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a681e2 (11) No.251 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

It would be really helpful for parents if you could post moral stories..
So much of the kids books is about tolerance and non violence.

It would be helpful to have stories that encourage loyalty and tribalism. Stories that explain nat soc and the evils of usury (and feminism, etc etc). Sometimes violence has been historically necessary.

We need stories that encourage gender roles.

Stories that combat all modern brain washing. Stories (some) might even have broad appeal.

We need kids to be suspicious, especially of liberals/prove, non whites, gov tyranny…..

We need to pass on our great works (Google The Great Conversation) …. We need so.plified. versions of our literature and philosophy going back thousands of years. We need simplified histories of world events as we see them. It would be great to eventually get artists.

We know this is important as Julius striker was murdered for it and his works are hated.

Please post your finished stories to pol on their sticky and other nationalist sites.

Flood the web!
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a681e2 (11) No.252

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This is a good idea (provided it's not straight propaganda). Perhaps some fairy tales lend themselves to an adaptation?
Pic unrelated
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a681e2 (11) No.253>>254

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a681e2 (11) No.254>>259

As a side note, the stepmother character in a lot of these tales seems like a metaphor for Jews.
This one's pretty dark
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a681e2 (11) No.258

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There are only a limited number of themes that are retold… Some of them especially resonate with White people.

The modern garbage is just throwaway crap, easily forgotten.

I know you guys can write stories that resonate within our souls, build character and lead people to the truth.
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a681e2 (11) No.259

She easily could be. She replaces the original mother (mother, of course, being a classical symbol for fertility and tradition, ie one's "roots"), who developed throughout her life to the point of raising children with a literal tyrant (ie no natural bond).
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a681e2 (11) No.262

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Check out some of these stories
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a681e2 (11) No.263

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a681e2 (11) No.264

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a681e2 (11) No.265

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a681e2 (11) No.266

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