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232782  No.113697

Chile was the testing ground for this. Must be investigated

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5f38da  No.113943

Im suprised someone else noticed, same behaviour, same violence, same organized rioters

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a69705  No.113985


Yes, our south american countries are regularly being used as testing ground for some psyops later on jewnited states or europe.

Get ready for "corralito" aka "you cannot retrieve your money from the bank goy" among other ideas already tested.

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9703c7  No.114003

The right-wing take on this is really just some autistic pattern seeing? >durr hurr they look da same so an Jew did it.

Are you niggers fucking serious

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38340e  No.114153


What is your point of view?

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7d18a9  No.114266


In this case, Chile was the most resembling country to USA.

Later, during January, the leaders of Chilean coup traveled to USA and met with Dems.

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5d6ebc  No.114521


listen here you fuckwitted kike, if there is ONE THING Autism is EMPLOYED by the JIDF for,

its fucking pattern recognition… you fucking low brain powered normie

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