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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: f01ee3c00542fc0⋯.jpg (167.13 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, 1593327149488.jpg)

f8ce9e  No.132236

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e5c244  No.132255

fuck these niggers

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8d4df3  No.132279

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15cc28  No.132304

kek, no one knows who the niggers are.

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489543  No.132316

File: 148222226c11f31⋯.jpg (167.48 KB, 1024x756, 256:189, 1593383852749.jpg)

Here's an update. Anon on half chan posted they found suspect #1, Uzziah Hairston.

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b8fc9a  No.132351

File: 4c6b61df219d133⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB, 640x480, 4:3, antifa_mercedes.mp4)


Suspect 8 and 13 remind me of the pair that were in the Mercedes in Minneapolis. I wouldn't put it past those two VERY WELL FUNDED faggots to fly or drive to Washington as well. That is the whole reason these domestic terrorism events were staggered so that everyone could get to the next 'insurrection'.

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712981  No.132492


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0decdf  No.132543

File: 8317acf74b2b42e⋯.jpg (113.31 KB, 728x546, 4:3, angle.jpg)

File: 2e31ea6210281d3⋯.jpg (156.25 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, angle1.jpg)

File: 7e0bc431d97cae6⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, suspect_11.png)


Add this, anon.


>Suspect 11 carries a purple bag.

>More on 1, 4, and 9.

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020ab3  No.132602


>Here's an update. Anon on half chan posted they found suspect #1, Uzziah Hairston.

>Do glowniggers job for free

You faggots must be new. Our weaponized autism found fucks like these within hours.

>b anon

>watch fucks like these committing crimes

>Compile evidence

>Pass evidence of criminals/name/address on to the feds.

What was our reward?

>Feds did fuck all with evidence.

>Felons walked without charges.

>Feds targeted anons free speech instead.

>Feds incite peaceful anons to commit crimes.

>Feds v& anons and visit others.

>8ch gets shoahed because a mossad shill who didn't know the 14 words posts a link to Facebook

And now Trump tweets these people to be found?

Tell him to use the NSA satellites that can read your cellphone screen over your shoulder in any weather in real-time. (Wasn't NROL-39 for protecting the nation?).

Too hard for (you) free speech hating glownigger? Then tell him to use the data from the Stingray that was being used at the time and call these suspects cell.

Glowniggers monitoring this thread can make themselves less useless and find the fucks themselves.

P.S. A clue - They are all CCP proxy insurgents.If you haven't managed to work out what the bugmen were up to - China's bioweapon attack was intentional. They put their military into isolation from infection while they were still denying there was a virus.

>Newfags don't know about the dox of Antifa members we used to compile


fuck your 8kunt botnet

sweet chill peace nice loving calmly relaxed fun smiling great laugh sunny happy sweet chill peace nice loving calmly relaxed fun smiling great laugh sunny happy sweet chill peace nice loving calmly relaxed fun smiling great laugh sunny happy

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1dd272  No.132603

File: eaefe7c8fbc3a4d⋯.png (28.5 KB, 371x488, 371:488, gtlemmw.png)


kill yourself, jew

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020ab3  No.132610

File: 20341bbfff11016⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 4096x3565, 4096:3565, jackson4k.jpg)


>kill yourself, jew

go fuck yourself kike newfag.

If only you brainlets had 4K photos to look at and read their tattoos and followed the leads in [redacted] for more clues. You don't? Tough shit. NYPA.

Pic related found in a minute.

t. 8ch.NET

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c986fb  No.132624


>can’t disprove anything he said

>has no argument

>thread is probably in violation of the site rules and US law

>openly admits that you, personally, will never do anything with the information you obtain here

Why even bother posting? You’re nothing more than a shill. The only reason to doxx antifa is so that YOU can go kill them. Because THE ZOG ISN’T GOING TO ARREST ITS OWN PARAMILITARY, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS YID.

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01ff29  No.132688




That is an interesting way to think of nigger isis.

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e912ae  No.132750


Alphabet faggots like their "crimes solved" statistics though.

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020ab3  No.132762



imagine being this new

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e912ae  No.132772


Deep state's whole MO is creating useful idiot groups like ISIS or antifa and then taking credit for defeating them.

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8264ae  No.132794


These are some of the first people who will be lined up against the wall and shot after the takeover. They are useful idiots, not really their paramilitary.

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574ad4  No.133022

Andrew Jackson remains standing, fucking get wrek'd soyboys.

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