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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: b36c1ed992f32d6⋯.jpg (748.49 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, EZ4l5ozXkAArwDi.jpg)

1bcacb  No.120784

I had this image pop into my head but my art skills are shit. Maybe someone else can take it on.

Picture an altar, with a little spot before it and a sign saying "Kneel for BLM". A line of white people with bowed heads are waiting and kneeling. There is some sort of commissar, a negress with a megaphone. There is a slot or a box to one side with a sign reading "donations" into which the whites who have finished kneeling are putting money. Behind the stage is a hidden area where the money is coming out, and behind that are either rich white people or (((bankers))), depending on the normie level of the target audience.

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d1ac94  No.120805

Memes don't work once it becomes clear there is no power on the ground behind them.

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b7241a  No.120807

File: 28780837f0e7afd⋯.png (114.45 KB, 300x246, 50:41, forced_meme2_108.png)

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2d5e2b  No.120879

what a disgusting photo

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24bf19  No.121060


R.I.P. David Dees

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