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File: deebe8630fa1196⋯.jpg (144.39 KB, 1149x820, 1149:820, antifahead.jpg)

27f6af  No.71146

>In December of last year a Twitter account was set-up. Titled “Irish Students Against Fascism”, it described itself as an aspiring antifascist organising hub to physically, socially and professionally harass individuals engaged with conservative or nationalist politics on campuses.

>Very soon the account garnered well over a thousand followers, with retweets from the Union of Students Ireland’s official account among other leftist activist organizations. The account boasted of an impending website dumping incriminating material relating to students on campus, particularly in Young Fine Gael, and invited individuals to contribute over private messaging.

>What has been unknown until today was that, from the very onset, the page was operated by students involved with The Burkean. The account was set up with the intent of performing long term investigative work into antifascism in Ireland, as well as its insidious and often blatant links with civic society, journalism and politics.

>Over the coming weeks, The Burkean will be publishing a series of exclusive messages, audio and video recordings that give a hint of the sheer scale of this corruption. These materials will show how students and organizations deemed to be politically dissentious had their data gathered and distributed amongst a host of campus activists, violent and non-violent, all with the support student government.

>From members of the Oireachtas to street activists, to an assortment of foreign financed NGOs and political activists ranging from Ógra Fianna Fáil to People Before Profit, the scale of the blatant corruption is remarkable. A spotlight shall be shown not merely on a rotten system of partisan corruption, but also on how power relations operate in Ireland against those deemed a threat to established power.

tl;dr Irish outlet The Burkean is on a Project Veritas-style task to out deep state uni niggers within Ireland that are involved in antifa doxxing and harassment campaigns. What follows is the videos on their YouTube channel, and any corresponding articles they have published.





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d24d83  No.71154


>Project Veritas-style

So impotent and agreeable to zionism? No, thanks.

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27f6af  No.71160


Oy vey it's like you people are notified about every new thread. Keep up the panic.

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d24d83  No.71163


Is this the part of the thread where you pretend Project Veritas, Sean Hannity, and the Trump administration are all seekrit national socialists? Oh, wait. You don't like that socialist word. You guys like to pretend Hitler was a goldbug libertarian and the word was all marketing. I'll see myself out.

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27f6af  No.71165


lmao look at this bizarre rant being pulled out of nowhere

antifags are SEETHING and I haven't even linked any videos yet!

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27f6af  No.71194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

USI Deputy President Michelle Byrne

>Michelle Byrne is the Deputy President of the Union of Students Ireland (USI), as well as their Vice President for Campaigns. The Union of Students Ireland is Ireland’s largest student representative body representing short of 380,000 students nationwide.

>According to her Facebook, she is also on the boards of Laochas – The Warrior Soul Project, Problem Gambling Ireland and the National Youth Council of Ireland. She also took part in the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government.

>She appeared to express complete support for Antifascist work in its entirety, as well as the work ISAF were willing to do.

Not mentioned in the article, the support they referred to was the suggestion of the Burkean caller to 'slap [fascists]' around a bit, and also provide their front group with lists of the names of 'fascist' Irish students.



As always, archive and reshare this content by whatever means available. Archive.org, IPFS, BitTorrent, other video hosting sites and personal blogs, friends, IRC etc.

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27f6af  No.71209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Green Party 2020 Candidate Tate Donnelly and Ógra Fianna Fáil Member Sean-Diarmuid Kelliher

>Tate Donnelly ran as a candidate for the Green Party in the last election in the constituency of Cavan Monaghan, where he amassed over four thousand votes. According to the Green Party website, Donnelly was also elected to the Green Party National Executive Committee last summer.

>In our phone call with Mr Donnelly, he passes on the info of another election candidate from last February, Con Óg Ó Laoghaire, who ran on behalf of the Irish Freedom Party in the Dún Laoghaire constituency. Mr Donnelly described Mr Ó Ó Laoghaire as both a ‘racist’ and a ‘fascist’, when passing his name onto @IrishAntifa.

>When asked about whether he’d disavow @IrishAntifa if they took part in politically motivated violence, Mr Donnelly said to our undercover journalist “I love watching a bit of milkshake to the face”. Mr Donnelly also agrees to pass on the names of any ‘fascist’ he comes across in the future to @IrishAntifa.



Just realised these sites aren't using HSTS, my bad.

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27f6af  No.71227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Mr Kelliher is currently treasurer of Ógra Fianna Fáil in Queen’s University Belfast.

>In the recording, Mr Kelliher passes on information pertaining to former party colleague Mr Niall McCall. In the recording, Mr Kelliher says Mr McCall felt like he was being “bullied” and that he was “pushed out” of the party for his conservative views, something that Mr Kelliher described as “it was necessary”.

>Mr Kelliher also expressed support for political violence against the ‘far-right’, and when asked if he’d be willing to join our undercover antifa reporter in Belfast to confront the ‘far-right’ there alongside the representative to “give these people slaps potentially”, he confirmed he would as long as it did not clash with his college work.

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fe1e51  No.71309

File: 58d84f2fddb9bc9⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1024x1300, 256:325, banks_hijack_the_left.png)

sounds like solid work. ignore the obvious demotivational replies.

we've all been under the same oppression for 100s of years.

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000000  No.71394


If they aren't killed, nothing changes. Fascism must always prevail. Communists and marxists must always be killed.

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e0e475  No.71431


>ill see mysef out

Lmao you shills never learn, get fucked

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26a7ad  No.71998


>setting up a honeypot for commies

I hope they can outjew the jew

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d24d83  No.72007


Yeah? Why don't you look up who funds Project Veritas. I bet you'd see a lot of overlap with this group. Guaranteed every "classical liberal" you're nuthugging in this thread would see you hang.

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1a2326  No.72014


Pretty clear he's mostly just interested in debating himself. I'd really love to see his briefing notes kek

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d24d83  No.72021


I get to page 2 of their website and we've already hit an article shilling for zionist kosher nationalist Sebastian Kurz. This is a kosher front.

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ceb970  No.72962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bugging Accommodation and Union of Students in Ireland

>In the recording our undercover reporter stated his intent to bug a flat where a Young Fine Gael (YFG) meeting was to take place. “We’re just aiming to bug this flat and ruin these YFG people and hopefully they’ll never enter our body politic at all. You’re good with that and we’ll keep in contact if needs be?” To which Deputy President Byrne replied “Yeah yeah, and I’ll send you over an email for the legal stuff”.

>The second recording is with Robert Murtagh, President of the National Union of Students in Northern Ireland. The National Union of Students in Northern Ireland was set up in 1972 as a joint subsidiary of both the Union of Students in Ireland as well as the United Kingdom’s National Union of Students, hence its initialisation as NUS-USI.

>In a recorded phone call with one of our reporters, President Murtagh expressed his full support for @IrishAntifa as well as the expressed practices of information accumulation, doxxing, approaching employers and ‘direct action’.

>The final recording is with USI president Lorna Fitzpatrick. The Union of Students Ireland is Ireland’s largest student representative body representing short of 380,000 students nationwide. Past USI officials have included senior Irish government and media figures. Fitzpatrick as part of her role as president of Ireland’s premier student union has taken part in a number of high profile events, including multiple meetings in the Oireachtas, including the aforementioned Oireachtas Joint Committee on Housing, Planning and Local Government.

>President Fitzpatrick went on to voice her own support for @IrishAntifa in a personal capacity, saying that she would “have no problem with helping”, and agreed that she would pass on any names that she might “come across on a public platform”



To any students in Ireland: make sure your campus is fully aware of the existence, actions and attitudes of the people who are allegedly representing them. Print posters of their faces or QR code stickers to link to these videos and stick them around your dorms / classes, speak with friends and perhaps faculty members (if you can gauge the more sound ones), and alert local media or other student bodies and pressure these people to step down.

To everyone else ITT: continue to ignore the paid sliders and 'kill everybody' operatives. As I'm sure most people do. And get these out there any way that you can.

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1a9652  No.73083


>So deceptive editing and flase flags, then?

Doubt it

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ceb970  No.73186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jacob Woolf PBP Activist/JewSoc Chairman

>Jacob Woolf is acting head of the Trinity College Jewish society as well as an activist with People Before Profit’s famously active Trinity branch. He approached our undercover reporters early on in the project, offering to provide intel on the conservative right in Trinity and in particular The Burkean.

>In a phone call with our undercover reporter he stated his commitment to pursuing students engaged with the right, both professionally and physically, and promised to send on an extensive folder of harassment material pertaining to the Burkean and its writers.

>Woolf passed on this dossier to @IrishAntifa with the understanding that our undercover group had the stated intention of doing these individuals harm, both professionally and physically if necessary.

>Woolf went on to describe his connections with various Jewish advocacy groups, detailing an alleged informal relationship an associate of Woolf’s has with a senior member of Trinity College Dublin management. Mr Woolf alleged that this would allow him to get right-wing students expelled if required, something Mr Woolf described as his ‘nuclear option’.

>In another recorded phone call, Mr Woolf described an impending visit to New York, during which he hoped to procure funding for an Irish ‘anti-semitism watchdog’ from an international Zionist organisation which will remain unnamed for legal reasons. In a later call he stated that he was unsuccessful in this pursuit.



>they're still trying to derail the thread onto PV discussion

Poor effeminate, brainlet commies. Such a shame that Comrade Corbyn was annihilated and Comrade Bernie won't be giving them any refunds.

Wanna keep my other thread bumped while you guys are at it?


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532888  No.74146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sé Ó hEidhin - TCDSU Ethnic Minority Officer

>Trinity College Dublin Students' Union (or TCDSU) is a students' union and the recognised representative body of the 17,000 students[1] of Trinity College Dublin. Its role is to provide a representative channel between all students (undergraduates and postgraduates) and the authorities of the College as well as to provide services to these students.[2] TCDSU is a constituent organisation of the Union of Students in Ireland.[3]

No article / transcript for this one, although I've linked an article I've found on this mentalist below if you want to know more about them. The phone call begins with the typical fare heard in the other streams, getting them to agree to discreet relationships with the front organisation, even after describing their tactics of doxxing, harassing and physical violence towards rightists. Sé's work is in establishing a 'rapport with ethnic minorities and leftist activists' across Trinity or campuses, handling USI reports of racism, running 'refugee weeks' and 'anti-apartheid weeks' and keeping lists of those who are "flagged as being a problem" (read: anti-globohomo takeover). Sé then passes on names to the journalist including of those working with Fine Gael, as well as other 'anti-fascist activists' to help organise with the front group.




I believe it's called "Stop Posting, You Retard".

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38de3e  No.74197

File: 7d45800d46c8209⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 641x480, 641:480, 1408390541314.jpg)

full (((sinn fein))) support for these heroes

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417d93  No.74198


>deceptive editing

Is that true?

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fc3e70  No.74440


any source on the deceptive editing?, i am genuinely curious

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a65275  No.74519

here is a fun video. homeless nigger in quarantine, leaves, walks across street to steal donuts and escapes via city bus.


homefully he's back with his homeless buddies coofing. this is why the inner city is going to be foooooooooooooooooked.

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a65275  No.74521


sorry wrong thread

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1e0ca0  No.85616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Laura Beston - TCDSU President

Turns out there was actually an article for Ó hEidhin, I just wasn't looking very hard.

>Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) represents 17,000 students at an undergraduate and postgraduate level. Membership of the Union is obligatory for every student attending the college, with the portion of the annual fee going straight to the Student Union.

>In 2018, a referendum on abolishing the mandatory Union membership failed by only a few percentage points. As such, Trinity students who may not agree with the union are stuck paying for it.

>Senior officials within the union have gone on to enter positions of power within the Irish media and political scene, such as Senator Ivana Bacik and Broadcaster Mark Little, both being former presidents of the Union.

>In a recorded call with President Beston, she expressed her support for @IrishAntifa and their methods, including their stated desire to harass students accused of engaging in right-wing politics.

>President Beston also offered @IrishAntifa aid in shaping policy within the college, saying that, with her help, the Antifa cell could gain formative influence in areas as senior as “The Board of Trinity”.

>Finally she expressed her willingness to pass on further information to our reporters regarding students including but not limited to names, course details and employment information. She also mentioned that she would implore other “friends” within TCD to pass on similar information.



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75dccf  No.86074

>yfw both rosicrucian and antifa were working hard to recruit you back in early'10s

the ride never ends

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1e0ca0  No.89859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NUIGSU Vice President/Welfare & Equality Officer Roisin Nic Lochlainn

This one sure loves her violence.

>Roisin Nic Lochlainn is the recently elected Vice President of NUIGSU, as well as their new Officer for Welfare & Equality. She was also the chairperson of Ógra Shin Féin’s branch in NUIG until relatively recently.

>In a recorded phone call with a representative from @IrishAntifa, Vice President Nic Lochlainn admits to ‘milkshaking’ Justin Barrett, head of the National Party.

>When discussing the incident, Nic Lochlainn said: “oh my god it felt so good like, honestly, like, amazing”. It should also be noted that Nic Lochlainn had previously written articles espousing her belief that one should violently attack certain right wing actors, writing that you do not “debate fascists, you smash them.”

>When asked about whether she or Ógra Shinn Féin in NUIG had contacts if “things got physical,” Ms. Nic Lochlainn answered in the affirmative. She stated she was happy to pass on names. She laughed about another anti-racist activist as being “all talk.”

>Ms. Nic Lochlainn detailed plans by Ógra Shinn Féin to protest outside Deputy Grealish’s office and that they would “play it by ear” and “keep a milkshake at hand.”

>Inquiries around “sympathetic left-voices in media,” saw the incoming VP for Welfare and Equality hand over the names of individuals, including some journalists, as well as contact information.







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9836b8  No.89953

File: 7a894e1d62c4910⋯.png (2.16 MB, 838x1191, 838:1191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3018be091c492b⋯.png (629.54 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Ironic as the three arrows emblem represented what social democrats in Wiemar Germany thought were threats to democracy:




Note the latter. Those idiots literally do not understand their own symbolism. Not to mention, you would expect anyone who uses this flag to be as vehemently anti-communist as their predecessors were.

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1e0ca0  No.99968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Conor Reddy - People Before Profit GE2020 Candidate Dublin North-West

>Conor Reddy is a leading light for the Trotskyist orientated People Before Profit party. Standing in the Dublin North West constituency in this year’s elections he garnered 1,215 (3.8%) of first preference votes, having made a name for himself across housing protests in recent years.

>In 2017 he courted controversy by publicly removing pro-life posters around Trinity College Dublin, an action that was defended by the Party itself.

>When it was announced that @IrishAntifa was run by reporters involved with this publication, Mr Reddy messaged @IrishAntifa saying that he would pursue the Burkean legally if his name or picture was published by this publication, citing GDPR. His previous direct messages to @IrishAntifa consisted in large part of the names and pictures of those Mr Reddy claimed to be involved in right wing politics.

>Over twitter direct messages, he passed on the name and picture of a Trinity student on the free speech side of the rally to our reporters operating the account. Subsequently, he passed on another picture of a former student Mr Reddy claimed was engaged in right wing politics.

>Mr Reddy also suggested @IrishAntifa aim to get Student Unions to adopt a ‘militant’ approach to tackle the rising right wing. He also made sure to express his anxiety that certain college officials, particularly TCDSU President Laura Beston, weren’t to be relied on.

>In addition to Reddy, another TCD PBP member, Jacob Woolf, was implicated in this investigation compiling harassment material on fellow students and lobbying Jewish advocacy groups for funding for anti-racist activity. Mr Reddy described Woolf in the recorded call as being proficient as ‘cataloging’ various things involving the right.



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489321  No.115388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jessica Reid – Galway Anti Racism Network

>Galway Anti Racism Network (GARN) is a crossparty anti-racist initiate active in the county, mobilising against what they believe to be the far-right. A vocal progressive voice in the city, the group is arguably the most active anti-racist network in Ireland. The organisation is often present at a variety of demonstrations annually and in lobbying local officials against deportation orders and for hate speech laws.

>The group was embroiled in controversy however this year owing to the actions of their founder, Joe Loughnane, in relation to an alleged altercation with a female activist resulting in a visible schism in the Irish left over the wider issues of misogyny.

>This past month has seen a very clear distancing by elements of the Galway left from GARN as a result.

>In addition GARN and Loughnane in particular had previously been active in what could only be described as low level harassment against individuals and businesses associated with right wing activity.

>The group describes itself as an affiliate of INAR, (Irish Network Against Racism) formerly known as ENAR Ireland one of the country’s more influencial and monied anti-racist organisations. Staffed by members of the hard left, it has raised considerable eyebrows among rightist circles due to its media and lobbying access as well funding streams from Ireland and abroad.

>Our reporters made contact with Jessica Reid, a Canadian expat living in Galway who now does work within GARN about the organisation’s current operations.

>During the conversation, Ms Reid described the activities of the organisation and their mobilisations, as well as their contact base within local media and academia.

>Ms Reid described GARN’s ‘greatest fear’ as ‘the guys that can appeal to the mainstream’.



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66cfb6  No.115460

A lot of these people look jewy. How many jews does Ireland have?

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d0cd5b  No.129333


hardly any. for now you are able to be mildly anti-semitic (most Palestine activism is still allowed) but all that is going away. We are getting hate speech legislation this year that will do away with Palestine activism but no one is even mentioning that angle because no one knows what the Irish state (and the EU) deem "anti-Semitism" - so the majority of the country is technically "anti-Semitic" and don't even know it.

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0e1753  No.129348


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f92263  No.129534

File: 103cfd1d09234f6⋯.png (591.34 KB, 780x2300, 39:115, roisin.png)


Update on Róisín: she's feeling bad about a little experience she went through in school. Maybe someone should comfort her about it?



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f92263  No.146000

File: 85dedf346598f6c⋯.png (3.95 MB, 760x7710, 76:771, 1287688790400614400.png)

Bit of an update from @wokal_distance on Twitter regarding the organisation tactics of these groups.

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0e5f01  No.146130

Fucking A Irish. Make up your damn mind.

First you go full fashion to keep the Brits out, now you bash the fashion that kept you a unique people.

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30789a  No.146174


Not so fast. The three arrows originally belonged to the Eiserne Front or Iron Front, a paramilitary organization linked to the SPD, much like Antifaschistische Aktion was linked to the KPD and the Stürmabteilung was linked to the NSDAP. All three were heavily involved in street battles, mostly Iron Front and Antifa versus SA, but also Iron Front against Antifa when opportune. As socialists, they renounced marxism but were closer maybe to the French syndicalist movement.

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30789a  No.146175


I forgot to add, all this during the Weimar period as you correctly stated.

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15056a  No.146242


Interesting. Seeing that this thread is 2 months old, did any legal consequences come from this? For example people behind NGO's being prosecuted? I doubt it.

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69edda  No.147038

Nice work lads. Continue exposing these bastards and keep digging further until you get to the bottom of exactly who's funding these people.

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7f1ac4  No.155089


This video has now been deleted for ToS violation. If it wasn't already obvious, archive all of these.

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c51eba  No.155118

It's nice to know that I'm not the only bastard in Ireland that is aware of the shit going on. Pretty gud whitepill if you ask me

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