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File: cc44697b2062588⋯.png (1.01 MB, 5760x3456, 5:3, aloha.png)

e9c7b8  No.128534

Wallpaper/symbol I made for the Luau. Possible flag?

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7e568a  No.128537

File: 8156209366a0a95⋯.png (10.53 KB, 516x233, 516:233, British_East_India_Company.png)

Your flag is saying "whites divided by reds and some floaty flowers on top distracting you from it". Sounds like a perfect flag for the world today my dude.

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e9c7b8  No.128545

Sons of liberty flag combined with the 13 stars of the betsy ross flag in a boog fashion. Do you are have dumb?

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73211c  No.128566

No one here cares about Hawaii. Hopefully it gets excised in the race war.

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cfb348  No.128589


I vote the Federal government grants Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and any other territory complete sovereignty and autonomy from the US, so we don't have to deal with their bullshit anymore.

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