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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 6d3534b463f4f4f⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1600x800, 2:1, antifashgordon.png)

File: 332b5cdd1806a75⋯.jpeg (7.9 KB, 183x275, 183:275, christian exoo.jpeg)

File: 5dd03d943f0d21f⋯.png (93.22 KB, 666x400, 333:200, kiwifarms-whois.png)

File: 15ef2de4faf260c⋯.jpg (179.73 KB, 630x768, 105:128, christian-exoo-dox.jpg)

f8f741  No.17427[Last 50 Posts]

>One of Twitter’s most prominent antifa doxing activists has been accused of blackmail, racism and engaging in predatory behaviour toward underage girls, according to a Medium post made by an alleged former housemate.

>By day, Christian Michael Exoo is a 38-year-old library supervisor at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. However—online—Exoo uses the moniker “AntiFashGordon.” He has gained a large following in left-wing networks for his activism with antifa and by releasing “doxes,” or personal information, of his ideological opponents to his 25,000 followers on Twitter.

>Exoo proudly boasts on his Twitter biography that he has gotten people fired from jobs, removed from schools and kicked out of homes.

>But a recent Medium post by “Sora M.C.,” who claims to be an ex-housemate of Exoo, accuses him of frequently using a slew of racial slurs in the course of his “investigative” work and of general predatory behaviour.

>The anonymous author writes: “I’m here because I’m a young, Black, transgender activist delivering a warning to organizers once again after having been psychologically manipulated by an egotistical and power-abusing person who has a pattern of inappropriate behaviour on- and off-line.”

>The writer continues: “His motivations are primarily to aggrandize himself and make him feel admired by others—to be a white saviour.”

>The author describes a time where the two were in a grocery store together, and Exoo allegedly seemed excited that an underage girl had flirted with him.

>The author also goes on to state other examples of how Exoo allegedly acted in an abusive or inappropriate manner that left them uncomfortable on multiple occasions, including one incident of alleged inappropriate touching.

>“Sora M.C.,” says some of these allegations were previously published on Twitter last summer, but they deleted it after Exoo allegedly held their personal items “hostage.”

tl;dr moronic antifaggot who brags constantly of his violence and life-wrecking ended up doxxing himself through his own doxxing program, and he turns out to be as upstanding a guy as you'd expect of them. Let's hope karma rewards him justly.







And a general antifa thread.

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3a0af6  No.17547

I find it so embarrassing that these people can operate openly without winding up in a shallow grave after an apparent suicide by 30 hammer strikes to the back of the skull.

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98ccf3  No.17564


And yet America is an evil nazi regime where women trannies and PoC are executed in public squares according to these "people"

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9bbd1b  No.17571

These types, these antifas, are arguably the lowest organisms on the planet. It would be a shame if people started treating them accordingly.

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d290a5  No.17581

A degenerate is a degenerate who would of thonked.

I like how even when people become a race traitor they still get torn apart by monkeys. A race traitor is like a pack of ciggies to a nig, once they have fufilled their use they are crumpled up and thrown in the trash.

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832d1e  No.17637


If he is not killed, nothing will change for the better. Violence is, indeed, the only solution against leftist and jews.

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661ce6  No.17655

Looks like a dirty jew. His parents probably thought it was funny to name him Christian.

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070653  No.17665


This. Violence is justifiable self-defense against those actively seeking our death and destruction.

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000000  No.17671

I thought harassment was against twitter ToS

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44808d  No.17672


that's only if you harassing a leftist

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e775cc  No.17700


>America is an evil nazi regime where women trannies and PoC are executed in public squares

soon, anon


I've said it from the start.

we aren't the targets.

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a3d6a9  No.17708


Of course he'a a fuckingj jew, all antifas are jews and shitskins

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2c558a  No.17716


> an underage girl had flirted with him.

to be fair, it is complimenting

doesn't mean you duct tape their mouths and wrists and drag them into the loo for a romp, but you can be flattered by young women hitting on you and not be a rapist.

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b27d34  No.17728



We're trying to stop more Rotherhams and Landen Hoffman incidents. Anyone who tries to fuck us over is complicit in the wholesale rape and slaughter of whites

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bc42f6  No.17761

File: 92394880141bf0e⋯.mp4 (894.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, antifa in a nutshell.mp4)




I agree, and yet, we are all here hoping for somebody else to do it, rather than finding the problem closest to our localities and 'fixing' things ourselves.

And yet, when an NBC special tells them we're all unhinged, murderous acolytes of Richard Spencer, and the only example they can muster to support their case (that isn't one of these Vegas-style gayops that the public are even beginning to tire of) is Heather 'heart attack from 2 seconds of jogging' Heyer, not a single bell will sound in their head that they may be getting played by the media that at one time they were actually sceptical of.

Their own clinical delusions aside, we're kind of a microcosm of the European problem at large - even when suffering open attacks, we do little in return. But still attract most of the blame. Then, when the tables turn, can you imagine how surprised and incredulous they will become when it becomes apparent how mad we actually are?



I reported another one of these accounts after finding they posted somebody's house to them. The report was processed, they sent me a little 'thanks', the account stayed up, and I'm not even sure if the post was deleted.

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a3874a  No.17762


children are presexual, they dont flirt. they give ample an indiscriminate attention to adults. adults who focus on this and relate it to their self worth are outing themselves as being a pedophilic narcissist.

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d58b31  No.17763



Whos talking about children you illiterate dung beetle?

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bc42f6  No.17765

I'm not a New Yorker, but do you guys think it would cost much to pass his name to a bunch of Bloods / Crips? Do they do commissions?

Asking for research purposes of course.

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773ff9  No.17769


Get one of your black friends to tell them and then they'll do it for free

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c6d36c  No.17791

File: d7c73c24faf8bda⋯.jpg (69.44 KB, 702x1024, 351:512, d7c73c24faf8bdac8e88969e94….jpg)


One one hand, this guy is clearly a gargantuan faggot and I like the idea of watching everything he loves go up in a spectacular bonfire of karmic backlash.

On the other hand, these accusations in particular sound like the rambling butthurt of a spurned nigger-tranny ex-boyfriend. Which is actually still pretty funny.

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bc42f6  No.17803

File: ed33efc47c6eae0⋯.jpg (23.39 KB, 640x360, 16:9, diAnQwy61eRS_640x360.jpg)


>Which is actually still pretty funny.

No point letting a good tragedy go to waste eh?

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3dc45c  No.17813

File: b425f1cdaab36c4⋯.png (113.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, smug.png)

Physiognomy is real. This guy looks exactly what you'd expect him to look like. How many 'fascists' do you reckon he's confronted or fought irl? Imagine that twiggy nerd walking up to someone in order to provoke a fight. How would that go for him?

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84cfd8  No.17816

File: 47abe170ead28c7⋯.jpg (406.15 KB, 1475x991, 1475:991, ChristianExoo.jpg)


He and his family seem to be SJW nutters.

All of them (father, mother and brother) are also employed at St. Lawrence University . Gee, I wonder how that was possible.

Father: Calvin Exoo

Mother: Diane Exoo, Also Lawyer and Discrimination Attorney in Canton, NY

Brother: Joshua (Josh) Exoo

Here is another link:



Source of the picture (pic #6) from above link, There are a few more pics where you can see him (#1, 2, 25, 30)



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3dc45c  No.17828

File: cd9b43bc34d7447⋯.png (16.17 KB, 195x194, 195:194, hands.png)

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6b5b75  No.17989


>thrown in the trash.


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1c3f91  No.18019

File: 5dd0407ef672724⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, U-U-UHURU (Proud Boys).mp4)


Looking at his twatter, it seems like he just doxes Proud Boys, so it's unlikely he even did any harm to legitimate pro-Whites. It seems like it's a win all the way around.

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d290a5  No.18086

Well yeah he would be BTFOed if he went against actual fascists. So instead he goes after race-mixing conservitives who are afraid of being wascist.

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2b4598  No.18092

be careful guys. Gordon will ruin your lives. He is Anti-Fa

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e7075d  No.18162

99% of this trans trender antifa commie bullshit is troll shielding. They are all guilty of shit like this.

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c70729  No.18560


That entire family looks like they need to be paid a visit.

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c6d36c  No.18886

File: 379076596e7f9a8⋯.jpg (242.63 KB, 1341x943, 1341:943, bb-5bbc132cdb937.jpg)


>his twatter

I just took a glimpse and the gleefully retarded evil dripping out of every word posted by him and the sycophants he re-tweets is pretty nauseating. Thank god he's so stupid he can only attack obvious strawmen like the Gavin Mcinnes Buttplug Brigade Proud Boys and other such honeypot orgs.

It will be pretty funny when he accidentally fucks with the real deal and ends up with his wig split.

In the mean time, let his niggerfaggot ex rake him over the coals over these "white savior" wrongthink crimes. I always like watching these plebeian shitwits devour one another.

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866aec  No.18894


Oh no please not the dox… do you understand his fucking evil ugly disgusting kike race is heading for total extinction? fuck dox nigger.

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13e9ed  No.18917


Great observation. Never considered that.

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d0ddfc  No.18924


Are you an actual retard anon?

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7507d4  No.18925


Thanks for the answer my homosexual friend.

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d0ddfc  No.19452

File: a88e5eca32310d2⋯.jpeg (272.32 KB, 750x394, 375:197, E6B2A6B9-74AC-4ABC-A7D0-C….jpeg)


Yea sure nigger…

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84cfd8  No.19486

File: 2a650ddc17b3c5b⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1871x1829, 1871:1829, vlcsnap-2020-01-08-11h58m3….png)

File: 9a47776f70e1582⋯.png (2.62 MB, 2111x1701, 2111:1701, vlcsnap-2020-01-08-11h55m3….png)

File: 1b3eb5633d92247⋯.png (2.94 MB, 2287x1669, 2287:1669, vlcsnap-2020-01-08-11h56m2….png)

File: 47bf82468d5d4ca⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1761x1765, 1761:1765, vlcsnap-2020-01-08-11h56m3….png)

File: 6a1985613527b28⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1757x1625, 1757:1625, vlcsnap-2020-01-08-11h58m0….png)

This is Antifash Gordon.

He was present at the Freedom of Speech rally in Washington DC on the 6th of July 2019.

The Fat negro on his right is Daryle Lamont Jenkins

The tranny on his left is Jen Patrice aka WitlessX

I would like to find better images of Antifash Gordon at this rally

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1e6678  No.19547

File: e09966e36c42e25⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1578555168306.jpg)


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2d43ac  No.19548


Suddenly we're getting raided. Then this must be important


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1e6678  No.19550


Maybe something else is being slid too

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2d43ac  No.19554



Anyway I archived this thread:



Save these pictures locally and remember the event:

It was the Demand Free Speech rally in Washington DC on July 6, 2019.

Following hashtags helps to find footage:



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f5a543  No.19557


What's the significance of placing him at that rally?

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2d43ac  No.19559


Read this article from a lefty journo:


From that article:

>It was a punishingly hot Saturday morning in early July

First Saturday of July was the 6th and it was very very hot that day in Washington DC.

>AntiFash Gordon is a tall caucasian male in his early forties. His face is soft and friendly. He wore black glasses, motorcycle boots, and a western-style shirt over a tank-top.

Just look at the pictures and compare.

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2d43ac  No.19562

File: 049d850f15bae8c⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vlcsnap-2020-01-09-17h52m2….png)


Also: in that article (http://archive.is/cjEH9) Daryl Lamont Jenkings & Molly Conger (socialistdogmom) are both getting mentioned. First I thought they were getting quoted but they are getting interviewed. Both were present at that workshop & later they went on to the DC rally.

Pic related is Molly Conger aka socialistdogmom

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c6d36c  No.19596

File: 07598930c60e3b1⋯.jpg (85.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, digging thread.jpg)


God's work. Have a bump.

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6d6dff  No.19610


>engaging in predatory behaviour toward underage girls

Because it's current year, I'm going to assume this is as little as being in the presence of someone under the magic number of 18, or something that's perfectly okay literally everywhere else but shithole america.

>according to a nigger tranny

Even with a panyfa faggot as a target, I don't consider this to be a reasonably reliable source.

>entire thread is /pol/ larpers talking up how they're going to totally violence this guy and his friends

I can't wait to see you guys start and stop at the "make memes and posters" stage like everything else, because everyone that actually does something is a "fed" or "mossad stooge".

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6309ce  No.19614

File: 2b80362a2843fe8⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 400x411, 400:411, 1475574909894.gif)

File: 065b7ad90a496c8⋯.jpg (66.82 KB, 586x506, 293:253, qUeg6eJ.jpg)

File: 12b04378501a717⋯.png (680.53 KB, 508x755, 508:755, theylive.png)

File: 2147bffda862439⋯.jpeg (148.82 KB, 515x902, 515:902, image.jpeg)


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2d43ac  No.19617


No Sage.

Read his twitter bio: "I expose fascists, get them fired, de-homed, kicked out of school, etc."

He also had some sick pleasure in what he did. When people were already down then he loved to give them some extra stomps.

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d290a5  No.19623


"Magic Number" you mean when the grey matter has devolped enough for the person to make those types of decisons? And when the body can even handle it.

Can we get an /loli/ ghetto to contain the pedos in?

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2d43ac  No.19627


It's also important for this anon to have this thread marked as SAGE. And it's about an antifa fag!

Gee, I wonder what might be the reason for this…

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882892  No.19630


At 15-16 their body can handle it, but any younger is just stupid, even the Greeks and the Romans often waited until that age before trying anything sexual with the girls.

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c6d36c  No.19636

File: 34c4d6989afae68⋯.jpg (118.5 KB, 1000x627, 1000:627, eight year olds dude.jpg)



>Antifa thread

>Discussion derails into the "ethics" of pedophilia

Well, I guess some of Exoo's friends found the thread.

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ab688f  No.19637


This guy thinks Peter Sweden is a White Nationalist, kek.

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2d43ac  No.19638

File: 97ad42906bd81cf⋯.jpg (64.27 KB, 758x915, 758:915, 1475761797174.jpg)


Seems like it


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d290a5  No.19641


16 is more resonable but it's still questionable mentaly as their brain 's grey matter is still volumetically small causing a lack of self-control or well thought out decision making. Leading them to be lead astray by an older predator, even into a long term negative marriage. 18 is more resonable age I agree with, as opposed to 14 like in my country.

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882892  No.19648



Fair enough.


I agree,most anons complain about women being retards but in the next breath they will suggest that 13 year olds are mature enough to help raise a kid. Not to mention most degenerates would just jump onto the opportunity for their own hedonistic tendencies.

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2d43ac  No.19654

File: 3ccb5f1b818e684⋯.jpg (200.2 KB, 1200x1146, 200:191, C-ITAE-UwAAGzL-.jpg)

File: 744ff9862af3827⋯.jpg (229.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, vlcsnap-2020-01-09-22h34m0….jpg)


Is that you Luke Kuhn?

You were also present at the DC rally on the 6th.

You were talking to Daryl Lamont Jenkins.

You guys had to share a few stories about this subject? You know, just out of curiosity

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882892  No.19657


That is one ugly jew,not surprised that anarchists would stand for pedos, should start to look for connections between leftists organizations, child pornography and "mainstream" porn sites.

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f1e01f  No.19667

File: 0a63eed7d909fe2⋯.jpg (912.97 KB, 1816x816, 227:102, oyvey.jpg)


damn this dude looks like that evil leprechaun

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ebf6db  No.19672


That kind of behaviour seems to be extremely common with those people. They are basically just self-righteous narcissists who use whatever political agenda they promote for their ego. A little like when Patrick Bateman in American Psycho rambles about women's rights.

Since Twitter exists, those people have a platform and have gained a lot of power. Now it isn't about the best arguments anymore, it's about who can scream the loudest.

And the person who wrote the medium article is as fucked up in another way. You could tell from the way it is written that it was written by a tranny even if he didn't mention that.

All these sick people reinforce each others insanity and front it with larger-than-life leftist moralfagging.

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6d6dff  No.19683

File: a3c343a145d8333⋯.png (251.68 KB, 1649x1474, 1649:1474, adolescence_myth.png)


>muh US puritan retard ideals trounce biology!!!!!

Ok retard. Keep pushing jewish feminism memes though.


Shut the fuck up boomer. Christ, you legit sound 60+. Electionniggers GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I already told you why anyway,but you're too senile to listen. The source of the accusations is a nigger that doesn't know what sex he is. About as credible as your average /x/ poster.


Biology disagrees with these retarded sentiments. But don't let facts get in the way of feelings. Remember, this feminist AOC nonsense didn't exist for thousands of years, and only started when jew-backed feminists made the proposal.

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882892  No.19700


Biology doesn't disagree with me, adolescent pregnancies comes with greater health risks both for the mother and for the child, and AoC may have not existed but it was common knowledge that younger the pregnancy the bigger the risks, ffs most Roman women married in their early 20s and the Greeks married younger but it was often common "courtesy" to wait until their bodies could withstand childbirth, even in the Middle Ages most people married in their late teens or early twenties with exception being nobles and even then they were similar to the Greeks in which they were willing to wait until the girl was of "age". But sure pedo you sure brought a lot of "facts",even your fucking image agrees that twelve is too young because brain development peaks at 14-15(and doesn't include whether the body does, how covenient) and the field of psychology is probably amongst the most kiked fields of study.

And even thinking of lowering the age of consent in the current society sounds brilliant… fucking nigger.

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1419d9  No.19718



truth. Violence is justifiable against these "people".

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1419d9  No.19719



nonces detected. one bullet one cute.

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63c508  No.19729


the sanpaku eyes meme is real holy shit

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c34a40  No.19735

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6d6dff  No.19752



Every day you /pol/tards get more and more boomer, I swear. Let's raise the AOC to 36 because niggers and kikes exist. What a smart idea!

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9bfac5  No.19759

File: 87d143a5ecfae5c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 926x878, 463:439, fghd.png)

I notice google appear to have shut off street view, just for that part of that road. Coincidence? I think not.

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1e2047  No.19760


Its not like any of us are having sex anyway.

literally nothing would change.

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2d43ac  No.19836

File: d9670bd9659d46d⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 3840x2026, 1920:1013, 7_.jpg)


>The source of the accusations is a nigger

You still don't get it. Another source was used!

Let me explain it to you:

A lefty journo, Aaron Gell, published an article about a workshop they attended given by AntiFashGordon. Link can be found in this post: >>19559

Based on that article we can conclude that:

- it happened on the 6th of July 2019 in a public university.

- Daryl Lamont Jenkins was present and so was Molly Conger (socialistdogmom)

- a good description of AntifashGordon is given; how he looks and what clothes he's wearing.

- Later that day there was the Demand Free Speech rally in DC.

- Both Daryl Lamont Jenkins and Molly Conger can be seen on footage from that rally

- There is a guy talking with Daryl Lamont Jenkins who matches exactly AFG's description in that article. Pics of that can be found in this post: >>19486

In this picture you can clearly see the clothes he is wearing. Compare this with what is said in the article:

AntiFash Gordon is a tall caucasian male in his early forties. His face is soft and friendly. He wore black glasses, motorcycle boots, and a western-style shirt over a tank-top.

We need more footage of this guy when he was at that rally to see what he was doing and with who he was interacting.

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a35b98  No.19852



>reductio ad absurdum

The average woman can't accomplish jack shit when she's 18 and you want them to raise a kid when they're 14? You need atleast 3 generations of buffer space to even attempt that, not getting into the biological issues


Except seeing even more rich kikes getting away with banging little girls in their hotel rooms. There's a reason that whole "children can understand consent" shit was getting pushed, this is part of how they'll normalize pedophilia in the public eye.

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35d346  No.19854

6d6dff is a literal cuckchanner. Don't reply to them. Sage, report, hide.

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84cfd8  No.19868


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c18338  No.19874





If one of you niggers does it in minecraft make sure to make it look like a nigger killing, he lives in jew york of course.

>t. doesn't live in the united states so can't do anything

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bc42f6  No.19942

File: f0cdabcb67aa587⋯.png (95.81 KB, 784x420, 28:15, D3AyvC9UkAAdaDS.png)

Friendly reminder to ignore the AoC sliding as well as idiots attempting to goad us into violence.

Do people like Exoo deserve it?

Of course.

Will we be the ones to dish it out?

Don't be absurd. /pnd/ is a board of peace, Minecraft, and the general sharing of relevant information.

Christian Exoo has self-admittedly been responsible for the ruination of many careers and lives of non-leftist Americans, and reportedly for a string of MEAN and RAYCIS actions to those closer to him. While it would of course be reckless and irrational to consider any credible threat of violence towards him, there's no reason we wouldn't be obliged to share the facts around this case to anybody who may find it to be of interest, or could otherwise be harmed by Exoo and his friends. When it comes down to it, we're just helping to prevent further victims of this evil man.


Great sleuthing, keep it up.

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b66840  No.19953


>oy vey never do anything ever at any time oy vey never fight back

You aren’t one of us.

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9c66c0  No.19966

File: d8146d2b64630be⋯.png (303 KB, 1210x833, 1210:833, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d810180431ffb28⋯.png (181.01 KB, 1083x463, 1083:463, ClipboardImage.png)


They are a part of the establishment, that's why.



What did you expect from LARPers? These people are good at only playing pretend. Hence why they're furries and trannies

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bc42f6  No.19975

File: 5071f7f2fcbdaa8⋯.png (142.61 KB, 677x770, 677:770, How to Glow in the Dark.png)


1) You are a retard

2) You are unable to read between lines (or you aren't, in which case, you are pic related)

3) Thanks for the post

4) Bye

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c6d36c  No.19995

File: 317b73dd226cff7⋯.png (1.04 MB, 873x1323, 97:147, 317b73dd226cff7a287e4fd629….png)



Are you a woman or do you just type like one?

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2d43ac  No.19998


>Great sleuthing, keep it up.

Thanks. Just doing gods work.

Here is the video where you can see him talking with Daryl Lamont Jenkins at 11:45


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cf1b18  No.20004



Go fuck yourself, collectivist.

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2d43ac  No.20010

File: 97168a9e3f338ca⋯.jpg (233.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8.jpg)

File: e592688fc7ffa58⋯.jpg (284.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9.jpg)

File: b9c1bf9fe7f11f8⋯.jpg (234.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 10.jpg)

File: 2192847abda0312⋯.jpg (310.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 11.jpg)

File: 9303c4360723939⋯.jpg (238.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 12.jpg)

The amount of times this thread is getting slided and saged proves that we're onto something and that there is probably a lot more they don't want us to see.

He also shows up in this video at 01:06:00 on the left part of the screen wearing a beige cap:


He's talking to someone for a few seconds then leaves and then another guy walks upto him (black t-shirt with white print, short pants, wearing a cap). They also share just a few words and again he walks away.

Then a woman shows up, they also share just a few words and they go apart.

Probably 2 of them are his two accomplices, Amy and Kevin which are mentioned in the article

We need to find out what these ppl were doing and with who else he was talking.

Anons who want to help digging, search for these hashtags:



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dd496a  No.20012



Daily reminder that lolbergs and ancaps are no better than communists.

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bc42f6  No.20038


If you insist on trying to slide my thread, at least pick a more fun topic.

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cf1b18  No.20056


It doesn't even have anything to do with specific political beliefs. You're on an anonymous image board, you don't even know who the people are you are talking to. And nobody knows who you are too. So why would you assume that anyone is on your side? People shit on each other even when they have fairly similar political beliefs but you have a solution "we" all can agree on? Unlikely.

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2d43ac  No.20109


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d7b90e  No.20129


Oh no—paranoid schizo alert

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d7b90e  No.20131


That homie adjacent got a BELLY BUTT

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d920cc  No.20137

dont really care that much for thread but its obviously getting shilled and slid to death and thats worth a bump

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6834c5  No.20191

File: b0316ac9843589d⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ab7c60df542c7be93d18607c35….jpg)


They are soulless and must be exterminated.

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2d43ac  No.20233

File: 064d3813ce1df16⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 480x365, 96:73, 1563258575215.jpg)


Thx for the bump.

It gave him a sick pleasure when he doxxed people and he could get them fired, get them kicked out of university or school.

If he found out that someone had a new job he would do anything to get him fired again and will taunt them about it.

In his tweets he mentioned how happy he was about this and that he was going to celebrate it.

At Christmas he doxxed a bunch of people calling it Doxxmas. Knowing he was going to ruin their lives while they wanted to celebrate Christmas.

Of course he claims to only fight fascists and nazis but keep in mind that he also decides who is a fash or a nazi.

If you simply say that there are only 2 genders or that trannies aren't real women then that's enough to get the horde after you and get you deplatformed or fired from your job.


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26a688  No.20247



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c6d36c  No.20329

File: 9803cb0ea0c018d⋯.jpg (62.61 KB, 540x619, 540:619, 7fed908311bf62218855f1f0eb….jpg)


He doesn't look like he's be worth much in a real fight, to the surprise of nobody. I guess that's why he goes full-throttle on the keyboard warrior life.

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c6d36c  No.20348

File: a22ad9c0dcf03fd⋯.png (424.44 KB, 786x666, 131:111, he didn't swim so good.png)



>paranoid schizo

Noticing patterns isn't schizophrenia.

Feeling nervous, little negro?

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72b591  No.20565

Have a bump you ugly fucking jew faggot.

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c6d36c  No.20753

bump for dead commies.

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1d3928  No.21147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>While Exoo’s cyber activism exists within the online realm, his radical posts have appealed to at least one known extremist who unleashed his violent desires onto the real world. In August 2019, it was revealed that Connor Betts, the antifa black bloc activist who killed nine in a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, was a fan of Exoo.

>Four months before his massacre, Betts was informed of a far-right rally in Dayton by none other than Exoo himself. “Thanks for the heads up,” Betts wrote in response to Exoo announcing the details of the event. At the protest, a witness who went to school with Betts said he saw him masked and carrying a rifle similar to the one he would later use in the August mass killing.

>Christian Exoo did not respond to repeated queries for comment.

Look what the faggot psychopath did. He inspired Connor Betts to commit a massacre.

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1d3928  No.21159

File: ac3e3546dbd5559⋯.jpg (73.97 KB, 760x380, 2:1, dayton-shooting-victims-9u….jpg)

These people died because antifa faggot Christian Exoo inspired antifa faggot Connor Betts to commit a massacre. Thanks antifa.

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9d8ce6  No.21199


6 nogs, 2 oil drillers and 1 coal burner.

And nothing of value was lost. Coinnor Betts showed them what happens to niggers that vote Republican.

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c6d36c  No.21285

File: 913297b065f5535⋯.jpg (42.62 KB, 800x400, 2:1, 295217b5161093b18259910b65….jpg)


He knows damn well what he is doing. He can never admit it publicly, but a bodycount is exactly what he's hoping for with his little e-crusade.



>That poor dumbfuck white guy who forgot to lurk two years.

Jesus Christ.

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229665  No.21315

File: afd30f7fcca396e⋯.png (178.29 KB, 330x319, 30:29, golface award.png)




I hate the media even more now for depriving us of the hilarious details.

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274bbc  No.21321


>mostly niggers

Is antifa, dare I say, /ourguys/?

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f89eeb  No.21352


>brain development peaks at 14-15

The brain may be at the largest at 14-15 but that is because it has not yet entered the final developement stage where the number of connections shrinks and are optimized as brain integration vastly improves. It is in this late stage that the mental traits that we call "good judgement" and "foresight" starts to appear. Teens lack this because their brains simply arent finished growing.

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58dfe1  No.21638

Fag looks like Tom Holland.

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5a5079  No.21760


Stupid stance because critical thinking part of the brain isn't fully developed until 25. 16 makes sense due to physical maturity which is why that's the most common age chosen in the west. Saying it should be 18 is always bizarre to me, even when I look at the US most of the states that have it at 18 are liberal like New York or California.

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2d43ac  No.21773

File: 561909af8cd2f68⋯.jpg (277.12 KB, 1964x1427, 1964:1427, 65974959_10217257378898722….jpg)

File: 3f288109e5b8b64⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, mb2.jpg)

File: 862d4388c3ec8ed⋯.jpg (160.55 KB, 615x901, 615:901, mb.jpg)

The article mentions "…and one Filipina ally" who was present

This is Mike Basila (Real name Michael Basilas) from Antifa / NYC

On the 1st of May 2017 it was Brittany Venti who kicked him in the face and that got her arrested

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2d43ac  No.21791

File: 9a2b2db6dfd3a87⋯.jpg (272 KB, 1188x667, 1188:667, Amy.jpg)

Some close up shots from one of his accomplices 'Amy'

Backpack's brand is Camelbak


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ba948e  No.22111

Christian Exoo


Building Supervisor

Library Department:

Access Services


(315) 229-5451


ODY Library


Liberals like these are always the same. They have a high paying job that requires little effort (its not real work) and what they actually do is useless and isn't worth what they are paid.

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c44cfb  No.22536

Lol why is it always the anti Nazis caught being pedophiles. For a while these retards have being bitching and moaning about how Nazi are pedos and evil racists only for them to actually end up being caught being what they project.

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734d22  No.22887


>Exoo is accused of reveling in the use of racial slurs and putting the security of his paranoid extremist troll network at risk by integrating recently “rehabilitated former Nazis”

Who do you think is posting all the nigger threads/replies that keeps pol distracted from the relevant topics? Every time an israel thread is posted it gets spammed with nigger replies.

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c6d36c  No.23243

File: bce9ac604e2db05⋯.png (123.33 KB, 768x432, 16:9, morning routine.png)


>Lol why is it always the bad guys caught doing evil shit.

It's a mystery my man.

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2d43ac  No.26002

File: ea0dff7a1be58e2⋯.jpg (239.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 13.jpg)

File: cde4078b128c523⋯.jpg (277.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 14.jpg)

File: f38a420b8864050⋯.jpg (265.89 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 15.jpg)

He also removed his shirt for a while

Mr Spaghetti arms

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d5cee8  No.29056

File: a9e020f8995b088⋯.jpg (28.61 KB, 321x333, 107:111, Colmar_Judensau.jpg)

Bump faggot

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2d43ac  No.29252

File: 3e708f5c8e3d07b⋯.jpg (263.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 16.jpg)

File: fb5902dbfbe26a8⋯.jpg (280.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 17.jpg)

File: 22bd55847bbcbf8⋯.jpg (278.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 18.jpg)

File: 57e85d21e354b88⋯.jpg (272.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 19.jpg)

File: 8c904dee0c233f0⋯.jpg (281.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20.jpg)



Correction. The woman in these posts is NOT one of his accomplices 'Amy'.

In pics related you can see his 2 accomplices 'Amy' and 'Kevin'

In one pic you can see AFG having another conversation with Daryle Lamont Jenkins.

Somewhat later 'Kevin' removes his sunglasses and hugs Daryle

Fyi - the old guy with the white beard and green shirt is Jesse Schultz from Antifa DC. He can be seen on a bike on the right of the pictures. He was there with Lacy MacAuley also Antifa DC. They are friends with pedo Luke Kuhn

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2d43ac  No.29257

File: 588f8ec8dafc4b3⋯.jpg (255 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 21.jpg)

File: 8ba29759c9086c6⋯.jpg (236.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 22.jpg)

File: 78cf601b4d3558f⋯.jpg (240.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 23.jpg)

File: 7f29ba73451ba5a⋯.png (13.83 KB, 450x112, 225:56, StuartLeon.png)

When antifa was going to confront the right 'Amy' and 'Kevin' covered their faces.

'Amy' has a tattoo of a flower on her left fore arm, is wearing a shirt with a 0 printed at the back and on the front 'Stuart Leon Bicycle Crash Law'.

Stuart Leon is located in Philadelphia and seems to know a lot of bike messengers.

A lot of Philly bike messengers are Antifa or have connections with them. 'Amy' seems to wear bike trousers so this might be a lead.

Fyi - Lindsey Moers had many Philly bike messengers as friends. She's the one who hit a guy on the head with a batton at the Unite The Right Rally 2017.

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55e2d1  No.29320


Three types of these people I find:

The Wimps

>I am weak/something disgusting/degenerate

>These people say they accept everybody

>These people are numerous so can protect me if I'm in trouble

>I will side with them so I am safe so that I am protected

The Predators

>These people are on the rise/powerful

>I will use them to get power because I cannot get power the way most people usually do

>I will champion them so I have atleast some power in my life

and finally The Fool:

>I cannot think for myself and have been told by superiors what to think. Thus, I agree with whatever I am told.

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1a9f24  No.29385



I smell the deep state shills trying to

"hey kid, wanna-"


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d290a5  No.29438

>we are going to fight the right!

>Majority of them are either;


<have bitch tits

<or actual stick men

Logistically how they expect to defeat an opponent? This is just further proof their only goal is to attack conserviatives who will never fight back and not people like the Rise Above Movement or any actual fascists. They are to weak and inclusive for that.

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3d4ddb  No.29527


>Exoo allegedly seemed excited that an (allegedly) underage girl had flirted with him.

>allegedly acted in an abusive or inappropriate manner that left them uncomfortable

he did things that made the young, Black, transgender activist(s) uncomfortable. heavens no.

>published on Twitter last summer, but they deleted it after Exoo allegedly held their personal items “hostage.”

"If you want your dialator's back: delete this."

Maybe he's a pedo. maybe. Maybe all of that is an example of sensitive victim behavior turning on the white man that was never going to be accepted by the degenerates he chose to champion.

His self proclaimed doxxing activism and apparent ideology are the only problems I see here.

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7cb565  No.29546


99.9% of the small minority that actually would/do take lethal action are not larping about it over imagine boards or online forums. Although I agree with them on certain issues, they should not be taken very seriously, and if they try to recruit you into committing violence be aware of "The Base"-style FBI honeypot entrapment.

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2a7481  No.29948

File: 578d921168cf697⋯.jpg (516.76 KB, 1000x679, 1000:679, 8e5840cc82c53275b349c23e59….jpg)


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04fb05  No.29957


They want the government to do it for them, while they kvetch about how much it oppresses them and larp as "the resistance".

And of course it's not the wheezing, fire-hydrant shaped duhbersity hires they demanded who'll do it either.

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2d43ac  No.30969

File: f6d6e23d824c04f⋯.jpg (616.6 KB, 1724x1248, 431:312, 24.jpg)

File: 1f9d4abe318a95d⋯.jpg (949.1 KB, 1949x935, 1949:935, 25.jpg)

File: 5e69512526e6c28⋯.jpg (1000.38 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, 26.jpg)

Kim Kelly and her boyfriend (both Antifa NYC) were also present at the rally on the 6th of July in DC. She currently writes for Teen Vogue

Also one pic with Lacy MacAuley

She's the one who traveled to Turkey to show Islam was a religion of peace to get beaten up and raped by her boy friend


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3f1acb  No.31134

File: 97f8cbcb2c705ea⋯.png (325.77 KB, 618x407, 618:407, 97f8cbcb2c705eac8a63a8c3c0….png)

File: 7bc5c20973d5d15⋯.jpg (139.97 KB, 890x641, 890:641, Paid_Opposition.jpg)


>She's the one who traveled to Turkey to show Islam was a religion of peace to get beaten up and raped by her boy friend

At some point I have to begin to doubt the full intentional evil of these people and just chalk much of their behaviour down to being total fucking idiots.

Thanks as always for keeping the thread going. It's about time this board gets some OSINT training.

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0b5515  No.31301


>antifa doxing activist

Wew That's some oxymoron. He's a terrorist.

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61cf2f  No.33943



>Convicted paedophile Pat Corcoran is back at the helm of the anti-fascist gang ANTIFA again. The violent anti-fascist group went quiet without Corcoran , they had no guidance at the top and didn't know where to turn next. So they have been forced to bring back Pat Corcoran to guide them in strategies to find easy "fascist" and "nazi" targets again.

He's back at it again too.

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a4502d  No.34949


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b275a3  No.35143


evil pays well

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9db8d5  No.35424

File: 08fb3744ca6382f⋯.png (840.39 KB, 500x774, 250:387, antufa.png)

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2d43ac  No.36014

File: f152347df2df0bd⋯.jpg (176.1 KB, 989x598, 43:26, SandiBachom_StephanieKeith.jpg)

Sandi Bachom and Stephanie Keith were also present.


In this lefty article >>19559 they mention the brawl between Proud Boys and Antifa in NYC:

"Shortly thereafter, McInnes posted about his upcoming appearance in New York. The team scoured the event’s RSVP list (which was public) and found several overlaps, including a man named Maxwell Hare, who had been involved in the fights in Providence. They posted his information in a Twitter thread just hours before someone resembling Hare was captured on videotape assaulting anti-fascist protesters on the Upper East Side. Following the melee, a local group, @nycantifa, published a dossier of key players and a taunting video. When police put out a call for information about three unknown persons of interest, @nycantifa promptly obliged."

It was Sandi Bachom who provided footage of this incident to the police. Because of that 2 Proud Boys got sent to jail for 4y each. 8 others got 10months each. Proud Boys were threated like a gang. Antifa who were dressed in black, wearing masks and were waiting for the Proud Boys to leave the place and then confront them got nothing. Officially because they aren't identified.



The lefty article also mentions:

> S., one of the cofounders of the Jewish group, pointed out…

> S. said when asked why she’d agreed to let a reporter attend the meeting. “Smoke will come out of their ears.”

S. might be Sandi Bachom

So we know S. is female

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94c107  No.36100

>amerilards think attraction to femoids below the wrinkly age of 30 is pedophilia


They're doing more than their opponents are. The last time someone on /pol/'s side actually did something instead of acting like posting memes online would save the white race, he was called a "mossad stooge" by schizophrenics that don't understand video compression technology.

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30b89d  No.36309


Agree. Pol is, was and always will be a board of peace.

St. Tarrant did nothing wrong.

The video you saw was just CGI. No one else here will ever do anything like that.

Anyone claiming to be planning violence isn't /pol/.

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f879e1  No.36853

Deserves a bump.

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588666  No.36907


>oy vey goy don’t do anything ever, and anyone who tries is a hoax and not part of you or working for you oy vey never do anything


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2d43ac  No.36952

File: e844e7e635ace6d⋯.jpg (6.31 KB, 200x250, 4:5, 1497904243930s.jpg)

File: fa4e47a8398a3d8⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 59423471.jpg)

File: 08f517cb0255514⋯.jpg (57.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)



Whenever the SAGE starts we know we hit a nerve. Thanks for the confirmation.

Other: meet James Anderson-Furgeson, editor and probably the founder of www.ItsGoingDown.org

Usually when his ugly mug gets posted the

SAGE-ing really starts because he really hates it that his cuck-face gets public attention.

(May 1987)

Locations past and present: Berkeley, CA, Austin, TX, Claremont, CA

Berkely Student/Professor of plant gene engineering






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588666  No.36958


Are you fucking retarded? I’m not talking about antifa at all. The sage was for BEING OFF TOPIC to the thread.

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1a050d  No.36960


Then stop saging and REPORT the message

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2df1c9  No.39453

Have people ‘round these parts ever stooped to notice that leftists purge the dishonest from their ranks while conservatives instead submit to dishonesty?

Trump did things that would have honest moralists rejecting him, and he revealed the basic corruption if moralism in America. Meanwhile, the left has been doing their best to exemplify voluntary adherence to high standards for a long time.

They’re imperfect, but at least the left *tries* to cleanse evil. Right-wingers tend to wallow obediently in evil, broken if the strong spines they’d need to uphold their own stated values.

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c6d36c  No.39476

File: 17abc1b0dd58f5d⋯.jpg (87.77 KB, 862x630, 431:315, 1570075335486.jpg)


>the left has been doing their best to exemplify voluntary adherence to high standards for a long time.

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aeba32  No.39504

File: 9ad6871afc1b23e⋯.jpg (131.94 KB, 1024x970, 512:485, antifa neoliberal ruling c….jpg)

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aeba32  No.39507

File: 19cd9b67bc15c1f⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 600x429, 200:143, Ukraine impeachment fiasco….jpg)


The entire Ukraine phone call witch hunt was an attempt by Dems/RINOs to cover-up Pelosi, Biden, and Romney's ties to Burisma.

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7507d4  No.39510

File: dfea958c94d90ca⋯.jpg (51.49 KB, 750x549, 250:183, D87UyaUXsAA28o8.jpg)


1) If you think that anything in that post was "calling for acts of political terrorism", then reading comprehension clearly isn't your strong suit

2) I'm not really sure what you were getting at with that rambling second sentence, but massacring white civilians at a country musical festival isn't much of a nationalist course of action is it? Unless you'd like to convince us otherwise, officer?




Way to keep the discussion devoid of its context, anon.

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c6d36c  No.39512

File: 88b9144e4ac7b7e⋯.jpg (75.13 KB, 500x449, 500:449, celebrate reichversity.jpg)


H-h-he wasn't really one of us.

Ok faggot.

You're an irredeemable for falling for their left/right, commie/capatalist dichotomies in the first place, anyway.

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7507d4  No.39514


Burisma is just the start. That entire regime-change op of Obama's is collapsing like a house of cards in super slow motion.

It has been, is, and will be glorious to witness.

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aeba32  No.39515


There's still the problem of the 9th Circuit Court being West Coast faggots that block every remotely-nationalist thing Trump does though.

I personally thing the (((Judicial Branch))) is just kikes' tool for stopping populist movements at this point.

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588666  No.39548


Because it doesn’t matter. Reports do nothing. Any spam is allowed to stay here forever. This comment took me THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES to go through, spamming the button the entire time. The website is completely unusable. Jim cares about NOTHING but Q-LARP money.


>jew group does thing to get rid of non-jews who don’t worship jews

>other jew group does thing to gather non-jews who worship jews

Yeah, that’s how it works.

>at least

What the fuck are you talking about.

>tries to cleanse evil

Just fucking kill yourself. This isn’t ironic. Blow your brains out. Evil is objectively defined. Wrong is objectively defined. Leftists cleanse ideological impurity.

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588666  No.39550


Imagine actually believing that, subhuman.

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aeba32  No.39601


>he thinks Spencer is a militant

Retard alert.

Spencer has a livestream show on YouTube called "The McSpencer Group", you can watch it yourself.

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7507d4  No.39635


>1) He hints that fash should attack people he doesn't like

No, _I_ was suggesting that it would be their deserved fate, whoever should ultimately deliver it to them.

>he wouldn't be suggesting going after physically nearby targets

This never happened. I was making clear that the image presented by the hitpieces of CNN, Vox and Vice differ largely from the actual reality of the situation. Virtually nobody here, or on 8chan's /pol/, were the actual embodiment of comedic pastiches that Hollywood and Silicon Valley have been attempting to spin about us since the dawn of the war, and this is why the narrative-spinning conveniences of Vegas et. al were necessary to actually build such a case. Were any of that actually true, all of our enemies would be long dead already.

>All this shit about 'exonerating Spencer's bodyguard'

Pilpul the likes I have never seen. Again, not once was I attempting to incite violence or any crime. Kindly go back to cuckchan and stop wasting the bump limit of my thread, you illiterate, futile dipshit.

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af966c  No.39951


I really hope you aren't white, it would be a shame if one of our own has fallen so far.

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bc42f6  No.41033


>Okay, so you're BOTH passive-aggressively advocating for violence.

No, both of those IDs are me, and I was advocating for nothing. This oddity of attempting to force the situation of Spencer's bodyguard into the fray, something I was never talking about, is seeming of more and more bad faith as you go on, so this will be my last response to your awkward shilling ITT. That Paddock wasn't explicitly alleged (as far as I recall) to be a white supremacist is irrelevant, as it ignores the entire context of the debate on firearms ownership in which it was being framed at the time, and how similar attacks continue to be framed today. And the likelihood of being made an example of by our occupied judicial system is not in support of us actually having done anything wrong - but if you want to continue interpreting my posts as if you were a member of antifa yourself, you are certainly free to.

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bc42f6  No.41216

File: a3937c4262776e4⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, K9248twLku4jUcpc.mp4)

File: 8ca027e3a894f1c⋯.jpg (73.46 KB, 1058x595, 1058:595, EQVzODSWkAEozJB.jpg)


To our resident hunters, here's a recent case I believe took place in D.C., of a few antifa folks attempting to throw a lady in front of an oncoming car. One poster responded point out how some of the perpetrators seemed to be unmasked, so videos from alternate angles could come in handy with getting a better view of these people.

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bc42f6  No.57399

File: 5d0d638d9c13430⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 1055x587, 1055:587, ERy7CZrUwAEVzif.jpg)

Reposting the Gorcenski dox here:

>Sup goys

>This is the real identity of a prominent antifa doxxer on twitter, "Emily" Gorcenski, a.k.a Edward James Gorcenski. His address is 319 5th St SW Charlottesville 22903-5525 and his personal email address is gorcee@hotmail.com , associated with many data breaches but didn't give out many passwords (although it gave out plenty of data)

>Possible relatives: Michael Gorcenski, Florence Gorcenski, Loretta Gorcenski, Robert Gorcenski, Tyler Gorcenski

>His age is 37

>His phone number: (434) 973-1215

>International: +14349731215

>Former IP, might still be his since it's close to the location:

>98. 244. 84. 176

>ISP: Comcast

>Here are some videos of him talking:






Spread far and wide, my dudes.

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bc42f6  No.57406

File: 7adc5df5abd6120⋯.jpg (192.07 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, ERzwhs0XYAEjdrb.jpg)

File: ade4c2038dd40fa⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, ERzwiHQXsAAWMmJ.jpg)

File: 0b8684ad3e6819c⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 250x244, 125:122, ERzwiQuXYAAYB7s.jpg)

File: c995e8f85a5ce1c⋯.png (176.06 KB, 1132x4640, 283:1160, ruin a life.png)

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2d43ac  No.57566

File: df31fd9d857abca⋯.jpg (159.96 KB, 1741x965, 1741:965, EduardGorcenksi.jpg)


Why sage?

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bc42f6  No.57885


Double-posting (and in this case, an off-topic post).

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2d43ac  No.58071

File: 1249b4808a15448⋯.jpg (538.16 KB, 750x1105, 150:221, as1.jpg)

File: bbfbd004276afc0⋯.jpg (110.61 KB, 740x636, 185:159, as2.jpg)

File: 9b39514856baf36⋯.jpg (403.62 KB, 750x1213, 750:1213, Gwen1.jpg)

File: 85a642818d966df⋯.jpg (117.17 KB, 750x932, 375:466, Gwen2.jpg)

File: 07c0e566b4bdcb4⋯.jpg (218.02 KB, 750x798, 125:133, Gwen3.jpg)

The tranny who accused AFG made a new Twitter account and posted some screenshots. It seems their #believevictims indoctrination doesn't always count.



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8952d8  No.58215

Is this just antifa doxx general cuz people on 4chung pol were spreading a gorcinski doxx and i cant find it here

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8952d8  No.58238


okay i literally had to scroll up a bit to find the doxx

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2d43ac  No.58511

File: dd97b75fedd8508⋯.jpg (234.06 KB, 747x510, 249:170, emily4.jpg)

File: 49fbcce2b34a2f7⋯.png (829.12 KB, 1116x724, 279:181, TW.png)


>Is this just antifa doxx general

It's mainly about AFG but we're also laying out his network. Eduard Gorcinski is part of AFG's network.


Probably an old doxx as Eduard moved to Berlin, Germany about 2y ago. The Charlottesville address is probably the address where his wife lives cos she didn't move to Germany.

But he does frequently visit Charlottesville.

His German employer is ThoughtWorks.com

It's a consultancy company that promotes Social Justice and hires POC/LGBT/…

Eddy also was pissed off recently because he was misgendered… it wasn't

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2a7c9e  No.58526




At least try to fit in.

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84cfd8  No.59304

File: cc73882846e3d41⋯.jpg (222.72 KB, 1043x1043, 1:1, 66663627_406474693301319_1….jpg)

File: bed81454cb5f614⋯.jpg (278.75 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 67091084_10156154108992294….jpg)

File: ca06173d502c078⋯.jpg (611.21 KB, 1949x935, 1949:935, 66188778_10217257398899222….jpg)

File: b03dd9ecb4eb73f⋯.jpg (378.49 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 67080011_10220658587201434….jpg)

File: c5572d2712e967c⋯.jpg (346.61 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 66373943_10220658574681121….jpg)

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0446f5  No.59315

File: 9565143692c3c47⋯.png (16.88 KB, 473x271, 473:271, 1943025549372.png)


>#lovethyneighbor (no exceptions)

But what if he's a GNAAAATZZEEEEEE

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8952d8  No.59602


How the fuck is saying "doxx" not right in your eyes faggot.

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8940ca  No.59616


>love thy neighbor

Good Samaritan parable reading fail. Your neighbor is the person, and only the person, who looks after you when you get robbed and bashed by antifa faggots. Everyone else is fair game.

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8940ca  No.59618


Retarded gatekeeping. Ignore him. He is useless. Otherwise he would attack your argument instead of your words.



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91258b  No.71150

File: fde61f4f44e4112⋯.jpeg (175.08 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, WhatsApp_Image_2020_03_07….jpeg)


Obligatory link to the recent Burkean project re: uncovering antifa ties within Irish politics.

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d7cc1d  No.72097


it's the other way around.

a damn shame if you ask me, since it yield no return.

i care little of morality, aside from using the pretense lefties have against themselves.

muh poor lil faggot/femishit will allways be pitted against their support for muzz.

same with metoo'ing femishits vs kikes.

and so on, and so on.

you just turn people pragmatical in wanting all of you gone.

in the end leftists support immigration and faggotry.

there is no recovering from that simple reality.

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7507d4  No.89772

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2d43ac  No.91039

File: 2ad02ee0bf4fdc5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 870.92 KB, 1944x2592, 3:4, liz_collar.jpg)

File: 2a102a733abc18d⋯.png (89.16 KB, 816x522, 136:87, upload_2018_1_28_4_43_53.png)

File: 4e88fd7cc847da3⋯.jpg (54.97 KB, 425x550, 17:22, LizFongJones_Closure.jpg)


Thanks anon.

Here, have a rare pic of the other tranny that is mentioned in the article Liz Fong Jones.

He's married with another tranny. Both identify as woman so they clame to have a lesbian relationship. That tranny loves to dominate Liz; Liz loves to be dominated and that's why you can always see him wearing a dog collar.

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84cfd8  No.93034

File: 717438064dc8c44⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 750x1026, 125:171, EU30yfIWsAMFv0h.jpg)

Some new tweet about his predator behavior:





>He sent this to a chat in 2018. A pic of one of his students drinking at his house. And captioned it “the kids are getting into the sauce, ma”.

>And he even did it to his college students who were not apparently involved in antifascist work with him.

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4c3771  No.93115

File: 1857d89c7466573⋯.png (2.96 MB, 750x7750, 3:31, 1247477722055573505.png)

File: 4a9fa3e2d99e7cb⋯.png (1.13 MB, 750x5150, 15:103, 1240162562559348736.png)

File: b4c8a135851e353⋯.png (477.52 KB, 750x2080, 75:208, 1246921825038319618.png)

File: 4bb5b168217fc1e⋯.png (92.52 KB, 750x840, 25:28, 1236524351631044608.png)

File: 4f9885eb910178b⋯.png (73.73 KB, 750x740, 75:74, 1244639998697181184.png)

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4c3771  No.93124

File: 24393d526b57f8c⋯.png (823.67 KB, 600x3298, 300:1649, 1245553394665820161.png)

File: cb318314202a6d6⋯.png (112.04 KB, 600x1022, 300:511, 1246571981249679369.png)

File: f14366a417ea764⋯.png (234.55 KB, 592x593, 592:593, EVD2Yq1UUAIudRy.png)

File: e1ff042b214764d⋯.png (137.65 KB, 597x560, 597:560, EVD2Yq2U0AIzbJW.png)

File: 1ebe55d320479a0⋯.png (128.18 KB, 600x540, 10:9, EVD2etDUMAAWSmN.png)

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4c3771  No.94007

File: bae70819f8fa931⋯.png (70.9 KB, 594x298, 297:149, EVD2tPIUMAgwVFY.png)

File: d9ee0227890f119⋯.png (138.58 KB, 594x594, 1:1, EVD3fasU0AMJtLg.png)

File: 8547070d72272e0⋯.jpg (162.38 KB, 728x1105, 56:85, EVEBHKtVAAIQBJZ.jpg)

File: 6d885545289cd6d⋯.jpg (124.94 KB, 750x1006, 375:503, EVEBHKtU4AUDTVa.jpg)

File: 236dc11026e51e5⋯.png (5.43 MB, 1260x9800, 9:70, medium_com_jjfasmc_on_anti….png)

Fuck it I went and did the Medium article too. And it seems Cernovich finally caught wind of this shit.



I've been trying to think of a way to sum up the inevitable walking bags of emotional stunting and sociopathy that is these people and the messes of their lives that we always end up encountering, but I suppose all I can really say at this point is that I will always find it to be funny. The real question is, what is the most effective way to use this as an even bigger wedge in their 'community'?

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c29336  No.94024

File: 2fc065ef0c2c4a5⋯.jpg (644 KB, 2959x1866, 2959:1866, DeathCabLocation.jpg)

File: 47481d0721733f6⋯.jpeg (213.32 KB, 892x1280, 223:320, 4209604ddb98e98e.jpeg)

File: f53c93973cee690⋯.jpg (610.98 KB, 1888x1483, 1888:1483, DeathCabHouse.jpg)

This is one of Exoo's Internet followers who abuses his position at the post office to harass anyone with right-wing leanings.

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c29336  No.94026


The address is 1529 not 1500 like the map shows. It's still the approximate location.

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dfb0c0  No.94028


Does that make the house shown in >>94024 the wrong house?

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2d43ac  No.94037





Thanks anons!

And Bumperino cos we're being raided.

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c29336  No.94050


The house is correct. It's on Google Maps.

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c29336  No.94060

You know what would also be fun? If someone got recent pics of their houses and the make, model, and license plate numbers of the cars parked there.

You + Burner Phone = Epic Troll

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2d43ac  No.94334

File: 4e16e5dff2bb1ac⋯.jpg (107.86 KB, 574x505, 574:505, SoraMC_Article.jpg)


UPDATE! It seems that this is the tranny who wrote the Medium article as Sora M.C. Link can be found in OP's post:




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2d43ac  No.94336

File: b5dbaf35ff19d59⋯.jpg (126.73 KB, 723x452, 723:452, AFG_Catfished.jpg)

File: 2a27ce4d3a6a5c9⋯.jpg (298.46 KB, 1919x1689, 1919:1689, AFG4.jpg)

And Antifash Gordon got catfished in May 2019.





From the facebook post:

We are aware that Christian Exoo is believed to be Antifash Gordon. We have been tracking him for a while, and were looking to gather as much info about him as possible before releasing what we have. We are a bit disappointed that we did not break the news, however we are glad to add to what has already been put out by other people in order to help solidify the claims.

Antifash seems to think that he can throw people off by having people from Boston send him pictures of the city; that he then publishes as his own in an attempt to make it seem like he is in Boston. No one should buy these, as through his own DM's which an anonymous source has provided for us he admits to being from upstate New York. In addition to this he also admits to being 37. Christian Exoo is both an upstate New Yorker, as well as 37 years old. This source informed us that Antifash told them he works at a library on a college campus. In Canton, NY there is a college called St. Lawrence University, where Christian works in the library. In addition to this, according to a source on twitter, Christian has given talks on how to dox political opponents in the past.

Funny enough, his father is a professor at the college, and his mother is a lawyer. It's perfect irony that this man who believes white privilege is such an evil thing, yet he clearly benefits from the privilege he had from his parent's professions. It's safe to assume that he is fairly well off. His father's position at the college makes us wonder if Antifash got a nice cushy job in the library as a favor.

Antifash Gordon has been a very ineffective troll who has only been able to get to the low hanging fruit. He is a complete joke. He admits to starting the twitter in a bid to threaten political opponents. We suggest that anyone, and everyone affected by his lies, slander, harassment, and threats talk to a legal representative about the attacks. This man deserves to pay for every ounce of ongoing pain caused to the lives of his targets.

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2d43ac  No.94356

File: 453709fca5603b8⋯.jpg (176.24 KB, 1075x879, 1075:879, AFG_PaulMinton.jpg)

File: 679c04feca98960⋯.jpg (226.14 KB, 547x1514, 547:1514, PaulMinton2.jpg)

File: 5684715415289d4⋯.jpg (119.86 KB, 546x945, 26:45, PaulMinton3.jpg)

File: a6c351fb969e119⋯.jpg (50.36 KB, 546x340, 273:170, PaulMinton.jpg)

File: 275a4282bca1523⋯.jpg (427.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MintonAndMassey.jpg)

Antifash Gordon asks to support a good friend of his: Paul Minton



Paul Minton used to be a nazi skin who was involved in murder. He betrayed his friend so he didn't have to go to jail. Now he resides with Philly Antifa. He was also present at UTR on 12th of August 2017 with his Philly Antifa buddies like Tom Keenan & Thomas Massey

Fyi: Joseph Alcoff, Tom Keenan & Thomas Massey were arrested because they attacked 2 latino marines as they thought they were Proud Boys:


Note that Paul Minton's account is Misk215

This account is mentioned here in the Discord Leaks:


So most likely he's on of the people who infiltrated the Discord Servers

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2d43ac  No.94365


Messages Paul Minton posted in the DiscordLeaks:


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2d43ac  No.94415

File: 40ef18e4c83982d⋯.jpg (47.01 KB, 665x556, 665:556, AFG5.jpg)

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6a76ed  No.95157

File: bb2478861108609⋯.jpg (131.6 KB, 827x1358, 827:1358, D6Ep47zV4AAZ5cL.jpg)

File: 79787f9b39b5113⋯.jpg (103.14 KB, 827x1207, 827:1207, D6Ep479UEAEhetM.jpg)

File: 3f19baa05c81c25⋯.jpg (112.04 KB, 810x599, 810:599, AFG_ExpectationVsReality2.jpg)

File: 68971bba584672e⋯.jpg (122.15 KB, 810x599, 810:599, GS_ExpectationsVsReality.jpg)

It seems that he plagiarized women of color in an article he wrote about how plagiarism effects women of color.




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a4ed68  No.95348


But it doesn't have to be.

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84cfd8  No.96548

File: 525d67364ca8bd4⋯.jpg (38.76 KB, 405x540, 3:4, f01ca4a10fa567e2e00c6cdc73….jpg)

File: 5255ad6cb69da28⋯.jpg (87.22 KB, 590x898, 295:449, 20e0528b345d6ef1378490e7fb….jpg)

File: a741e830cc74afa⋯.jpg (130.22 KB, 989x973, 989:973, 17d881b54c7fa055522ee42883….jpg)

File: c26ca681ffd5de9⋯.jpg (90.08 KB, 1354x673, 1354:673, craigslist_ad_for_emily.jpg)

File: f9b430858d562b6⋯.jpg (209.81 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Picture_021.jpg)

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063e8c  No.97004


/pol/ is a board of peace, just like islam is religion of peace. Didn't you faggot get the memo years ago?

Also glowniggers, if they are seeking entrapment in a fucking international siamese pig-farming anonymous board, they would either give you specific information how to get to the target and what do (so they could wait the poor fucker who accepted the idea there) or try to get you to expose yourself and your plan (like by joining a group, so they don't need to wait for proof).

Just throwing ramdom non-specific shit in the wind would be useless for entrapment. Imagine glow-anon said

<"someone" should use jornalists as Christmas baubles this year around

And a lurker went

>This is a good idea

Would Smith glow and his glowing friends, know which lurker just snapped? Would they know his target? Would they even be sure they would catch him after the deed was done? Would he be the only one? And what if this lurker was outside US?

The alphabet niggers could do this to blame the board and shut it down? Maybe. But it would be retarded, because they could do the same with a hoax, and wouldn't run the risk of getting fucked by some McVeigh reincarnation. What's the point of throwing chaos in the machine?

The deradfags and some archivists are a bigger chance of being feds than minecraftposters.

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18a9fb  No.98676

File: 902709a81288956⋯.png (57.56 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, afg_dw2.png)

File: d6bb52c4545b1b6⋯.png (65.61 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, afg_dw1.png)

File: 674e072136cbcb0⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 1280x600, 32:15, EOF3B6vXUAAZDEN.jpg)

This was the twitter account that exposed AntifashGordon:


In just a few days it got suspended because it only did exactly the same as AFG is doing. His account is still active and he's still doxing people and has a sick pleasure in it.

Some more Antifa scum exposed:


Word is that when he completely panicked and nearly shit his pants after he found out he was doxed.

Molly Conger aka SocialistDogMom asked ChrisExoo on the 9th of May if he was doing ok

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2d43ac  No.99130

File: dd84489db93e3bc⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ChristianExooBlogProfile.jpg)

File: 6ab0c0ff543c76c⋯.jpg (201.42 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, myspaceistheworst2.jpg)

File: f6943cc619a832a⋯.jpg (17.26 KB, 671x113, 671:113, CE_Cocaine.jpg)

It seems that Christian Exoo likes alcohol and drugs.

He used to have a blog osricinamerica.blogspot.com

In the header he describes himself as:


In his blog profile you can read: "I have a need/fear relationship with alcohol"


His Myspace profile: "Some of my friends would describe me as a mean-spirited drug addict"

Here's an old blog entry: Dear guy who offered me cocaine:

"To begin, sir, please note that I am familiar with cocaine– more than familiar"


Rumor is that his dad also loved the bottle and called it his demon.

So is AFG a coke snorting alcoholic? Is he time drunk/intoxicated when he tweets? Does he reward himself with some extra booze/coke each time he doxes someone?

Not sure how the combination alcoholic/coke-head with protector of the innocent and the weak works out…

it might explain some things.

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1c0cfe  No.99148



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7507d4  No.99943

File: ea1e96cdb765d18⋯.png (429.46 KB, 726x400, 363:200, kravovillevelleNJ.png)


lol, nice finds as always

From an existing thread on the topic:


>"Antifa" Organizer Exposed As Member of Elite Political Family

>Sean Thomas Kratovil-Lavelle, pictured above at an “Antifa” rally next to his sister Charlotte, posts on the Iron Front’s reddit under his own name, bragging about engaging in the groups masked antics. Kratovil-Levelle is wearing the three arrows symbol appropriated by anarchist paramilitary organizations, while his sister is wearing a “Refuse Fascism” t-shirt, a group run by the Revolutionary Communist Party.

>According to witnesses, the mother of the two, an immigration attorney and open borders activist, was present with them at the rally.

>Kratovil-Levelle is local Maryland aristocracy. The “antifa” member’s grandfather, Frank Kratovil Sr, was a Maryland County activist judge who openly supported the NAACP and Betty Friedan’s radical feminist group the “National Organization for Women.”

>His uncle, Frank Kratovil Jr, served in the House of Representatives for Maryland’s 1st Congressional District from 2009 to 2011 as a Democrat. Despite being an incumbent and raising over a million dollars for his race, Kratovil lost to Republican Andy Harris in 2010. A year after leaving office, Governor Martin O’Malley appointed Kratovil to be a judge in the same district his father served in, demonstrating a stark but familiar lack of meritocracy in the America’s incestual plutocratic system.

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2d43ac  No.101450

File: 20219f3a1c6fa20⋯.png (227.02 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, eoin_01.png)

File: 8cf9a3bb237ebab⋯.png (602.01 KB, 974x781, 974:781, Connections.png)

File: 0a773f7b1bc90f7⋯.jpg (142.62 KB, 1023x574, 1023:574, WilsonAndMarquez.jpg)


Thanks. Yes I saw it.

MSM and antifa wants us to believe that antifa is just a small group of people who act on their own. Formed because like minded people want to do something about fascism, racism, oppression, injustice,… And what they show us are the sjw soy boys and the crazy radfems chimping out but once you start digging deeper you'll soon see there is more.

There's a network of journalists who will spin and lie the stories so hard that the left always comes out as the good guys and the right as the nazis looking for violence.

You'll find them between Journalists, lawyers, school teachers, university professors, politicians, unions, twitter, facebook, youtube, …

There's even an antifa who works as a director in a psychiatric hospital.

This article from Eoin Lenahan is from May 2019 but interesting to read:


When Eoin Lenahan started to tweet about his new findings his twitter account got suspended in no time. it shows how biased twitter is.

Some of his tweets are archived:




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2d43ac  No.101823

File: fb9fca9e16f5385⋯.jpg (192.36 KB, 961x903, 961:903, ChristianExooCiccMaher.jpg)

File: 5b03973a41948cc⋯.jpg (166.98 KB, 793x893, 793:893, ChristianExooCiccMaherComm….jpg)

File: 2ac682e9b947df8⋯.jpg (230.54 KB, 1463x964, 1463:964, ciccmaher_WhiteGenocide.jpg)

To remind you anons what a miserable piece of shit AntifashGordon/Christian Exoo is:

On 24 Dec 2016 George Ciccariello-Maher, who was an associate professor of politics and global studies at Drexel University, tweeted

@ciccmaher - "All I want for Christmas is White Genocide"



One day later on Christmas Christian Exoo refers to this tweet:

"Announcement: @ciccmaher is a wonderful person, fantastic scholar, and a national treasure. Come at me, alt-right bros"

He also mentions in the comments: "The joke is that there's no such thing as white genocide actually happening. (If it was, I might be on board, tho.)"

Now imagine that a white person would say that he would be on board if a black genocide would happen. In no time his twitter account would be

banned, his employer would be swarmed until he lost his job and he would be marked for life.

The left? they get away with it when calling for a white genocide.

Christian Exoo also like to refer to other people's mothers. A thing he does quite often. Isn't that a bit strange for a person who claims to be a defender of

women who were sexually abused?


A year later George Ciccariello-Maher announced on his facebook page that he lost his job at Drexel University. Since then this low life scum became an even

bigger nobody.

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4d472b  No.110299

File: 53d88b1e67d744d⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 36_State_Backyard.JPG)

File: ef2e47deb2fd0cc⋯.jpg (1019.73 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 36_State_Cars.JPG)

File: c9f2b6e315acc62⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 36_State_Night.JPG)

Here's a few pictures of 36 State St.

2 cars. I assume our friend drives the Eclipse.

2 Photos of the house at night. The house is on the same block as a police station, which is a deterrent for burglars. Too risky to access through the backyard. Quick access from the police station.

I assume that's why the house has next to nothing in terms of security. Not even a security door in the front. One could kick in the fancy wooden front door and be in. The backyard is fenced in. Got a pic peeking over the fence.

The more you know.

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92a7bd  No.110383

OK. Is this this guy's job? Does he do it for free? And is a uniquely leftist thing? Or does the right do shit like this too?

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c50d04  No.110384

File: 3eb91ad1d666c96⋯.jpg (120.54 KB, 911x1481, 911:1481, ir0xx0nv59701.jpg)


fuckin A

Much appreciated whether OC or not anon.

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ae2d9b  No.110553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey /pnd/, this is a public service announcement to remind you of the importance of the knowledge of how to create and manage databases.

What would you need a database for? Why, the applications are endless! Whether you want to create a personal list of people, a library catalogue, or anything else you want to keep track of, databases provide one of the best and most efficient ways of doing so. When you are proficient in what is really a simple task of creating a database, you can point it to a web-facing API and share it with the world within minutes. Or a private one if it is between friends or colleagues.

Video related is an overview of the main types of relational databases you will encounter - SQL and NoSQL. Both are usually adequate for whatever use-case, but SQL (and implementations like MySQL and Oracle, as opposed to a NoSQL program like MongoDB) tends to be opted for, for use in real-world projects. Picking up the skills of something like SQL is relatively straightforward and updating rows in a database table can be as simple as a single 'INSERT INTO' statement. Along with the W3S and ZLibrary links below, there is a plethora of free tutorials online to get you up to speed with anything you may need to be capable of in the management of basic databases.

Along with making sure the people of this board are equipped with the necessary technological skills to carry out the logistical side of the conflict we have all been forced into, this thread is also intended as a general point of discussion with regards to how to further those abilities. For example, database schema standardisation. Let's say you and a few comrades are part of cell 1, and you are communicating and coordinating with cell 2, and part of this requires the transfer of databases of similar types of data you have both been collecting - the issue here is, that without a standard design to which you both adhere, extra time and effort will be spend in working around this discrepancy, and reorganising becomes yet another task.

So perhaps brainstorming a standard schema for use to use in creating DBs can be of good use to us all in the future. Let's say, hypothetically, that we were creating a database of people. Maybe we would want the standard 'firstname', 'surname' fields, but an 'address' field too. Maybe we also want to keep track of why exactly we are adding them to such a DB - so a 'reason' (or 'crime'?) field would also be pertinent. Perhaps one for phone numbers and other points of contact, coordinates, and of course, extensive use of relations to construct networks of those who are in our DB entries.

Since /8diamonds/ was never migrated, the best we could hope for right now is a cyclic thread on the issue, but the thread I created on the issue was purged by the controlled-op /pnd/ moderators.

SQL Tutorial


Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Nixon Robin)


OSINT resources: Grouped by Activity, Data Type and Domain


bellingcat guides for open-source investigations


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2d43ac  No.111892

AFG is good friends with Michael Isaacson aka professor giraffe neck:



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c50d04  No.112034

File: dc009efbe283180⋯.jpg (123.27 KB, 960x720, 4:3, EM_Kf0WX0AE4bpY.jpg)

File: 41fa0869f0b51d9⋯.png (333.69 KB, 510x860, 51:86, Craig_Andrew_Neef_Rachel_E….png)

File: 7655a01bf75dfea⋯.jpg (85.47 KB, 1207x664, 1207:664, UnicornRiotInc.jpg)

File: 7755594871f25d6⋯.jpg (5.98 KB, 194x259, 194:259, CraigAndrewNeef.jpg)

File: 9fa580ff98f64ac⋯.jpg (32.74 KB, 512x512, 1:1, rachel.jpg)

Follow up from a post in this thread: >>111925

Unicorn Riot aka the Discord leakers have been identified as Rachel Weiland and Craig Andrew Neef.

I also came across an account posting this information since December that seems to have slipped under the radar. He's spent some of his time doxxing other antifa goons on Twitter and annoying them to the point of blocking him.



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c50d04  No.112038

File: 5376c7ba61561fc⋯.jpeg (45.69 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 19318627.jpeg)

File: f09d81947743cac⋯.png (538.75 KB, 1907x3463, 1907:3463, rachel_resume.png)





The LinkedIn page wasn't saved before it was deleted, but I've made a PNG form of her resume on CodePen. As one anon >>111846 pointed out, UR's live coverage of the incident in Minneapolis, roughly where Rachel and Craig are living, may have been cut around the time of the fires taking place around Precinct 3 in St. Paul.



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c50d04  No.112040

File: fc88542e2d505e1⋯.jpeg (19.7 KB, 460x460, 1:1, 7841212.jpeg)

File: c7b16b66d43d07e⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 512x512, 1:1, pCdkp4kc.jpg)

File: 7ca3a55dfce4cd0⋯.pdf (51.5 KB, Profile.pdf)

Throwing this here too in case there's any meaningful connection. Note, this woman may not be antifa, although she is the only followed account of Rachel on CodePen. She also lives in Minneapolis, but I didn't immediately see any crossover between their places of work or education.






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c50d04  No.112041

Also re-sharing this post of note, regarding the Charlottesville situation >>111635:

>Here is a list of antifas who were present at Unite The Right 2017. Most on 12 Aug but also 11 & 13 Aug.

>A * before the name means they were known to be violent

>This is the 'rare' list that holds 855 names instead of the 650 names you usually find online. Enjoy.



Remember to work on those databases boys.

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c50d04  No.116610

File: adcaead870ddb34⋯.png (2.38 MB, 760x7030, 4:37, portland.png)

Andy Ngo's coverage of arrests made in Portland a couple nights ago, with the ones mentioned here all having been released.



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c50d04  No.116637

For posterity, or anyone searching this thread for names:


Greta Thunberg, Svante Thunberg, Adarsh Prathap


Pat Corcoran / Patrick Corcoran






Gwen Snyder / @gwensnyderPHL


Marc Mancini / @CabScooby / Death Cab For Scooby


Theresa Thoraldson


Asarrah T. Butler, Nico Totten Beckerman, Andrew Morris, Nicholas Robert Barlow, Alex Wilson, Trenton Lawrence Peterson

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c50d04  No.118658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Project Veritas INFILTRATES ANTIFA: “Practice things like an eye gouge…injure someone's eyes"

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c50d04  No.118661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#EXPOSEANTIFA PART II: NYC Fight Club Training "Break one of the floating ribs…"

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c50d04  No.119241

File: 44c034f71c70a03⋯.png (266.45 KB, 600x714, 100:119, k_carter_jackson.png)

File: aeb81f5173e626e⋯.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 0JMWyF9G.jpg)

File: 626bf285a63b8d4⋯.png (659.2 KB, 1200x1043, 1200:1043, vj5i4tw7qsjz.png)

Kellie Carter-Jackson glorifying violent insurrection via toe rag corporate magazine Slate. Naturally, Twitter have left all the relevant posts up. I wonder why.

>PhD, a professor at Wellesley College and the author of Force & Freedom: Black Abolitionists the Politics of Violence.








>His maternal grandfather, was Eugene Meyer. He bought the bankrupt Post shortly after stepping down as Chairman of the Federal Reserve in mid-1933.[5] Graham's mother had a Jewish father


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c50d04  No.119257


There is a general thread covering them >>110235 here. An anon in there suggests the possibility of them being responsible for some of the rioting, though I don't think we have any identification yet. Might be worth observing this Megan Squire post:



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84cfd8  No.122076

File: 6f2532854ee3ac9⋯.png (314.98 KB, 750x607, 750:607, EaFMDndWAAQkRdu.png)

File: 7d68094a6ecfdd0⋯.png (193.55 KB, 450x348, 75:58, EaFOwR3WoAIquKD.png)

File: eef4cf93fd8a0fc⋯.mp4 (4.64 MB, 320x568, 40:71, aB1IPr_hDRRcPawG.mp4)


It turns out it are not the same guys.

Trump tweeted about him so CNN decided to write an article about him where he says 'he only wanted to help'. They also published his full name.

In this Tweet you can see him threatening residents:

I have video that made me say "trump might have been right" for the first time EVER. It's is the same kid trump called an anarchist. It's from the night prior. he is participating in riots and threatening residents who came outside to try to stop him. Just watch it.





Seems like Trump was right again


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118971  No.122174

I wonder how this kike faggot is doing these days. have a bump ugly jew scum.

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6b1f62  No.122362

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94608f  No.122807


This is the gayest thing I have ever seen.

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94a8fd  No.132286

File: fd35573b301dc1e⋯.jpg (10.44 KB, 335x450, 67:90, Apoxyomenos_Roman_bronze_L….jpg)


Christ simply denotes that one is annointed, that is he has been cleansed with scented olive oil.

>>The anointing of persons and objects with oil was widespread in ancient Israel and its environment for both practical and symbolical reasons. Its most practical usage was cosmetic, and for medicinal purposes.


Thus "Jesus Christ" simply translates to "Joshua the anointed"

>>In present usage, "anointing" is typically used for ceremonial blessings such as the coronation of European monarchs. This continues an earlier Hebrew practice most famously observed in the anointings of Aaron as high priest and both Saul and David by the prophet Samuel. The concept is important to the figures of the Messiah and the Christ (Hebrew and Greek for "The Anointed One") who appear prominently in Jewish and Christian theology and eschatology. Anointing—particularly the anointing of the sick—may also be known as unction; the anointing of the dying as part of last rites in the Catholic church is sometimes specified as "extreme unction". wikipedia

>>The English chrism derives from Koine Greek via Latin and Old French. In Greek, khrîsma (χρῖσμα) was originally the verbal noun ("(the act of) anointing", "unction") of χρίειν ("anoint").[1] By extension, along with khrîma (χρῖμα), khrîstai (χρῖσται), and later khrísma (χρίσμα), it came to be used for the anointing oil or ointment itself.

This can be really a devious piece of camouflage. Don't be fooled.

The Apoxyeomenos is a Greek athlete scraping oil off himself with a strigil

(strigil (Greek: στλεγγίς) is a tool for the cleansing of the body by scraping off dirt, perspiration, and oil ). Bars of soap don't appear till the early 1800's in France for wealthy ladies.

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856f13  No.132601

File: 8db8069cff1a0df⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 550x380, 55:38, but_I_cant_swim_why_would_….jpg)


becoming better at basic skills would be too much like work.

I would love to see an "elite antifa cadre" and then see how many days of shelling they could take before breaking.

so many of them idolize the soviet red army and the french revolution (mainly The Terror) but when face with even numbers they melt.

why? do they never plan to actually fight well? Is the whole thing a larping virture signal?

Is this what helicopter parents have wrought, "activists" who just do it for the good boy points and therefore do not think beyond the photo–op?

Soviet style commies are useful idiots.

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b24377  No.132710


The difference between a antifa getting doxxed in comparison to a nationalist is that the antifa never actually gets attacked, 'cancelled' or threatened.

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ae2d9b  No.138074

File: f76f6350495a350⋯.png (514.8 KB, 600x1251, 200:417, kutner.png)


It's almost as if the eebil nadzee boogeyman was entirely fabricated by Gladio-style glownigger ops for some secondary purpose.

Anyway here's another piece in the Exoo story featuring a Samantha Kutner, as Sleeping Giants begins to fall apart:




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ae2d9b  No.138076


Forgot the second archived link:


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edf464  No.138086

File: 1d82472a8c83fd1⋯.jpeg (24.57 KB, 400x267, 400:267, Krishna.jpeg)


>khrîsma (χρῖσμα)

>the act of anointing

Ah yes. What devotees of "Krishna" do to their idols by bathing them in oils in a ritual called abhisheka. I wonder if greeks mistakenly took Khrisna as Khrisma literally when invaded india.

But that's a real stretch on my part them taking a word this way.

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ae2d9b  No.145996

File: b559cc17ac25af2⋯.png (3.04 MB, 2266x982, 1133:491, Parcak.png)

Sarah Parcak: Provided instructions in pulling down statues over Twitter

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12ce6f  No.146059


An interesting assumption, though I think you've got it backwards. The highest most complex language would be Sanskrit. Greek devolves from it and is simpler but only relatively so, then Latin which is simpler yet. A single ancient Greek verb might have 1500 variants to it. I think that Sanskrit verbs have substantially more possible conjugations with all the additional subtleties that they would bring to the verb's meaning.


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e19759  No.146126

Antifa is a cesspool of garbage.

While they pay niggers to help them take compromising pictures of innocent people with nappy prostitutes and drugs.

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e19759  No.146128


See, there they are trying to tie me to their faggot bullshit

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55c484  No.149773

File: 18bb375578222dd⋯.png (217 KB, 600x758, 300:379, definitely_not_methheads.png)

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94a5c7  No.149785

File: 15e2129082a3a55⋯.png (256.39 KB, 474x320, 237:160, ClipboardImage.png)


>person on far left

>person on far right


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0bdd6a  No.149786


The third guy/girl has nice hair

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6d85b0  No.149797

I bet you're in love with breaking into my storage unit, aren't you?

So, what do you want to bet I can get my insurance money out of you?

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76b7a5  No.150739

How those faggots behave:

A White man draws breathe! Somebody kill him!

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8eaa48  No.151207

so his Tranny house mate whose cockflaps he motorboated has slated him?! so much for solidarity.It's such a great shitshow. oldfag haven't been on the 8th chin since the cuckdown. peace anons

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840d5e  No.151233


1. El ogro lesbiano

2. Acnincel

3. No hablo engles senor

4. El goblino judio

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994cbf  No.151497

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134b4f  No.151906

File: 9628c0c17a88c73⋯.png (257.39 KB, 1069x1366, 1069:1366, pedoantifa.png)

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ed5fd8  No.155116

File: 0265acda2a40209⋯.png (243.5 KB, 658x1279, 658:1279, Screenshot_2020_08_28_74_P….png)

File: fa2cf009536295e⋯.jpg (103.14 KB, 921x665, 921:665, Egfr3EMU8AIsaCG.jpg)

74 People Facing Federal Charges for Crimes Committed During Portland Demonstrations

>Charges include assaulting federal officers, arson, failing to obey lawful orders, and damaging federal property

>It is important to note that while some federal charges require crimes be committed on federal property, others do not. Violent acts committed throughout the city of Portland under the guise of peaceful protest are being evaluated by local federal prosecutors for prosecution.



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ed5fd8  No.155117

>Several of the charges being used to prosecute violent agitators carry significant maximum prison sentences…. punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

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2d43ac  No.157294

File: 246c1789dee4563⋯.jpg (426.4 KB, 1878x1100, 939:550, EliFranklynRichey.jpg)

File: 46dec1bab0f8212⋯.jpg (269.07 KB, 1740x1296, 145:108, moreSuspects.jpg)

File: 9a2f436e581f0bd⋯.png (850.25 KB, 1870x1076, 935:538, vlcsnap_2020_08_22_20h50m1….png)


He's not on the list but also wanted.

He puts his own vid online.

At around 3:14 he runs down the stairs and for a moment you can see his pants and his bandana.


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2d43ac  No.157296

File: 79c3f1134f53aaa⋯.jpg (450.94 KB, 2192x1596, 548:399, Number_5.jpg)

File: 4275acee5787528⋯.png (2.47 MB, 3588x2289, 1196:763, number4_2.png)

File: ccb02a1d5663dac⋯.jpg (465.03 KB, 2076x1456, 519:364, Number_2.jpg)

File: 88aa4daaf93885d⋯.jpg (408.71 KB, 3292x1088, 823:272, Bonus.jpg)

File: e138dae135b0b7b⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 366x454, 183:227, Number_3.jpg)


Some more pics.

Black guy is also not on the list. Bonus

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2d43ac  No.157297

File: 6529a7e77378891⋯.jpg (284.8 KB, 2336x1076, 584:269, Number_4.jpg)

File: 098479631665af9⋯.jpg (396.85 KB, 2252x1104, 563:276, Number_9.jpg)

File: d45e1b7bba7acf3⋯.jpg (395.3 KB, 3444x1020, 287:85, Number_7.jpg)

File: 77ece197e71711b⋯.jpg (563.24 KB, 3184x1760, 199:110, Number_8.jpg)

File: 1687b2cbbcfd8dd⋯.jpg (283.75 KB, 2650x922, 1325:461, Number_1.jpg)

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2d43ac  No.157298


>He puts his own vid online

Sounds retarded. Kek.

I meant that he puts a compromising vid online

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bc42f6  No.158065

File: 85dedf346598f6c⋯.png (3.95 MB, 760x7710, 76:771, 1287688790400614400.png)

File: dd85fdaeb290cd7⋯.png (415.54 KB, 600x713, 600:713, 0.png)

File: cf8bb84f9dabe76⋯.jpg (443.53 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EhMXt9fX0AY_QW1.jpg)

>“We have our press we know and trust,” this young woman says

Dead-eyed dreg with a thousand cock stare decides to carry out her duty as a media minder, shining lights in the faces of those who film her. More on the tactics Antifa-BLM use to gain a selective narrative below.







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bc42f6  No.158069

File: 6d3ab28c6211145⋯.jpg (21.59 KB, 300x370, 30:37, 4c8912a2d8bc9f62f608c04fc4….jpg)

File: 75fe28ee2852549⋯.jpg (72.71 KB, 313x500, 313:500, e65b833e6d9f53462fa6635b74….jpg)

File: a6c80d1f5fa7737⋯.gif (162.25 KB, 307x475, 307:475, a4eb6c0565dffc2ac9bcec564a….gif)

File: dc11d00bfae6d8f⋯.jpg (23.02 KB, 150x250, 3:5, Abbie_hoffman_steal_this_b….jpg)

File: c0f34aa5237abd2⋯.jpg (17.73 KB, 261x400, 261:400, 33534384.jpg)

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bc42f6  No.158072

File: 708a99cd15d8621⋯.pdf (3.34 MB, ANTIFA_The_Anti_Fascist_Ha….pdf)

File: 7791899b1ae1b7d⋯.pdf (582.71 KB, Rules_for_Radicals_Alinsky….pdf)

File: 75b65f99a9abf0a⋯.pdf (474.29 KB, Steal_This_Book_Hoffman_20….pdf)

File: 50051e2430a19ec⋯.pdf (1.3 MB, In_Defense_of_Looting_A_Ri….pdf)

Files of the above books (8kun won't accept the .mobi of Beautiful Trouble, and the PDF version is too large to upload).

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7e32a3  No.158073


most of these antifaggots are projecting fucks that happen to have criminal records.

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d3b3f7  No.158081

File: 500c0cbe51bc3d7⋯.jpg (53.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


>tfw Gotie is an antifag

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c1996b  No.158086

File: 454e98541112a28⋯.png (244.75 KB, 349x392, 349:392, re.png)

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f6c87b  No.158114

File: a3d7a354c9e45bb⋯.gif (5.66 KB, 183x53, 183:53, reporter_logo.gif)

It would be very very sad if a whole bunch of people sent the articles about his pedophillia and use of slurs to his employers HR portal -


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bc42f6  No.158435

File: aeb6234e50eec06⋯.png (15.13 KB, 587x170, 587:170, facing_the_establishment.png)

File: 46f9061087a585a⋯.pdf (1.13 MB, Insurrection_Violence_A_Ci….pdf)

Came across some old leads I wonder if you guys could help me with.



2 threads of separate leaks in 2017, the first being a dump of files found on the phone of an insurgent in Minneapolis, and the second being a list of names from a Facebook group. There are multiple sets of lists (Pastebin / Ghostbin) to be found within both links, however I'm more interested now in trying to find the related archives (.zip files etc.) of images and such, including those that were posted in the threads.

>Included you will find plenty of personal info, some dox, some leads on further dox, evidence of collusion with MPD (Minneapolis Police Department) and a link to the fucking Federal Reserve.

Each link I've found for docx/xls/json dumps has been on shit like Dropbox, Mega, or other file hosts or blogs that (expectedly) deleted the links or are now dead, like https://archive.is/thedeplorablepost.com - if there's anyone who happens to still have these files, sticking them on another host or IPFS for us would be appreciated.

I also found this guide to surviving the insurgency (ebook included) that will probably be of interest to all of us:



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d1bb2e  No.159774

File: ba928a915945389⋯.jpg (3.54 MB, 5358x6429, 1786:2143, VVnaRw9.jpg)

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3e1c2e  No.159791

File: f49a3708f54274a⋯.png (615.26 KB, 1889x1890, 1889:1890, dakisback.png)

dakisback is a streamer on twitch who goes to the portland riots and participates on multiple occasions in his stream

I found alot about him online as he's used the same screen name dakisback for awhile

Dak seems to be short for Darrel Anthony Kimberlin, hes an avowed memeber of antifa in portland.

i made a thread earlier on this fuck, here it is all here.


heres alot of his personal info, this site has a scary ability to post alot of current info by the way so pretty sure its accurate, not sure on the Ameritrade email yet tho.


on there is his phone numbers, addresses, even his birthday as well as his personal email.

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3e1c2e  No.159792


during his streams at the riots you can see multiple people throwing objects at police, apparently he even participates a few times himself although i havn't been able to find a vod yet but its all on his twitch

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7507d4  No.162397

File: b390d79eac52790⋯.jpg (151.88 KB, 768x768, 1:1, c0c40941170060b4e91c1a42c2….jpg)

File: a4d0030b14f5352⋯.png (12.23 KB, 800x140, 40:7, Zoller.png)

File: c57966ab1ae1495⋯.png (705.98 KB, 1350x860, 135:86, Bail_Project_Steinberg.png)

File: 60de1a0eb3d2b56⋯.mp4 (8.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, f3dEvm8ckqC1iezk.mp4)

File: 6aa56316fa85211⋯.jpg (263.95 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, EioeAd1UYAAgkyu.jpg)

'Bail disrupter' Holly Zoller identified as woman organising the delivery of supplies to Louisville rioters

>Holly Zoller, a member of the George Soros-funded “The Bail Project,” is the woman responsible for bringing a U-Haul truck filled with riot shields, umbrellas, and other gear for the street criminals, aiding and abetting rioters in the city of Louisville. Members of The Bail Project are closely tied to infamous financier and nation-wrecker George Soros.

>A clever anonymous caller pretending to be U-Haul called her and got her to admit to bringing supplies to the illegal riot taking place in the Kentucky city today.





Audio of Holly confessing to renting and driving the U-Haul truck and providing supplies to the crowds. A figure who looks like Zoller on the attached video can be seen helping to unload the truck.


IPFS mirror (small MP3 encode):


Founder of The Bail Project, Robin Steinberg:




From their site:

>The Bail Project™ National Revolving Bail Fund provides free bail assistance to low-income individuals who are legally presumed innocent, and whom a judge has deemed eligible for release before trial contingent on paying bail. We enable our clients to return home to their families and communities while awaiting their court dates. We call this model Community Release with Support.

The Bail Project have received funding from Twitter's Jack Dorsey, among others:

>Earlier this evening, Intelwave, the account that exposed Zoller initially, was temporarily suspended from Twitter for identifying her, with Twitter determining one of his tweets violated their rules on “posting private information.”



>That return on investment, Steinberg said, helped convince prominent foundations, including Virgin Atlantic CEO Richard Branson's charity, and billionaires like Mike Novogratz to back the fund.



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2d43ac  No.163185

File: d8bf775669b096f⋯.pdf (583.12 KB, exoo.pdf)

From a tweet:

Update to a Report -

Christian Exoo AKA AntifaFash Gordon is named in a Federal Civil Lawsuit by Daniel D’Ambly

His employer, D'Ambly's former employer, and Twitter are also named.

Complaint containing 13 counts -



Attached - the document mentioned in the tweet.

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c50d04  No.164454

File: f4f0ccf7957d901⋯.jpg (108.59 KB, 726x1152, 121:192, daniel1.jpg)

File: a6c2784743636cf⋯.jpg (15.14 KB, 349x233, 349:233, danielsieradski.jpg)

File: 545490511e129ed⋯.png (334.55 KB, 430x473, 10:11, djs.png)

Violent "Antifa" Doxer Is Prominent Syracuse-Based Jewish Political Strategist

>Pseudonymous anarchist organizer "Naftali Botwin" has for years used his twitter account (@JewishWorker) to troll, dox, and threaten political opponents with impunity.

>Rumors about his identity have been informally circulated online for years, but sources familiar with the "antifa" movement have now confirmed to National Justice that "Naftali Botwin" is in fact a well-known operator in the Jewish political and media world: 41-year-old Daniel Jonathan Sieradski of Syracuse, New York.

>An article in The Forward from 2017 describes his social media page as being covered in threatening imagery. The piece goes on to dub Sieradski "Antifa's Most Prominent Jew."

>In an interview with the Jerusalem Post from last June, he once again identified as a member of "antifa" and candidly described the group's criminal strategy: those who have "anti-Semitic" or "racist" beliefs should be assaulted on sight because "showing white supremacists that their rallies will end with them being hurt will deter them from assembling.

>Last year, Sieradski created a map with the home IP addresses, email addresses and Facebook pages of members of the right-wing online discussion board Iron March after left-wing hackers took the forum over and leaked its contents. | Anarchist groups and journalists, using Sieradski's map, went on to identify and terrorize numerous individuals. In some cases this campaign led to them losing their jobs or having to move their families for safety reasons.







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88e98d  No.165799

File: 3786a35f25381a4⋯.pdf (40.2 KB, Dakisback.pdf)

This is of the information that I was able to find on Darrell Anthony Kimberlin, a.k.a. dakisback, a.k.a dakisback2, a.k.a. dakisfront. The information contained herein is not complete, it was data that I was able to achieve through free and open means , therefore it may not be complete and may contain errors.

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3c138f  No.171460


It's no longer there.

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21676f  No.183770

Hey guys, I've been putting in work on Portland ANTIFA and posting my findings on mlpol but they don't appreciate me. would it be cool if I dumped my findings in this thread?

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170e45  No.183778

Guys I archived Oliva Katbi Smith's twitter account recently and know her phone number and full address. I can't post the list of archive links but if you wanted the address and shit if she hasn't been posted I have it.

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170e45  No.183780

I also have the IP address for portlanddsa.org, It's hosted by a cloud hosting company.

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89819c  No.183781

Daily reminder:

They become violent leftists because they know nationalists will never accept their pedophilia.

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240a99  No.183795

Just gonna put this out there.

The IP that I got came from https://members.portlanddsa.org/ which I think is the landing page for the cloud hosting company which then redirects to the https site. I'm not willing to actually hack the website but maybe someone else is. The only thing I guess I'm not giving you is the IP address cause I see in the rules and the way posters are posting that it's gotta be public info and the cloud hosting company obfuscates whois info. I had to ping the site with nmap to discover an IP.

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89819c  No.183805


antifa is the Pedophile Military Division - PMD

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89819c  No.183879


how can we generate keks from this

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72b05b  No.183880

Sorry I deleted my posts cause I wanted them to all be rolled into one.


Account suspended currently, she might have gotten nailed for the guy that doxxed someone in her responses.

I archived her account going all the way back to Aug 31st of this year.

I'm sure you guys know she's the co chair of the DSA. The DSA is the face ANTIFA can present as "Oh we're all just FB friends we don't do anything bad" but through their connections to activists and community organizers they control a large netnetwork of ANTIFA.


I can give you all the archive links I made but I'd have to break them up into multiple posts cause the list is too long and the site thinks I'm spamming.

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997ab5  No.183955


he looks like a female to male tranny in that pic

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d9b547  No.185480

File: 0644cc924676ae3⋯.jpg (34.83 KB, 350x209, 350:209, 1567954278797.jpg)


He has Desmond is amazing's eyes. Look at their eyes, they're indistinguishable.

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d224e4  No.185870

File: 14cf3a15f8a6b8d⋯.jpg (60.61 KB, 662x398, 331:199, 1569485296325.jpg)




By all means, share whatever you have.



Also appreciated.

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7507d4  No.197589

File: d4ff991b24f2e1c⋯.jpg (286.58 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, DpQOJeMU0AAfa_m.jpg)

File: 75eb2ddcb70e9f6⋯.jpg (87.57 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 68393608_2287711381539805_….jpg)

File: 15d1cdb1756ffac⋯.jpg (183.36 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 117396741_2817644635131410….jpg)

File: e8e92f7a59587db⋯.pdf (168.65 KB, _They_could_take_you_out_f….pdf)

Breadliner special here.

Megan Youdelis AKA Mexie (@MegYoudelis and @mexieYT on Twitter) is a Canadian YouTuber belonging to the 'BreadTube' or 'LeftTube' crowd of controlled opposition Marxists and Anarchists intended to serve as the 'deradicalisation' effort for those who go too far into the 'alt-right pipeline' of the smattering of right-wing political commentators that YouTube haven't yet Holodomor'd. She is also a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Guelph and an occasional lecturer at the University of Toronto.





















I had hung onto this for a while, but recent events have compelled me into the acceptance that no reconciling with these people is possible, and that only complete annihilation, which we would surely invite upon ourselves if we were to leave a single one of them unpunished, will suffice.

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896166  No.197792


You got to give her white babies anon.

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871e32  No.197795


Its your typical fucking women. My cousin had married some girl he was with when he was under age. A couple years later they get divorce and the bitch is claiming that he had raped his kids which isn't true. Just because she doesn't want him to seem, to spite and break him. Fuck women you know.

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44df3d  No.197916


Nigress has huge tits.

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8b841e  No.197941

File: 400de12125e9777⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB, 540x960, 9:16, uaMd0Tots9NsxQGn.mp4)



Sorry to hear about those experiences anon. The psychoses of these people has driven them to the point of willingly selling out their own family for having done absolutely nothing (vid related). Truth be told, if you have any of these people in close proximity, the wise thing to do would probably be to investigate them and their networks, and make sure you can mitigate any damage they may attempt to do to you (or already have planned or be acting) in the future.

Remember to save local copies of this thread, along with images, anons. You may need it soon.

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f2973d  No.198024


this makes me wonder: Would a civil court find mr exoo liable for damages?

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4bb80e  No.207646

File: 4f73772736af066⋯.png (3.55 MB, 1200x3348, 100:279, Archive_Antifa_Israel_1.png)

File: f05ee6e15602444⋯.png (3.79 MB, 944x5760, 59:360, Archive_Antifa_Israel_2.png)

File: b3264aad530f497⋯.png (3.25 MB, 1504x5942, 752:2971, Archive_Antifa_Israel_3.png)

File: 76d2cb2c9a98db2⋯.png (3.94 MB, 1248x5168, 78:323, Archive_Antifa_Israel_4.png)

Misc bump regarding zionist ties

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269630  No.208878

File: fc7917daab0a401⋯.jpg (64 KB, 931x487, 931:487, mcdt.jpg)

dpJJ LjEES cudrheZ IiVxhoPE XRxDKnpjpgF HoYXnbUY uLcGqdlgcTHS MTJaE SkpXPqyASKlN jAcOGdYGiNvE gHpuZ EgB tkVqZhUylxg lGncsQZ XELPeGf MTynvYuiQ vKYVWO jKGUCFhwEu

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dc9bca  No.209544

File: 0c448ac8c7434ee⋯.jpg (50.92 KB, 412x602, 206:301, KP.jpg)

uqBvivZLaMt nDnEVSEPdn AxzrfP rBUolvguEO hUvrJ TtNkKEiOV rACZh cgyTcSeTy fNfHEeeJi PxPdUu nPUbDtEz rxsFmBAmGlv ysyoTvumJpZW uysiXTzh gNoJINBR tAXYQkOHgT ifXuYRIMzeX

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d99d41  No.210582

File: 3b01057eaf198d6⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 506x576, 253:288, vxRdA.jpg)

vFoyltxoh mWmR DWLInnNsffG GhH ZWxNfZalGAZ BQsLCGK VJXjNTv Gjif nMCPtQlyPVo AmhqDDy

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811a6d  No.210930

File: 0e6c5a3a9c7ee72⋯.jpg (44.71 KB, 395x524, 395:524, UIWEhGEns.jpg)

sgjaiBs tgTXpns Wpg hMsjcd uCAqYENlXoan sBoZLif

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5bf8d4  No.210939

File: e23363274d1d4a4⋯.jpg (81.35 KB, 1140x558, 190:93, aD.jpg)

fljA ldVYD KkcfzYkIygS ZDrSZvpxaCF gxIzWEBN kfYUKEcuyON

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82192a  No.211979

File: 0bece09ee472717⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1093x541, 1093:541, w.jpg)


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6247e5  No.211991

File: 002090e7334c82b⋯.jpg (88.76 KB, 1069x691, 1069:691, F.jpg)

nzXbPTyoarQC zwl kzJ gINWsCbPN mbqSrxHPZWWF KxqW rKGn PNm PWCyF POkgwbMw zGRIwiHf BDcUQuFAFt PJYvDWwYPDT klElPkDrYRd vlcSFgGf clhTQhOoa vVyMkSyI niXk cCJVQNsCQfe

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d1dc34  No.212028

File: 3475974a9a2286b⋯.jpg (86.83 KB, 1098x647, 1098:647, eR.jpg)

hzoGjxC nwOGtYPDF wjfDngdO BjybCUeflf iqJLa AEZNuL TJKjzGnKGfCk infLtuk lMJayMdDn yiFdDmCt yxpxcKwaL wJaFG

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83b605  No.212042

File: 22e46113186a61b⋯.jpg (51.9 KB, 497x498, 497:498, qcue.jpg)

vrqdY IComFEYsycQ DdrOuyED bFybKkT CFi lxwOH pXfd

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c050f3  No.212122

File: 034b3ae97d0ab72⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 913x666, 913:666, YMEZvzz.jpg)

aWctKGFsSb AQgWTRZ IwVlVRPM osMvRRfvNhIv hsiOa mUb cHxABlnF XMvzHYnC AmHmcp EsDrVw fvHqzvsihJfH kzj zWyMmfqkfjmG aqOscVKM uksG Jsyz FBEv GtORBp MvZlfKdpDKKa QlxIbA

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8c448c  No.212901

File: 0204d9a421cc0c0⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 952x581, 136:83, jBElzwE.jpg)

OyyyHKmOf wau dBRxWUJc rrC PmfDrdgKr PfsKowU YEuWjBuiKYj tfoBHL qORcVUHc yjTRT iDwOoGBblzO

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46ba4e  No.213440

File: dae748631a794aa⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 491x597, 491:597, cW.jpg)


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5b6519  No.213659

File: 39b0bf9f588a500⋯.jpg (31.05 KB, 318x409, 318:409, sWJkipS.jpg)

xrM snH Srn mFJ NbyKfGjvzne ceLhESGozE NfMBmV

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77db19  No.213812

File: 080ebeba307a8b1⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 396x569, 396:569, rpTnGj.jpg)

TkEM ipTMhaqh YnD IpqFDcBkDb lBYmRAaUk hFdsupZX CINRe uXScEYQtbYp rbwowKIQNn sPyjZjoA rrUyZhKgbbMr SIBa

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4793a2  No.213845

File: 6bd5264687d5936⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 435x604, 435:604, ETovJT.jpg)

hQdFKuGkFYl PKmKcMILOkHT lamKiynGLcB FJsEDBVIb wabec HeM CNVNpscwza qTLFym lQTk VEqG FmaSo wwHsVLOEakq NEU csTU wQZsww

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2b92eb  No.213968

File: 1b4dd102f6cbb42⋯.jpg (73.59 KB, 1100x497, 1100:497, LyXZRBmCmW.jpg)

TEdU LlRDxhWTVrgL bXdpnfLV yghAJ PxF TesqnElcO jNe xTbsGZhF CErcg tmHuEVXzmz

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39ea04  No.214070

File: 0b8246a38fc6a47⋯.jpg (54.49 KB, 463x587, 463:587, NDbGkfbip.jpg)

zbhFXhX Qjpa sAwmXsrEpNQn gukzW qaTIMlwtIttq CTmINN DYTeAarRnI XBN eUu AeIjODbPBPcT faioQMLvvltk cpEWp axBiJJg gSkDcAjXKBj tyVa YyxYwpTDr nJL

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33f184  No.214096

File: 1abcc333ce971df⋯.jpg (87.6 KB, 1049x697, 1049:697, BzxABefCSZ.jpg)

AbxkMOScJ Nzy WOfoLnr Vvzscqqdjz DjpR shFeau Kgqm xetoHCA wyqrvYtoLvie ggPPfeKFsB OGoTKfXavug eOab MfiCJ POdKQ

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0b2e97  No.214317

File: 7bfe693ab50e57c⋯.jpg (72.05 KB, 1006x532, 503:266, JYZxBsNG.jpg)

QlG SkxmaqBC AEgTCAIlQxz Npuht kDjKjujfrnBW aIY vAL uokJsJYUU dfqaW ABSBixG wPnqOKoppwe uHDhuW

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9c04fa  No.214541

File: 599937523d01c75⋯.jpg (50.01 KB, 517x462, 47:42, WJCe.jpg)


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4342c8  No.214724

File: 50da4463e5cb9e9⋯.jpg (86.56 KB, 1029x704, 1029:704, TlGLLSX.jpg)

lGlVLTg wuvAW dmwMHo CDba rYYgQDBoY YDmaV yuXV sjzLlwEMa bEzY oIZu EIwWZawZqAO RJEFtcg mAiIJ usgJSDnQeLtt EbFGUZ oQKlqW HRnJVb KuBkzLv WRYvmZIjvLk

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68bb27  No.214891

File: 6293b3286fd6274⋯.jpg (76.72 KB, 1122x516, 187:86, fMTK.jpg)

YpDhU lhnBjKG qxIGNrZErwK CXNbdJbKcJsq ICnar jzIqzx WcpeCljDjr

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7469e1  No.215014

File: 5a814de1b52b0d8⋯.jpg (85.53 KB, 1019x695, 1019:695, eiY.jpg)

lrJLGrSh HlZLuMtgfdU VOsSXlu bUT HLeaTXJZ jafICU gOIUpZNPBbr tejtxbr zPKfMZd TnmwwZBSSxbJ SGiMWxeS UrBTGpA lDoHCh uUn HdfAwUHqomH

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a367db  No.215152

File: cc92bb7a1bedc64⋯.jpg (31.82 KB, 290x461, 290:461, DF.jpg)

kZXbQDs MLtplFhffMv ilvTrJ lOyeigZhR TAPmESVVsXmT dvfDRob gQS TXiAioKBT ydncpDGb UAzZtlS nbEnOKKHRg ZxMTYADnmzh VnNru vGFstFkbEQg FTOybMpnztO XXMGNXb YDy wBPi HXpzPUwgqiL

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dc3dbd  No.215244

File: 1cefeb6a3290016⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 1045x624, 1045:624, dtwDJfSVLT.jpg)


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0b7eba  No.218783

File: 20e16112261a844⋯.jpg (52.05 KB, 386x500, 193:250, 3181de7c95492b4b4e4f4f6af8….jpg)

File: 24c6da8f6493584⋯.pdf (7 MB, Unmasked_Inside_Antifas_Ra….pdf)

File: 6a448ebbb44f935⋯.png (500.65 KB, 426x515, 426:515, 5c4655e12027556fd338f73520….png)

File: 7d8fa49ade147b1⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 82a83b5f7c39d35d602e826def….png)

File: 6e7a57ddb0db853⋯.png (854.63 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, f65f71a6cfbe9f19feaf2ffe98….png)

Appreciate the troon keeping the thread bumped for me with his spam.

Speaking of troons, someone has just posted dox of the Distributed Denial of Secrets people, who recently shared the Gab leaks with several journo and other (((contacts))) of theirs.

Michael Best AKA Emma North-Best, Grace "Xan" North-Best, & Darryl McAdams AKA Rebecca Robin Valentine

@NatSecGeek @DDoSecrets @AnnaKhronos @BrazenQueer @FreeJeremyNet @beka_valentine @psygnisfive @ternaryaug @Queeriouslabs

>Michael and Grace together with others hacked GAB and then are threatening to release the material via Michael's DDoSecrets (public financials -no taxes paid on any of this income) website -a Wikileaks wannabe site unless GAB pays $500,000 in Bitcoin. Lots of beef with Wikileaks and Jullian Assange. Michael also helped with the Parler hack and doxxing over 200 law enforcement agents. There is no evidence that the GAB hacked content is anything private, but they are bragging that it is so let's invade THEIR privacy.



The site itself, "YourDaddyJoey", seems like a decent aggregator of Antifa types in general, and deserves a browse through.


On another note, Andy Ngo's book 'Unmasked' was dropped, and has some interesting information contained, regarding recruitment, tactics etc.


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3f1acb  No.219684

File: 9631230fb04865a⋯.jpg (91.92 KB, 750x422, 375:211, VDARE_kessler_antifa.jpg)

File: 85e29b7624ca6eb⋯.webm (2.96 MB, 504x304, 63:38, 1613043949605.webm)

File: cfb9e68f083a026⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, iyQ1.mp4)

Over a whole month later and the spam is still up.

If anyone is yet of the opinion that this 8chan project isn't in the midst of its final and decaying vestiges, let this be the case. However, it was a wonderful thread while it lasted. Whether this post stays or not, I encourage you all to make liberal use of the global report function in taking down the content that the compromised staff of 8kun have erroneously decided to leave up.

I've also recently discovered that certain parties have taken it upon themselves to monitor my traffic, and for this reason among others, it seems like an appropriate time to cease my activity with this thread. Nonetheless, I leave you with this fruitful new VDARE article that features a number of characters already mentioned ITT, as well as some new ones - including family connections, finances and more.

Doxing The Doxers: Antifa’s War Against Regular Americans Is Run By Spoiled Rich Kids



Christian Michael Exoo, Abner Bashir Hauge, Talia Brach Lavin, Madeleine Blair “Molly” Conger, Jared Lawrence Holt, Key Nyata, Emily Florence Gorcenski (Edward James Gorcenski)

>It’s hardly news that the Regime Media has a soft spot for the leaders of the Antifa terrorist movement. Nor is it surprising that the Lügenpresse has published several glowing profiles of Antifa’s leading Doxers (see below) without any concern, apparently, that these people openly harass, attack, defame, and seek to ruin financially and professionally ordinary American patriots. Antifa even wants to “dehome” them and their families—a direct threat to the physical well-being of innocent children.

>In August, one of the more unhinged Antifa radicals murdered Trump supporter Aaron Danielson in Portland, and Antifa thugs also sent conservative journalist Andy Ngo to the hospital.

>Despite all that, top Antifa leaders are hardly common criminals. They are the offspring of the wealthiest and most (white?) privileged members of society: doctors, lawyers, professors, and corporate executives. Several might be millionaires in their own right.

I would remind you all that these 'people', are all indeed people, as we all are. Fleshy, fear-driven people, whose time on this Earth can be extinguished in a violent instant. Be them the meth-head footsoldiers and trust fund baby oppo research goons, or the moneyed 'philanthropic' interests and powerful institutions that create and protect them. They have lives they need to maintain, incentives to chase, and systems they are contingent upon. Educate yourselves to them so that you might be able to commit to annihilating one part of it, and organise on a communal level with those close to you (and if you do not yet know people, meet them).


And do not give in. Take no plea deals, renounce not a single conviction, and bow to no man, mob, or Investigation Bureau. If this struggle was not worth each of our lives, we would have no real business in pursuing it.

Make local copies of this thread, and use distributed protocols like IPFS to preserve the databases of the future.

And as always, hail victory.


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69d878  No.220206

File: 12c81114a15a836⋯.jpg (9.16 KB, 255x205, 51:41, t_9f888404c9ee1aa0e1e3e568….jpg)

>Exoo proudly boasts on his Twitter biography that he has gotten people fired from jobs, removed from schools and kicked out of homes.

until he doxxes/cancels the wrong man, and gets killed.

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69d878  No.220210

File: 8de3943e40d879f⋯.gif (2.96 MB, 485x485, 1:1, 1610009837523.gif)


So now even blacks aren't safe from these antifafaggots either huh? so much for black lives mattering .

Excellent recruitment material t get even more browns to join the republicans, also more reason for republicans to fight back….

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8df820  No.233799

File: 887b420c7cdbdf7⋯.png (272.46 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1394156850552049670.png)

File: 0b6b610b47aa4b7⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Io1qIuHUWz0_tkn.mp4)

File: 5759e0ea150a9f7⋯.jpg (823.9 KB, 1920x2160, 8:9, snapshot.jpg)

File: f1585076bb6fd06⋯.mp4 (8.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, g0aNrIG1lkd_FzCz.mp4)

Bug-faced Portland Antifa journo skank 'Carissa Dez' harassing and trying to intimidate random citizens, and filming nearby houses.






Her Twitch VODs have probably left ample opportunities for additional IDing, address etc.

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f581a5  No.233831

File: 7044877e69cac87⋯.jpg (309.23 KB, 1142x832, 571:416, 1242623753566755647821.jpg)



you seem a bit misguided fren, the entirety of politics is a rigged game where the layman in his current state isn't even a number, it's a digit. Trying to associate with current political beliefs is nothing more than softly supporting the system which seeks nothing else but the destruction of our people, culture, economies, everything you hold dear. As such, it's important to break free from this prison that you are so clearly entrapped within.

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5ff90b  No.233838

I'm not surprised, at all. This whole generation is a bunch of cultural Marxists. Everything is about race, race, race, race, race and 53 genders and free gibs. Useless worthless brainwashed generation of poor fools who fell for the student loan racket.

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05c7ae  No.233864


>finding the problem closest to our localities and 'fixing' things ourselves.

It's a worldwide problem dumbshit. Localities mean NOTHING….so you're telling me all this time you have been focussed on LoCaLiTiEs.

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a3ef57  No.233984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ec1204  No.233999


>until he doxxes/cancels the wrong man, and gets killed.

Couldn't happen soon enough.

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05c7ae  No.234047

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05c7ae  No.234048


Localities mean nothing. This is much bigger than that. Governments themselves aren't interested in localities.

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4bc1d4  No.238008

File: 891d14ab9f576de⋯.jpg (197.14 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 88wwi.jpg)

This scum has regularly posted the addresses and stats of children on twitter, and by all rights should be banned from there, but they just allow him to delete the post and keep on suckin'

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4a1b49  No.249365


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220736  No.258036

Foreskins chew like gum.

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220736  No.271731

File: e0472e8cc0d447e⋯.jpg (190.36 KB, 1280x530, 128:53, 022.jpg)

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ec1c65  No.277498

Nigger lol

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aac812  No.287953

File: c792cae3ae8539a⋯.png (547.28 KB, 760x1480, 19:37, 1488947715329466370.png)

File: eb2e52ed247dcc3⋯.png (2.41 MB, 760x5240, 19:131, 1490473045965815812.png)

File: 5c47f5e3681f698⋯.jpg (100.94 KB, 1079x1240, 1079:1240, FK8731lXIAkpfQp.jpg)

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3203ae  No.288990

File: 16562b5d7ea4edc⋯.jpeg (20.71 KB, 221x229, 221:229, buecket.jpeg)


Hmm in a way antifa is like a crossbreed between an organized cult and a band of street thugs.

They blackmail, sabotage and extort, oh and loot.

They also turn on one another, so it a self cannibalizing culture once the influx of new members stops.

Apparently is a mayor issue within the left, but it does make total sense if you think about it.

You see the left is a victimhood economy/culture, and that's a caste system, i bet you 6 crusty socks that you don't know which group sits on top ;).

Anyways there is turbo gatekeeping and gates everywhere, lots of jealousy and one-upmanship, some loser is just waiting to catch someone slipping up so they screech(callout) "if you see something , say something " is their mantra for a reason, that is how they mark& cancel their targets, and gain their +rep.

(just like the gestapo did kek)

Yes antifa is inversed fascism, except these idiots don't even have a honor code.

It is crab bucket culture, and these ones are cannibalistic

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