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Welcome to Pen Island
Our pen is big
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File: a4c2db5844c11c7⋯.jpg (3.87 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180925_105140.jpg)

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9a198b No.549

I bought this Baoer fountain pen for $9 online. It has in an iridium tipped nib. This name is bouncy. Nicely designed nibs like this are hard to come by. Baoer seems to be a brand owned by Jin Hua, but it is so difficult to say these days. With so many companies building OEM products. Well I guess that is neither here nor there. This branded Bauer pen has noticeably different components when compared to a jinn hwa pen. The converter of this power is trustingly enough has a little plastic floating ball inside. The ink is Not yet flowing smoothly. That could be the baffles are still filling up with think. I liked the way the bouncy iridium nib tip putting ink on the lines by pressure. When I pushed down harder more in comes out. That is nice. This nip is almost fine. Unless you press down. Then it's nice thick ink. I'm pretty much pleased with this pen. Pricewise, it competes with a plastic pilot fountain pen. The belt is actually gold colored material. Where is the Pilot's belt is just gold colored paint, flaky paint. Nice low cost pen! Baoer 388

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9a198b No.550

File: 7d81c9fd4ea0512⋯.jpg (2.73 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180925_095404.jpg)

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File: 6cd89b592800ef7⋯.jpg (2.55 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180925_095053.jpg)

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