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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow

File: fd9b462b230e949⋯.jpg (29.63 KB, 474x549, 158:183, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

83dca4  No.131269

post all the screenshots of anti white tweets that get hundreds of thousands of likes on twitter.

you could show them to bluepilled fags and make them see that the only people in America that are openly hated, targeted for their race, insulted, discriminated against are white people. we've already seen and saved the jew ones so the ones posted by blacks would be more useful.

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58bcd1  No.131273


>post all the screenshots of anti white tweets that get hundreds of thousands of likes on twitter

<posts a tweet with <500 likes

top kek m8

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83dca4  No.131279


this was the only screenshot i could find of this particular tweet lad, it had a couple thousand likes the last time i saw it

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01ec6b  No.131650


she needs to be fucked by a BWC.

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195fc4  No.131651

File: 8d13cdd12dd2599⋯.jpg (881.24 KB, 2800x1964, 700:491, niggers.jpg)

File: 24c65ef1a62f18b⋯.png (58.57 KB, 731x413, 731:413, niggers_hate_gooks_4.png)

File: e7d1211f9873ecc⋯.png (67.27 KB, 608x599, 608:599, niggers_hate_gooks_2.png)

File: fc71dbbfa693eca⋯.png (632.55 KB, 3140x1612, 785:403, niggers_hate_gooks.png)

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524629  No.131652



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195fc4  No.131653

File: 0b32b1b822cbfcd⋯.jpg (621.72 KB, 828x1347, 276:449, nigger_accountability.jpg)

File: 4fdb202dda840c7⋯.png (343.64 KB, 733x821, 733:821, niggers_and_looting.png)

File: 9f5bc5542d82ef0⋯.jpg (195.56 KB, 501x1122, 167:374, nigerian_on_niggers.jpg)

File: 43aeccd73ffa032⋯.jpg (254.35 KB, 996x2048, 249:512, chink_nigger_hate.jpg)

Hoho….you know I love saving these. I forget about them then I go back and find them again…it's a gift that keeps on giving…hahaha..

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195fc4  No.131655

File: a5408e4ddeec7b9⋯.png (722.85 KB, 1201x1189, 1201:1189, nigger_love.png)

File: 403cc3c7b0d17a6⋯.jpg (409.14 KB, 1596x2015, 1596:2015, nigger_ruin.jpg)

File: 5b9ddec598c3f25⋯.png (747.86 KB, 1854x1988, 927:994, nigger_retards.png)



Aggression-related Gene Weakens Brain's Impulse Control Circuits



Exploring the association between the 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene promoter polymorphism and psychopathic personality traits, arrests, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior

The 2R was related to arrest, incarceration, and lifetime antisocial behavior.



>MAOA genotype modulates default mode network deactivation during inhibitory control

>It has been demonstrated, in a long line of research, that the low-activity genotype of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene is associated with aggression.


>The 2-Repeat Allele of the MAOA Gene Confers an Increased Risk for Shooting and Stabbing Behaviors



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195fc4  No.131658

File: dec43900f44d35c⋯.jpg (270.53 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, nigger_hate.jpg)

File: 46f97b4d2f2e503⋯.jpg (3.58 KB, 140x250, 14:25, niggers_and_old_people.jpg)

File: a2dd4012b30bfd5⋯.png (492.37 KB, 617x588, 617:588, nigger_daycare.png)

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195fc4  No.131659

File: 2e405631a4213d1⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 282x500, 141:250, nigger_jackoff.webm)

File: 6f55c34191fc822⋯.jpg (374.55 KB, 800x1065, 160:213, nigger_homo.jpg)

File: ab3db0e87066934⋯.jpg (176.91 KB, 576x860, 144:215, nigger_fatherhood.jpg)

File: 1f4c0dec46a9c03⋯.jpg (59.45 KB, 680x463, 680:463, soros_and_niggers.jpg)

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195fc4  No.131660

File: f10b99c947e69bf⋯.webm (1.28 MB, 348x660, 29:55, nigga_torch.webm)

File: 5ac29b8fdfa0305⋯.jpg (532.31 KB, 750x877, 750:877, nigger_killer.jpg)

File: ccdeb66fa09f1e5⋯.webm (1.39 MB, 480x848, 30:53, nigga_jack_off.webm)

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195fc4  No.131661

File: 02a1ef0696e4fc4⋯.webm (2.44 MB, 480x848, 30:53, nigger_fire.webm)

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195fc4  No.131663

File: 65e02d4e571a49b⋯.gif (885.17 KB, 250x144, 125:72, nig_tit_sucker.gif)

File: c827fb0955dfcab⋯.webm (1.55 MB, 230x400, 23:40, shit_on_buss_nigga.webm)

File: 1c48366ad7243f4⋯.webm (2.23 MB, 320x570, 32:57, nigger_wench.webm)

File: 4aa1a354b867577⋯.jpg (142.96 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, Shitass_nigger.jpg)

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195fc4  No.131664

File: f64d13731b1fd9e⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 603x442, 603:442, rape_nig.jpg)

File: 87aaf0fd3e7ab44⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 480x480, 1:1, nigga_mammies_fighting.webm)

File: 166891d03529ec1⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 260x480, 13:24, nigger_babies.webm)

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195fc4  No.131665

File: e30464bc6fd50e9⋯.webm (1.77 MB, 202x360, 101:180, nig_on_nig.webm)

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524629  No.131669


should've killed him as well, nobody would've given a shit

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d9f767  No.145891


You're a special kind of stupid. But you're only twelve so perhaps there's still hope for you.

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