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/pen/ - A Place to Create and Critique

Writing and reviewing ink pens and political literature

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Welcome to Pen Island
Our pen is big
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Is It Wet Yet?

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b7fa1e No.386

So is there going to be a zine or what?

I'll write a short story for it.

If it's full of faggot ass poetry count me out.

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b7fa1e No.395

There won't be any poetry in it. People can post poetry on the board if they want but it won't feature in the magazine we make.

At the moment, we need to get more content before we create it.

If you are meaning the Iron March project, you need to post works here and I'll contact the creator of their zine and let him see your work.

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b7fa1e No.396


What does the iron march project entail?

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b7fa1e No.397

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b7fa1e No.398



Count me out.

>fascist zine

Good luck with that. Honestly I wish you all the best of luck but this will never take off and if it does it will be ignored.

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b7fa1e No.399


It's not my project, it's just there if people here want to contribute.

This board wants to make a collection of the best stuff from here, it's two different things.

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b7fa1e No.400


This board is on it's last breath.

It's kinda sad because /pol/ and /new/ always appreciated good fiction writing.

Do you know how much more material is need for the /pen/ zine?

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b7fa1e No.401


If enough people realise that the board is here then it won't die. The problem is that there aren't regular posters. People post stuff once then don't really post again, which is why we need more threads where people just talk back and forth, like book discussions and stuff like that.

There is a thread based on prompts and ideas on what to write, I might sticky it.

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b7fa1e No.402


There's not many writers man.

We are a dying breed.

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b7fa1e No.403


But could you estimate how much more is needed to complete the zine?

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b7fa1e No.404


The way I see it is when people post anywhere on the chans they are writing. Greentexting is story telling. People explain stuff all the time. They don't need to do much to actually be creating decent stuff.

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b7fa1e No.405


Probably quite a bit more. I'm waiting until we have quite a few more posters, I don't want to just start putting stuff in for the sake of it.

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b7fa1e No.406


I don't know about that.

Why would they come here if not to write?

The way I see it is this is a project board where writers from /pol/ and /new/ can come together and work on something. You don't have the numbers for it to be anything else.

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b7fa1e No.407


Quality over quantity.

I wrote a rushed short story for /pol/ a few months back that they really liked.

I could shoot it your way if you want.

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b7fa1e No.408


I'd say its a better idea to get the board content to a high standard before we start branching out to the projects like the magazine. It's a mid term goal though

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b7fa1e No.409


Yeah start a thread

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b7fa1e No.416

It would be interesting to make 1/2 sheet zines of single stories. My town has a few of pic related, and I'd like to contribute some material.

Stuff that wouldn't be outright labeled "Nazi" or anything. More short children's stories with traditional tones, and truth presented in a reader-friendly way.

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b7fa1e No.417

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*1 or 2

forgot pic

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b7fa1e No.418

File: 1435263396713.jpg (166.89 KB,753x450,251:150,3.jpg)


dunno why that was pic for ants

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b7fa1e No.422



>faggot ass

Pick one. Also, read real poetry, poetry with meter and not postmodernist free verse garbage. Poetry is (was) a form higher than prose (which didn't exist until, IIRC, eighteen or nineteen hundred). To contemn/shun poetry is to contemn/shun your heritage, faggot.

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