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File: 1429136582210.png (1.76 MB,1812x1483,1812:1483,pollit.png)

b845b7 No.330

Rate my updated /pol/ required reading.
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b845b7 No.332

Needs Evola
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b845b7 No.334

File: 1429297721317.jpg (8.34 KB,165x258,55:86,By_Way_of_Deception.jpg)

I recommend pic related, by former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky. It offers a firsthand account of the depravity of Israel's intelligence apparatus. From kikepedia:

"He specifically addresses the suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine compound in Beirut that killed several hundred U.S. Marines in Lebanon. He says Mossad learned of the time and location of the attack in advance through its network of informants, but only told the Americans general information, without the specifics."

"He attributes trafficking heroin as a source of raising funds for operations that were outside government regulation. He blames Mossad for assassinating …a PLO diplomat sent… to start peace negotiations with the Israeli government to prevent an invasion of Lebanon"

"The second half alleges other operations between 1971 and 1985, such as Operation Sphinx where Iraqi nuclear scientists were recruited while in France to gather information about Iraq's nuclear reactor Osiraq, ultimately ending with the Israeli air strike in 1981."

It's been criticized (mostly by Zionists), but the fact that Israel tried to block the book's sale in the U.S. and Canada is enough to make me believe Ostrovsky's account.

>no Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
step it up m8
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b845b7 No.361


Brave New World is a better reflection on modernity than 1984. Animal Farm is probably a better novel to include in the /pol/lit chart to be honest.

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b845b7 No.362


Agreed. Finished it recently, the parallels were quite worrying.

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b845b7 No.364

File: 1432576212055.jpg (11.07 KB,200x300,2:3,hitlers-revolution.jpg)

You REALLY need this book in pic related. It is a MUST read. Unlike most books on the subject, whether redpill or kike shit, they mostly talk about history only. This book talks in GREAT detail about the mechanics of National Socialism.

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b845b7 No.365

Should add Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun, Journey to the End of the Night by Louis Ferdinand Celiné and Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche

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b845b7 No.367


>Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche

A bit useless if you don't have a solid background in philosophy though.

I would add The Culture of Critique series, and a race realist book like Race Evolution and Behavior by Rushton, or the more recent A Troublesome Inheritance by Wade

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b845b7 No.430

File: 1437525477299.png (507.47 KB,1597x1490,1597:1490,snorri kjell.png)


>Egils saga by Egil

It's actually written by Snorri Sturluson.

t. descendant of both of them.

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