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File: 1426737159740.pdf (181.1 KB,Chapter 1.pdf)

8cee06 No.256

So I'm writing a novel of sorts, trying to shoot for 1500 to 2000 words per chapter. I'm trying to be subtle with the /pol/ themes, so a publisher won't be scared of it. The story is about a disgraced ex-reporter hearing from his friend who was murdered in Mexico, prompting him to go and investigate his murder, as well as the conspiracy he was going after.

The first two chapters are done, I was hoping for constructive crit?
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8cee06 No.257

File: 1426737196769.pdf (103.03 KB,Chapter 2.pdf)

Also posting second chapter.
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8cee06 No.269

Surely, a proper critique would have to occur on the whole. Godspeed anon
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8cee06 No.274


Right now I'm kind of at a crossroads- how do I describe Eddie getting to Mexico? I don't know if I want to take him out of New York so quick, since I don't know if I've done enough to explain how miserable and overgrown the city is. That being said, there's not a lot that has to happen, other than him following James's posthumous instructions. Advice?
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