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/pen/ - A Place to Create and Critique

Writing and reviewing ink pens and political literature

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Welcome to Pen Island
Our pen is big
Political discussion is allowed by default. This board is SFW

Is It Wet Yet?

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File: da1e8fa83aee08d⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180921_134552.jpg)

b21f8b No.544

The pen to turn to on an otherwise disappointing day. Sitting in the dentist waiting room. Just doing some scribbling.

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b21f8b No.545

File: 0160bc4a218735c⋯.jpg (1.93 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180921_135449.jpg)

More attachments BO. Just one is a shame.

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b21f8b No.546

File: d3ebfa6745d9eee⋯.jpg (456.03 KB,1582x2328,791:1164,2018_09_21 1_57 PM Office ….jpg)

It forces many posts. We'll that is exciting.

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b21f8b No.547

File: 74c38383facf7aa⋯.jpg (465.03 KB,1569x2348,1569:2348,2018_09_21 2_09 PM Office ….jpg)

File: 417ef63739a2d2b⋯.jpg (458.59 KB,1559x2363,1559:2363,2018_09_21 2_08 PM Office ….jpg)

File: 71571e563b3bab8⋯.jpg (403.26 KB,1521x2422,1521:2422,2018_09_21 2_07 PM Office ….jpg)


How about now?

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b21f8b No.548


Even pdf may work. Although it is untested.

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