Hello /pen/! I'm reading pic related and even though I'm not too far in, I've been thinking about some things, specifically things that come about in Part 1 Section 2, "The Big Secret of Dealing With People".
In the book, the author comments that "The desire for a feeling of importance is one of the chief distinguishing differences between mankind and animals." You'll have no argument from me on that point. However, my primary question is dealing with application and utilization of that point. I know that with many of the people I have dealt with, that they would see the attempt at flattery and piling on of "importance" as a sham and might distrust the individual who tried to do as much.
Therefore, my questions are as follows:
1. Are the majority of people receptive to this type of attention/compliment/flattery?
2. How is one able to tell if an individual might be receptive to such forms of flattery? Repeated encounters? Using a few and gauging reaction? Both? Something else?
3. The book does not talk about individuals with Autism/Aspergers. Does anyone have experience with people on the spectrum and how these sorts of tactics affect those people?
4. Are folks in certain professions more susceptible to these types of flattery? I would imagine that an artist may be more receptive as compared to a given physicist due to (what I think, anyway) a person with a different type of mindset gravitating towards these professions.
Any thoughts? Comments? Thanks.