point of mantra. It will not work on those who don't know the whole "social construct" thing. In addition, it will work best only in areas that are familiar with the "racist" IOTBW style, as that further baits out the press that the statement would be "racist" - that is saying black is just a social construct is racist, which again is the hypocritical statement that might be the desired outcome. The operational component is "JUST", as that is diminutive and dismissive, which baits out the overreaction response.

But overall I am not a fan of it. One can see an escape from it going "all in" and saying, "Yeah, races are all social constructs and we are just People!" which is not the intention. Whereas IOTBW does not allow for such an escape. Another problem is your target audience does not have an opportunity to develop any affinity towards the message itself like with IOTBW, but rather just listen to the hypocritical backlash it causes. Finally, it only works in heavily leftist-infested areas where the level of rhetorical-familiarity is high enough to elicit the response.

Keep tinkering though. IOTBW is just a formulation of the idea, and not the only way it can be done.

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d2cb00  No.139486

File: 3d9645bc835ed86⋯.png (28.91 KB, 477x685, 477:685, Trans_Lives.png)

Divide and conquer our enemies!

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