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4afd2a No.320

Hey, /pen/, im trying to write a sci-fi story based in the far future. I dont really want to go into what the story is about, but i plan to have it heavily based around internet messages and chats.

Normally when i write, its poetry (and pretty shitty free verse at that), and i have never written a full story before. How the hall do i make the online dialogue nice, and not super shitty? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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4afd2a No.321

Write something and we will tell you what you can do to improve it.
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a96b25 No.1018

File: c29467a57112212⋯.jpg (104.66 KB,622x364,311:182,THEYLIVELEMONHEADmockingbi….jpg)


have the dialogue that you and a friend would have, typos, acronyms and lols, keks, and fuck offs.

Make it too proper or out of character; risk disconnecting whatever character you developed as the reader will see that you let your self-conscious take over the dialogue and not the character

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3dbb8c No.1772

Read comment sections to get a feel for it. The writing style is informal and dynamic, with comments and replies building upon each other, like a conversation.

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3dbb8c No.1773

Read comment sections to get a feel for it. The writing style is informal and dynamic, with comments and replies building upon each other, like a conversation.

Also, many such spaces have a set of “regular characters” and each has their own distinct “voice” and writing style. So think of each in your book as a character with a background, age, experience set, regional location, and family/work/religious history etc. Even if you never include all that it in the book will help you write realistic dialog as you put yourself in each different set of shoes. How a two tour Afganistan combat vet raised in the Deep South would word things in posts would be very different from how a tech company millennial based in San Francisco would, for example.

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