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/pen/ - A Place to Create and Critique

Writing and reviewing ink pens and political literature

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Welcome to Pen Island
Our pen is big
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Is It Wet Yet?

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File: e4c9a83dbee1394⋯.jpg (225.35 KB,1624x2269,1624:2269,2018_08_03 11_32 AM Office….jpg)

6f7a01 No.510

Duke is dumb but once he smells he'll say hello .

Find fine line scratching

Fine fine line no scrats

Be careful wait think about it

Have to be calm Royal blue Wolf Wolf

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f0b712 No.511


>Fine fine line no scrats

this is what you get when you phonepost

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6f7a01 No.512

File: 9048373fa02151f⋯.jpg (242.91 KB,1730x2130,173:213,2018_08_03 11_39 AM Office….jpg)


We're using the dictation software called Bixby is a it's from Samsung and it is making some errors but we're having fun with it

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6f7a01 No.513

File: 6534413a2220380⋯.jpg (4.1 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180803_114140.jpg)

But one file at a time in this no u* s****

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6f7a01 No.514

File: 34ec780ef3eb839⋯.jpg (4.07 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20180803_114145.jpg)

the proper photo

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