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Welcome to Pen Island
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Is It Wet Yet?

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File: 721981455c0ae03⋯.jpg (955.6 KB,3024x4032,3:4,Image_from_iOS.jpg)

31407d No.1052 [Last50 Posts]

Well, this site isn't going away anytime soon. This board has been repurposed a few times, and it may be repurposed again. We can try using this as a solution.

A trip is an easy way to identify yourself while retaining anonymity.

It simply requires you to remember your trip code password.

Of course, you may write it down for future reference. This is how Q retains anonymity.

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31407d No.1053

File: 36f84a4fe0509d0⋯.png (361.12 KB,1792x856,224:107,Screen_Shot_2022_05_01_at_….png)

There is a faq on 8kun. It is pretty up to date.


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a7124f No.1055

File: f773ea54c4c5040⋯.png (60.44 KB,512x512,1:1,c8d1e6eb_e8fa_4ccf_9f4c_c7….png)


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9fb0dd No.1056

Test to see if I can do this trip code thing.

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31407d No.1057

Let's try using some trip codes.

From the faq: By entering one # character and a password in the Name field. Adding #example to the Name field would generate !KtW6XcghiY. This is reasonably secure - however, with increasing GPU speeds, these tripcodes may be cracked in a few days by a dedicated attacker;

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31407d No.1058

File: 47eebb73c0c1388⋯.png (67 KB,736x434,368:217,Screen_Shot_2022_05_01_at_….png)


By entering two # characters and a password in the Name field. Adding ##example to the Name field would generate !!Dz.MSNRw9M. This is quite secure, but it relies on a secret salt on the server. This means the code will not work on websites other than 8kun;

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31407d No.1059


You can do it.

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9fb0dd No.1060

I think I did it… Maybe an old dog can learn new tricks!

If I didn’t do this correctly please let me know before I completely embarrass myself!


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31407d No.1061


Put your name before the number signs.

Then you have Anon identity.


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9fb0dd No.1062

Trying again…

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31407d No.1063


You are not embarrassing yourself. There is a learning curve whenever we do something new.

I will change my trip from the example trip now, and use it from now on. Except when I post as BO.

The ID will also give you some identity. The same ID should show up while you are in your current session.

My id: 31407d

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a7124f No.1064

File: 63112f5dd99f3b3⋯.png (14.15 KB,150x150,1:1,EnochHatWatermark.png)

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31407d No.1065


Welcome, SuburbanWoman. Now you are identifiable just like Q by your trip code.

This is how it's done!

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31407d No.1066


Hi Enoch! We were talking about the Book of Enoch on the radio Friday. I thought about you.

Will there be a camping trip this summer?

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a7124f No.1067

File: 5c7270148fc197f⋯.png (695.68 KB,631x817,631:817,unknown_5_.png)

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9fb0dd No.1068

Is my ID (9fb0dd) the trip code or is it !!!ZTY3ZTc3OGI1YTBi

Maybe I am Q! Lol, kidding, I am not Q! 😂

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31407d No.1069

So I chat in these places.

Some of which are now censoring my friends and me. To the point that they are blaming each other. That is something that the Deep State wants. They hope to divide us. It won't work. We will remain indivisible.



on TS at @jimisnotq

on Twitter at twitter.com/realjimwatkins

on Gettr at https://gettr.com/catfishing

but I will start posting here, then put the URL, because I am sick of being censored. This is anonymous here.

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9fb0dd No.1070

Is it possible to reply to posts? Or is it one long scrolling thread?

Magapalooza looks like fun!

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31407d No.1071


The ID will change sometimes, but the trip code won't change unless you forget your password.

This way, you are uniquely identifiable yet totally anonymous.

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31407d No.1072


If I can get time, I will attend Magapalooza this year, but Michigan is far away, and I have a lot of obligations.

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31407d No.1073


Reply to posts by putting

>> and the post number.

Like this >>1069

The benefit to this is hovering over the link will give you a preview of it.

It also helps keep the continuity of conversations.

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31407d No.1074

File: 7af423e046ae617⋯.jpg (274.39 KB,1280x1280,1:1,2022_05_01_10_07_36.jpg)

Ron Watkins has put a new telegram channel on for his campaign.


Don't forget to https://helpwatkinswin.com/donate

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31407d No.1075

My id should change when I lost from the telephone.

The trip code will probably remain the same.

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31407d No.1076


Well I mistyped it

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31407d No.1077

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31407d No.1078


This is my phone. I just typed my trip code on the telephone wrong a few times. I don't type well with my thumbs.

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810085 No.1080

File: 4bcfa5fdeb113c9⋯.jpg (5.55 MB,3072x4080,64:85,PXL_20220501_171018419.jpg)

File: 6d9b3827562dcbe⋯.jpg (7.26 MB,3072x4080,64:85,PXL_20220501_171004970.jpg)

😊🙏🐸🇺🇸 A peaceful afternoon in the land of the Communists .

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31407d No.1081


It is nice to see green there.

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810085 No.1084

File: eaec6ee64e8ee14⋯.jpg (2.79 MB,3072x4080,64:85,PXL_20220327_162051009.jpg)

Raking leaves is on the agenda , 8 hours of GOP meetings on Saturday . Makes me wish to sit in Church . 🙏🇺🇸🐸 Please God help us . Raking leaves will be pleasant 🙂🤠✝️🙏🇺🇸

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810085 No.1087

File: d7c2f675575def9⋯.jpg (2.15 MB,3072x4080,64:85,PXL_20220413_202625783.jpg)

Hey I'm jus a new Fag . Go to is it wet yet by some Maple Syrup make my lady happy . Jim don't need people Raging him he has the J6 retard commission to deal with

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2c9c05 No.1089

Pen 15 club is top kek

Well played sir

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9fb0dd No.1090

Well that didn’t take long…

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a528c8 No.1091


The syrup is fantastic.

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d57e85 No.1092

File: 30209c8fbc0e3c8⋯.png (349.85 KB,410x350,41:35,ClipboardImage.png)


That's a really pretty colored bulb. i ordered three of these over two months ago and they are scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I like the pattern on the leaves.

Thanks for the link Jim, I like to stay in touch whenever possible.

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f73eab No.1093

If you’re looking for Q, the fake military intelligence douchebag, head over to Truth Social. He left this website because Jim and Ron are pedophiles.

Also, go fuck yourselves.

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9fb0dd No.1095

I am not a boomer and I also don’t believe (or not believe) in Q. Who knows! But I do know weird s#it’s happening the likes of which I have never seen in my lifetime. As for Q, I’ll believe it when I see it, for now it remains just another rabbit trail. My prediction is far left and right will discover both have been played by a third someone/something that’s not clear where it’s coming from, in the middle. Once they realize it, the two will join forces and see it for what it is. I guess we’ll see…

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f73eab No.1096

You look like a boomer to me, namefag. Also, the things you believe are going on are attributable to your lack of intelligence and your circular reasoning.

Fuck off, boomer.

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9fb0dd No.1097


The name escapes me but I have grown those before and they are really pretty. If it freezes where you live you can put them in the garage or somewhere cool but where it won’t freeze over winter and they’ll come back year after year. Or if you forget to bring them in until it snows (like I did) they won’t. Duh-oh.

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d57e85 No.1098


. Phasion Canna lily.

It reminds me of tye dye kind of like a pen I used to have.

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9fb0dd No.1099

I suppose there’s no way to mute someone here? Actually it’s cool, different viewpoints are often illuminating. I’m game… what’s the story racoon?

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d57e85 No.1100


LOL…there is no off switch for that one.

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f73eab No.1101

Why would you want to mute someone? What about fReEzE PeAch and discernment and critical thinking and open-mindedness and all the other lies people like you repeat to yourselves while sucking your own dicks?

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9fb0dd No.1104

>>1099 I don’t believe in either Q until and unless I see some folks on both sides of the aisle telling it to the judge in a court of law why they thought it was ok to rip off the people, and whatever else they did.

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f73eab No.1105

Jim and his dipshit son already banned me from their Telegram channels because they’re hypocritical cowards who want to encourage you to disrupt the harmony of other websites with your toxic, nonsensical bullshit, but as big, sweaty, festering vaginas they are unable to accept disruptive language in their own spaces.

Entitled crybabies, the lot of you.

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d57e85 No.1106

File: 327284131dae375⋯.png (268.94 KB,540x321,180:107,ClipboardImage.png)


I like free speech.

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810085 No.1108

File: cdfdeee3c3d07b2⋯.jpeg (210.37 KB,1280x1280,1:1,F49612E5_A7B3_4671_9DB2_F….jpeg)

File: ffd1ce7a1b5559d⋯.jpeg (4.76 MB,4032x3024,4:3,ED5986DD_B545_4238_9B6C_2….jpeg)

🤭😂😂☕️🙏🇺🇸🐸 Must be time for a Nap

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9fb0dd No.1109

>>1099 I also don’t believe if Q is real (if) that it is Jim or Ron. And neither as far as I have seen have ever tried to say they were. Certainly never to me. I didn’t watch the HBO thing but sounds like that was questionable anyway. Didn’t that microchip guy say it was him? I honestly don’t follow it that closely. Are you W? Is the racoon Q? Am I Q? (I for sure am not Q! 😂) Who really cares, I care more about the corruption and lawlessness and apparent failing of checks and balances that is clearly real. What do you think of all that?

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9fb0dd No.1111

Oops Q I mean not W.

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f73eab No.1112

I no longer have a Twitter account, but I still look in on your feed and keep in contact with some researchers and other like-minded people.

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9fb0dd No.1113

>>1110 what’s your @ on Twitter?

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906c29 No.1115

Hello world

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810085 No.1116

File: 973d4cb108a9279⋯.jpeg (111.05 KB,924x1184,231:296,3DD3D872_D85C_4C6A_B92E_F….jpeg)



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810085 No.1117

File: 9bc80298dd04cb2⋯.mp4 (13.98 MB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_0225.MP4)

File: d9589e17f613943⋯.jpeg (163.42 KB,693x924,3:4,DB8AA576_0D45_434D_B10B_7….jpeg)

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906c29 No.1118

File: 8c2445ba1ec68e6⋯.jpg (3.15 MB,4032x3024,4:3,16514335171467284317239197….jpg)

Out to breakfast after a great party!

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f73eab No.1119

No mastodon either. Maybe someday. I don’t really enjoy the whole social media experience. I have deleted so many Twitter accounts (never suspended).

I prefer to stay mostly out of sight. I don’t like talking about myself.

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d57e85 No.1121


What a crock of shit. You are fame fagging right this moment. I've been watching your show for 5 years now. Can you make the letters change colors. I like the rainbow font.

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9157a7 No.1122

Leave it to some pareidolia addled fuckstick at a shithole website like this to believe he’s seeing some kind of pattern that does not exist.

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9fb0dd No.1123

>>1101 re the mute comment, I am all about discussing different points of view. If people don’t like Jim, that’s fine. But if someone doesn’t want to actually discuss anything, just be antagonistic, I usually mute them bc I have a low drama tolerance. Let’s talk about ideas, what’s wrong, how to fix it, etc. Your fix may be different than mine but maybe I could learn something from seeing things a different way. But bashing and just trolling, meh. Why? What’s that even about?

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9157a7 No.1124

Okay. Let’s talk about how nothing Q was always wrong and Alex Jones is always wrong and Jordan Maxwell was always wrong and William Cooper was always wrong and why the vaccinated aren’t all dead and why people continue to believe all this crap anyway.

Does it make you feel special to believe you’re pirvy to some secret information, even though you can’t prove any of it and have to resort to thought terminating cliches like “do your own research” and “disinformation is necessary” because you can’t explain yourself?

I honestly see no point in what you people do. It’s a total waste of time and energy and you’re only making the world a shittier place.

Why? Why do this?

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9fb0dd No.1125

>>1124 I personally know multiple vaccine injured people. True it doesn’t happen to everyone thankfully but it does seem to be happening. Isn’t that worth discussing? I don’t follow Alex Jones and have never heard of the other two you mentioned. I agree Alex Jones never felt authentic to me, lots of people probably aren’t. That doesn’t mean there isn’t something going on. What if Alex Jones and Q are both just ways to confuse people about what’s actually happening? Anything is possible.

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9157a7 No.1126

Anything is not possible. No mole children will ever be pulled from underground tunnels. Reptilians aren’t real. There will never be an arrest for adrenochrome because adrenochrome has no recreational or practical therapeutic value and is not a scheduled substance. There are no nazi bases at the center of the Earth. The whole of the Democratic Party and Hollywood are not child murdering pedophiles. JFK Jr is dead, etc… None of this will ever be proven true because it is made up nonsense and someone’s delusional fantasies becoming a reality is not within the realm of possibilities.

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9fb0dd No.1127

>>1124 it’s not as simple as all people in group A believe this snd all people in group B believe that. Every person has a unique point of view, that’s what makes life interesting, I think. This idea that there’s either left or right, and ALL the people on either side think and believe the exact same is a ploy to keep the two sides from talking to each other, to create division. If someone wants to believe AJ, fine. Someone else wants to think he’s full of 💩? Fine. Many people on the supposed right think both, or don’t care about AJ one way or the other. I am sure all the stereotypes of the left are the same. Maybe they are sometimes true but that doesn’t make them always true. Maybe I am rambling but the thing is let’s discuss… what do YOU think is going on? If anything at all? I am truly curious.

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9fb0dd No.1128

>>1126 I don’t believe all that either. At least I hope it’s not true. Until or unless there’s any hard evidence I see it as speculation. Probably just purposeful false trails to distract people or play on their emotions. I am more interested in the real issues, like the erosion of rights, freedom, personal autonomy, etc. I am concerned all this division is being used against us, and benefits neither left, right, or middle.

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c46a51 No.1129

Let's apply the same rules over here that we have in the Telegram chat since that's where most of us are coming from.

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9157a7 No.1130

People agreeing upon a shared reality is essential for a functional society. When half of the voting population believes they must rise up to protect the country from enemies they have created based upon decades old, repeatedly debunked conspiracy theories and failed prophecies from charismatic con men, we have no chance at a shared reality. Some people in government even cater to your beliefs because you’re a large voting block and it works, BUT YOU DON’T TRUST GOVERNMENT, right?

You’re being taken for a ride and used as a political weapon by religious extremists, billionaires, old John Birch society type weirdos, and just plain old shitty people who are willing to spread propaganda. All in service of maintaining the status quo… but you think you’re rebellious.

It’s so silly. Just be happy with the lives you have and stop being contrarian fucks for the sake of being contrarian fucks. The truth is the truth, whether you have faith that “anything is possible” or not. We’re not living in a goddamn spy thriller. Cut the shit.

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34ac54 No.1131



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34ac54 No.1132


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34ac54 No.1133


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9fb0dd No.1134

>1130 I am not a Republican or a democrat. I have always been an independent. I’d be a libertarian except I know all to well there’s always someone who would mess that up. I think they are all crooked, or most, both sides. You may not think there are problems, and that’s fine, but it wasn’t until my govt. said I was nonessential and took away my livelihood for “14 days” that still haven’t ended two years later that made me contrarian, and I would say justifiably so. I was actually all in on the 14 days, until about day 90, when I wrote to my state reps, and all replied (if they replied at all, “Sorry, nothing we can do.” I knew then and data shows now that did NOTHING to slow the spread but a whole swath of people were basically sacrificed “for the greater good” and NOBODY CARED if it wasn’t happening to them. And there was NOTHING those deemed “nonessential” could do, no appeal process. And it went from there. The govt. broke their side of the deal with those who did agree to a short term shutdown that then turned into whatever this is. And the thing is, if the govt. can do it to me, they can do it to you, or to anyone. That should make everybody pause. And it should end ASAP and never be able to happen again. I will not support any of the reps who refused to represent those stuck in that or to stand up for us, or even listen. They still got paid. It’s unjust, and it’s getting worse. Maybe you disagree but I am not just somebody being difficult just to be difficult. They lost my trust. It’s up to them to regain it but two years later I still don’t see a single person in my state on any level of any branch saying, “hey wait a minute, is this absolutely necessary?” I don’t want to rise up against our govt. except in the ballot box. And I want to be sure that is being counted as cast, too. Because it matters. Maybe that’s contrarian but believe it or not all I want is for things to function as described, in the constitution, for EVERYONE. My opposing it, others opposing it, actually protects you and others from the same happening to you the next time the govt. declares an emergency. Because you know what, everything isn’t fine. In fact we are teetering on an economic cliff that will affect EVERYONE. When the dollar isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on, don’t blame me anyway. I have been and am trying to get people to see we’re going to go belly up from all this and once that happens, there won’t be any putting the toothpaste back in the tube then. If it’s not too late already. There’s no way the past two years isn’t going to come back to bite everyone, including those who might be sitting pretty and not feeling it now. And not just in America, but worldwide.

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9fb0dd No.1135

>>1130 Do you know what “you will own nothing and be happy” really is? Slavery. It’s not even indentured servitude, you could at least earn your freedom back in that case. Under this great reset model, you’ll never be free again, and neither will anyone else. And you’ll have to be happy because as millions around the world already living under govt. like that know, if you aren’t “happy” about it, you starve, disappear, or get thrown in prison for free labor. And that’s no conspiracy theory!

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9fb0dd No.1136

>>1130 and if my tone sounds angry it’s not because I am angry at YOU. So please don’t take it personally. I am angry that all this is happening and so few truly understand it or can put themselves in another’s shoes or see the danger it poses to ALL of us. It’s frustrating! Thanks for listening.

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31407d No.1137


It's sufficient male cameltoe. We can ban him. If he IP hops then you need to learn to filter. The faq will show you the method.

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31407d No.1138

File: 83201fc97f3de9d⋯.png (63.84 KB,834x498,139:83,Screen_Shot_2022_05_01_at_….png)

File: 50c7bd8bf03a218⋯.png (39.18 KB,344x546,172:273,Screen_Shot_2022_05_01_at_….png)

This is how to report.

Click on the triangle to the left of a post and click the report button.

This is a friendly board. The local rules from our chatroom port over here by default.

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9fb0dd No.1139

>> 1136 I maybe missed some posts but I honestly hope he reads it and puts himself in my shoes and sees the issues from another point of view. And maybe that won’t happen. We can agree to disagree. But it just felt good to explain, I am not just being contrary to be contrary, and why. Maybe it will help explain my “lived experience” in a way that builds understanding. That’s the goal. But yes, I think I have pretty much covered it. Moving on…

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31407d No.1140


I have a feeling if you took the opposite view. He would still be contrarian. He is here to cause trouble.

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ccd48f No.1141

File: 43a902b0cbb3d60⋯.jpeg (26.31 KB,374x199,374:199,C91BFBCE_7308_4D90_BBB5_B….jpeg)


nice tripcodes guys!

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810085 No.1142


🤣😂😂🤣🙏🇺🇸🐸 You have the Cameltoe land here to 🤣😂😂🤣

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9fb0dd No.1143

One last thought, just in general, aimed at nobody, if it does turn out that there were some who knowingly perpetrated what’s happened these past two years for their own gain, regardless of the price others paid, and it’s proven in a court of law, I won’t feel sorry for them if THEY are the ones who end up losing everything/owning nothing, and I wouldn’t care one bit if they were happy about it, or not! Because it would serve them right!

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9fb0dd No.1144

>>1139 That may be and if so I still don’t regret saying it!

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31407d No.1145


Yes we have it here too. Each board is independent on 8kun. If you want the male cameltoe board. This is the best place for that type of posting. >>>/random/

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31407d No.1146


I'm still looking forward to that book you are writing.

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810085 No.1151


You is banned again from tweeter 😩🥺😡

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810085 No.1154


😁🙏🇺🇸🐸 I will pass , you already saved me once from the land of the Banned .

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128a34 No.1155

hidy ho 8kuns!

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128a34 No.1156

hi folks. i dipped and dodged and made it past captcha🍻😂

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9fb0dd No.1157

Ironically putting myself and others out of work gave us nothing but time to research what was going on. I never would have had the time before! But it is still not ok and we need to be sure it never happens again. If people want to stay home by choice fine, but this society wide thing, imposed by govt. No.

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31407d No.1158

File: ed7b80f94769bf5⋯.jpeg (294.26 KB,1125x2436,375:812,576B53FA_95F4_4E7B_9BC8_0….jpeg)


I didn't have much hope for it. Only the A list celebs get to be edgy on Twitter.

However the censorship is coming in strong now from Apple and probably Google too.

So using 8kun remains important.

Learn how to post here if you haven't already.

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d57e85 No.1159


I live in Arizona in a Zone 7 planting area. Luckily for me they overwinter in the ground nicely. I started planting cannas 5 years ago. I have a bunch coming up now. The one I ordered is not available in stores near me.

It wouldn't surprise me if some of us did end up in court but I haven't broken any laws so it's no concern of mine. I was here through all the shootings that were blamed on the research board but that wasn't us.

I don't see any reason why getting a trip code would benefit me at this point. And honestly unless you continue to put your screen name in your post I will probably not even recognize who I am talking to. I don't have Twitter, or telegram and quite frankly when it comes to truth social I don't have an iphone. Any platform that discriminates based on whether you can afford a high priced phone seems like BS to me. I have found that if something important is said on one of those platforms I will hear about it soon enough.

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810085 No.1160


I made it past with 1 phone , was able to post more than once . A bit strange I switched phones from the Android to the Apple and still did not need to do the captcha again , I may try the computer in a bit

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31407d No.1161


That is an interesting philosophy. I like the way you see things.

As far as the iPhone only thing, I've heard they eventually will make it available to the normal people.

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128a34 No.1162

File: e8c546581263a03⋯.jpeg (106.47 KB,750x650,15:13,22FEEB66_B249_4911_BA66_5….jpeg)

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810085 No.1163


By The end of May , Truth Social should be available to Computers . Apple only may have been Part of beta Testing . Rumors were Google was not cooperating for Android apps .

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d57e85 No.1164


I prefer the computer. the large screen is easier to see and since I do obsess a little about patterns it makes it easier for me to zoom and search. Since research is my passion I need to be able to have multiple windows open and easily accessible to provide sauce for my posts. I don't use my phone much. I've always kept my only social media account as private. I'm still shadow banned and have been for many years.

I used to be on another research board but the moderator replaced my words with his own. I found that to be over the line so I stopped participating in that board. I've never witnessed that here. I am more comfortable here. Sometimes I say stupid shit but it's my stupid shit and people shouldn't be able to change that on a whim. I think that is the ultimate offense online.

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302ee0 No.1165

File: f6d4be19c44562d⋯.webm (6.32 MB,800x450,16:9,smug.webm)

Free speech except for green furries I guess.

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d57e85 No.1166


Pareidolia is a cool word. It's like lying on the grass with your friends when you are little and pointing out the things you see in the clouds. I like it.

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128a34 No.1167

8Kun Reentry Friction test

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128a34 No.1168

File: 3566faf0c1347d1⋯.jpeg (678.35 KB,952x1743,136:249,B6ACBAA0_13F8_4F49_B72B_7….jpeg)

full circle

loop closed

drop secure

Q17 BB Bacote Brass

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31407d No.1169


This is an SFW board, he showed his male cameltoe. Every board has its own rules.

This board called random has very few.


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128a34 No.1170

Does the trip code and secret salt prevent IP address tracing?

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128a34 No.1171

what’s SFW?

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31407d No.1172


Safe for work = SFW


There is no tracking on 8kun.

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128a34 No.1173



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128a34 No.1174


good morning Arizona

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29de26 No.1175

File: ea5b238aa29d77c⋯.gif (2.78 MB,600x429,200:143,A36AAC0F_A4D7_4A73_A5BF_FC….gif)


nice board sir!


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86aff7 No.1176

File: 6b8b1fbdc9967ed⋯.png (93.56 KB,500x500,1:1,C453E81C_FBB8_4307_9BEF_D6….png)



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d57e85 No.1177



This is the reason I always troll Fred. Everything is always so over the top extra it cracks me up. I like Jim and Ron and Fred. I don't feel a reason to choose sides. Sometimes his stuff make me laugh so much and I need a good laugh to break things up. When he put that papel hat on Jim in his twitter banner I laughed my ass off. I guess my sense of humor is warped but Jim in a papel hat just seemed hilarious to me. I do believe that anything is possible.

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d57e85 No.1178


He said Pirvy instead of Privy and that made me chuckle. He's the pirvy one.

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d57e85 No.1179

File: 2523b1455d6c3b8⋯.jpg (23.09 KB,480x360,4:3,desk_set.jpg)

File: bbc5baeb8edda81⋯.jpg (23.72 KB,480x360,4:3,desk_set_2.jpg)

I am assuming we are allowed to talk about pens and pen accessories here. I really wanted to show Jim this set I found at a yard sale, I think I paid 10 or $15 for it. I think it's cool because it still has the original glass ink wells. The stamp holder was missing a lid so the one in the pic is just a metal lid that happened to fit it.

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241a5f No.1180


Jim is a big pen guy. bet he loves it.

ThanQ Jim for setting up all these boards for us. Forever grateful!


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a7124f No.1181

File: 0cf3a7216931a92⋯.jpg (355.58 KB,2013x1273,2013:1273,NB4_30_5_1.jpg)

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a7124f No.1182

File: e0bff1c72d255d9⋯.png (388.08 KB,620x844,155:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4d08d No.1183

File: 92e09ee70b694bc⋯.png (189.57 KB,1488x538,744:269,1650916122565.png)

File: dd8602794e9402d⋯.png (139 KB,1748x471,1748:471,browser_7MmHfYOucv.png)

File: bfbf8645347f051⋯.png (141.77 KB,1724x589,1724:589,browser_8zTumOZzMw.png)

File: 0ec5c3ba38b60cc⋯.png (28.12 KB,1044x187,1044:187,browser_EPSAGxI47K.png)

File: 1e4b667bc1c13d2⋯.png (79.84 KB,1195x250,239:50,1649766861477.png)


I am currently deplatformed off of 4chan for uncovering and shitposting really hard about how they groom kids on VRChat

they have conspired and range banned me from any board I decide to post the information on

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c4d08d No.1184

File: 92e09ee70b694bc⋯.png (189.57 KB,1488x538,744:269,1650916122565.png)

File: 85ceda148facb53⋯.png (240.06 KB,1755x778,1755:778,1651496298279.png)

File: 349da07dfb140cb⋯.png (114.42 KB,1001x428,1001:428,1651496688281.png)

File: 1e4b667bc1c13d2⋯.png (79.84 KB,1195x250,239:50,1649766861477.png)

File: f67e553406d4a1b⋯.png (21.46 KB,1247x136,1247:136,1649766892484.png)


I accidentallied the images

Anyways in the process of deplatforming me from 4chan to hide their grooming they hit a bunch of /x/ schizos too

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c4d08d No.1185

File: c2629c0e3609b7c⋯.jpg (212.91 KB,696x1245,232:415,1651350195483.jpg)

When asked about the moderation abuse to defend the pedophiles, they're on record just calling people schizos and pretending like it doesnt happen


Something to note:

[14:26] <fission> it's not like we have staff patrolling /trash/ 24/7

I have beyond a doubt confirmed not only is there a /trash/ patrol, but the main perp's name is Krial he legit avatarfags on trash and everything

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c4d08d No.1186

File: 023d8110c39c0f4⋯.png (90.57 KB,851x692,851:692,browser_Vkzo5ppR8m.png)

File: d7d25d347b3484a⋯.png (24.2 KB,1056x226,528:113,browser_O7jFEXrdRr.png)

This phrase "talk about users" is the exact same wording he's posted while abusing his power for ERP clout on the other boards /vg/ and /trash/, alongside https://vrgleaks.netlify.app/ where he talks about how he was a jani of /x/ (yes he's so retarded he spells jannie jani, and he thinks mod = jani, since he clearly has access to a mod account and not a janitor account)

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c4d08d No.1187

File: cc1799191a1719b⋯.png (29.21 KB,223x454,223:454,1650739659617_Copy.png)

File: 7b2a5c26bb6e052⋯.png (174.4 KB,1570x267,1570:267,Disposable_is_his_jannie_n….png)

File: 24f423306a86cb9⋯.png (27.58 KB,788x315,788:315,browser_tNSEM0tUvV.png)

File: 5f05328dea72d39⋯.png (677.49 KB,1276x717,1276:717,1651263560696.png)

The /x/ schizos screamed about Nick P for some odd reason and then that's when it clicked, there is likely multiple moderators ERPing eachother and their "concubines" of /trash/ including people as young as fourteen fucking years old

There's multiple 17 year olds who are 18 now who never left the community and just ERPed them constantly, it's their hidden shame, one specifically is even pro pedophilia now

Now, about the Nick P schizo spam, their just so happens to be a Punished Nick a P Nick who hosts their degenerate /trash/ discord server of which discord mod have nuked for pedophilia and mass banned the users

Pictured here is one of the pictures of a few of the banned for pedophilia users, including Nick P

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c4d08d No.1188

File: 5f05328dea72d39⋯.png (677.49 KB,1276x717,1276:717,1651263560696.png)

File: f208691ee53fd71⋯.png (53.41 KB,776x679,8:7,browser_aC9to4Jufg.png)

File: cc1799191a1719b⋯.png (29.21 KB,223x454,223:454,1650739659617_Copy.png)

File: 0bb48391e1511ab⋯.png (56.21 KB,1287x242,117:22,browser_ulpCOIkmpv.png)


Picture oopsed again lets try again

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c4d08d No.1189

File: cc1799191a1719b⋯.png (29.21 KB,223x454,223:454,1650739659617_Copy.png)



Gonna try 1 by 1


here is Nick P with his concubines of the /trash/ discord group which gets abused and pocket modded to hide their pedophilia

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c4d08d No.1190

Dunno whats wrong with image uploading fuck it here on imgur https://imgur.com/a/N0uymi1

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c4d08d No.1191


Some more images here some might already be posted but some descriptions added https://imgur.com/a/07ECgVR

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c4d08d No.1192

Oh the thumbnails didnt work but the images work, I dont know how this shit works here sorry

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c4d08d No.1193

[14:28] <fission> if what you're saying is provably true, they will be fired

No such firing happened, fission is in on it, im pretty sure the friend with a VR is krial himself, sadly it appears the logs of him mentioning he has a friend who owns VR is lost to the annuls of time

Funny enough this was said

[14:20] <fission> we don't reveal ourselves arbitrarily on boards

But they arbitrarily revealed themselves on /vg/ and /x/ to cover their own asses

This establishes Fission as a liar.

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c4d08d No.1194

It's just funny to me how they claim no mod patrols /trash/ 24/7 whilst one is literally avatarfagging on it

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c4d08d No.1195

And to top it all off?

We watched his downfall arc where his fucking wife left him over all this :)

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c4d08d No.1196

File: cc46206b22b2acc⋯.png (57.03 KB,804x383,804:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b72ac872646e4ed⋯.png (70.32 KB,871x148,871:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af2ef53a9944b61⋯.png (18.94 KB,665x114,35:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78a3002b0250a65⋯.png (44.81 KB,1728x136,216:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4d08d No.1197

File: ed731bec41b1a30⋯.png (483.46 KB,804x1028,201:257,browser_B7Vj4HwNDz.png)

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c4d08d No.1198

File: ed731bec41b1a30⋯.png (483.46 KB,804x1028,201:257,browser_B7Vj4HwNDz.png)


CMon dumb image upload

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c4d08d No.1199

File: fbb6a7ee3a41a1d⋯.png (39.01 KB,723x176,723:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbb6a7ee3a41a1d⋯.png (39.01 KB,723x176,723:176,ClipboardImage.png)

He illegally used his mod position to doxx users and black mail them

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31407d No.1200


You can out a roll of tape with it too. That is a great bargain. For sure we can talk about pens on the pen board.

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31407d No.1201

This is working out well. People are talking here.

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d57e85 No.1202


The little ink well liner boxes are red plastic or maybe bakelite, but not glass. They don't have a flat bottom, they taper down into a wedge so there is a deep and shallow end. I imagine that was designed to use every last drop of ink.

It was probably used by an accountant because it has two ink wells. One for the black ink and one for red ink.

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31407d No.1203


Let's get back in black. I'm sick of being in the red.

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d57e85 No.1204


Right on, Daggone bean counters need to be replaced. They are not doing it right.

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31407d No.1205

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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31407d No.1206

File: 7ce9e5854827f42⋯.png (100.99 KB,1932x608,483:152,Screen_Shot_2022_05_03_at_….png)

I went to Fandango to buy tickets to go to 2000 Mules, but alas they were not available.

So I went to parrot bay, but they just had cages.


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d57e85 No.1207


Thanks, I might need a link to that lung collapse video for my fap file. LOL

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764659 No.1208


>sick of being in the red

we share a goal of getting back in black

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128a34 No.1211





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128a34 No.1212


great album

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128a34 No.1213


your delusion is only protected to the degree it does not diminish my own delusion - CueAnon

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d57e85 No.1214

I tried to embed this video yesterday, but it said it couldn't recognize the url or some crap. Anywho…It made me laugh. So many frogs.


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128a34 No.1215


there was a place almost just like that i found whenni was a kid😂🍻

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128a34 No.1216


muchas gracias, jumbo

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128a34 No.1217

File: 5039c8f2d13ff37⋯.jpeg (2.43 MB,4032x3024,4:3,AAC5E900_1A24_4132_AA11_0….jpeg)

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128a34 No.1218



We are DEVO

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c6fab6 No.1219


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764659 No.1220

File: f4767dfd622a6e5⋯.mp4 (14.03 MB,854x480,427:240,backinblack.mp4)


great digits ya got there, cap'n

welcome aboard, sir! o7

back in black when potus gets back is my best guess

till then we scrap but never quit and still fucking win

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128a34 No.1221


hola, joe

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c6fab6 No.1222



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c6fab6 No.1223

File: 8aa2a1b242c4ec1⋯.jpg (432.47 KB,3508x2480,877:620,reebok_reeeeeee.jpg)

just dropping this for those who like this kind of thing

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128a34 No.1224



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128a34 No.1225


hey Redeye…let’s party!🍻

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c6fab6 No.1226


My brother got Bell's Palsy really bad after 2nd AZ jab, looked like he had a stroke at the time. the hospital in Thailand that administered it admitted it was due to jabs as it's the most common side effect they see and he got approx £5000 compensation.

my uncle age 72 had 1 AZ jab and immediately went senile and had to go into a home and now can't remember who anyone is.

A good friend of mine had 2 x AZ jabs then a Pfizer booster, 3 days after booster he had a heart attack and died, this was on Boxing Day. he was 50 and perfectly healthy. He had the booster to protect his family at Xmas dinner.

The jabs are shit.

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128a34 No.1227


sorry, bud. not even crossing my Dad’s mind that his sudden onset lymphoma is related to his four jabs. 😢

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c6fab6 No.1228


very sorry to hear that.

all sorts of health problems will be cropping up in healthy people. my mum and her husband seem to be ill all the time lately. both triple jabbed. they wont listen, booked in for no. 4.

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764659 No.1229


sorry to hear all that Joe. i know a very nice couple that have both been debilitated since their jabs, and she may not make it. been trying to get them to open up to look at alternative options but not everybody wants to talk at a time like this.

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764659 No.1230

File: 00e4dc4ee0662ec⋯.mp4 (5.13 MB,480x480,1:1,_9213143087036284642.MP4)


let the band play

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764659 No.1231

File: 76c3869c3d6e75b⋯.mp4 (14.05 MB,1920x1080,16:9,demaintdyin4ya.mp4)

forgive the capcode posting. did not see a test thread and too hyped to make one. hyped to be bv on the coolest board on the chans. thanks for the TRUST, Jim. won't let you down!

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c6fab6 No.1232


lots of people i know are coming down with various things., all different. they refuse to see the link. it makes me angry.

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c6fab6 No.1233


wasup red. nice vidz as usual.

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128a34 No.1234


yep. downright creepy

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d57e85 No.1235

File: e3d2530d8f1f927⋯.png (399.96 KB,586x584,293:292,ClipboardImage.png)


This video makes me think about Sir Mix-a-lot singing Baby got back.

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764659 No.1236

File: 4e991e806e0ee0f⋯.jpeg (232.83 KB,1800x1012,450:253,8EC227C8_79F0_4B83_B067_A….jpeg)


they just can't admit the plandemic cause then their whole world's a lie

it's like a perfect psyche trap

they must have planned this effect too

wrapping up all of an individual's reality into the lie

at least they're all in basically at this point

all assets deployed means they are fully exposed and at risk

we can take comfort in that


thanks m8

noice backchannel we got here

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764659 No.1237


fuggen kekked

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d57e85 No.1238

File: fac08559b19e6aa⋯.png (305.63 KB,575x428,575:428,ClipboardImage.png)

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764659 No.1239

File: 3a2d07f00b082c4⋯.jpeg (425.38 KB,1800x1800,1:1,E10144D3_C07E_450A_8223_9….jpeg)


this whole thing is blood magic

a cleansing is needed

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c6fab6 No.1240

File: ac754f6a32ffdf8⋯.jpeg (109.49 KB,713x900,713:900,FR237wJXMAIOAvA.jpeg)

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f1b977 No.1241



You can use the little pointer on the upper left hand side of inside of the quick reply box to filter post and posters you don't like

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128a34 No.1242


yeah. red wave is a good thing….unless its ink.😉

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128a34 No.1243


i like all posters, but was partial to Cheryl Tieg’s🍻

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128a34 No.1244


kekeria! 😂🍻

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128a34 No.1245


my first meme stolen from 8Kun!🍻

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128a34 No.1246

File: c7399fd960adba1⋯.jpeg (47.23 KB,500x281,500:281,4446300F_2DCD_4BC1_A1CE_E….jpeg)

File: 797f3ee21073a8b⋯.jpeg (97.15 KB,888x499,888:499,626A7DEE_FF7D_4AAA_A461_0….jpeg)


and will exchange two meme to 8Kun

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128a34 No.1247

File: c7356ebbd35ba45⋯.jpeg (96.11 KB,1095x584,15:8,A45313D6_E781_4091_9DC9_8….jpeg)

File: 8152c3ec0c8acc6⋯.jpeg (82.46 KB,426x656,213:328,AC202C54_7A26_447E_8785_A….jpeg)

File: df8ac486660f04f⋯.jpeg (168.77 KB,1083x620,1083:620,3021B36F_4950_40B0_8465_A….jpeg)

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dac703 No.1248

File: 61219cc113aae0a⋯.jpeg (637.83 KB,1800x1800,1:1,B303AE8E_CC66_4DC8_A00C_F….jpeg)


#2 stolt

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128a34 No.1249

File: 82f82ad1ec04288⋯.jpeg (167.94 KB,1034x993,1034:993,1DC347FC_7C47_460A_9AC5_B….jpeg)


This your version of our shared reality?????

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128a34 No.1250


sounds good

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810085 No.1251

File: b729613db0ccdba⋯.jpg (110.62 KB,898x1080,449:540,2022_05_03_21_06_20.jpg)

File: 349a1a0811740b1⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,640x1136,40:71,2022_05_03_21_07_04.mp4)

Good Day

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810085 No.1252

File: c425a11b97e63c8⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,408x720,17:30,2022_05_03_21_11_15.mp4)


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31407d No.1253


What kind of dog is that?

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583534 No.1254

File: 460eec84287387f⋯.png (402 KB,800x556,200:139,Night_Shift_UFO.png)

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31407d No.1255


I hope one of many, that is how information spreads.

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d57e85 No.1256


It looks like a Border Collie.

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31407d No.1257


I was thinking a mix between a pug and chimp.

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d57e85 No.1258

File: b6e361ffd3f03d6⋯.png (307.4 KB,589x371,589:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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31407d No.1259


The genetic warfighters have been working on just that since the 1920s. They call it Chimpanman, or Manpanzee. There are no confirmed specimens, but they are a goal of the DeepState.

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d57e85 No.1260


I have read a little bit about these things called chimera's. It always makes me wonder about what all those body parts found in Phoenix was all about? That seemed like some Frankenstein stuff to me.

Speaking of Phoenix, does anyone have any thoughts on Rachel Mitchell taking over as County Attorney. The lady who was drunk all the time died and Rachel took over. I vaguely remember Rachel from the Kavanaugh trials, she looked incredibly bored. Do you think she's a good lady?

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d57e85 No.1261

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d57e85 No.1262


Rachel has a long history of prosecuting crimes against children. Could be good, I can hope.

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d57e85 No.1263

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d57e85 No.1264


That kid of yours dove right into the viper's den. I like the cut of his jib.

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5626ed No.1265

File: a2c5ab930cf0cb8⋯.jpeg (318.96 KB,1800x1012,450:253,048745A8_9692_4D8C_A37B_7….jpeg)

File: 8b8aa2811ce0f2f⋯.jpeg (227.51 KB,1800x1012,450:253,9469672F_93FE_4791_9370_A….jpeg)

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3d790f No.1266


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3d790f No.1267


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583534 No.1268

File: f5c3f2057f67bcb⋯.png (457.32 KB,591x966,197:322,virus_lab_leak_theory_200_….png)

File: 3c773af0ac2bfb1⋯.png (246.8 KB,590x572,295:286,336_biological_labs_in_30_….png)

File: cc4d78d12289f48⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x829,1080:829,nancy_cut_zelensky_big_guy….png)

File: 2c822f183639224⋯.png (401.64 KB,900x403,900:403,Night_Shift_Gaming.png)

File: e1835dab6496756⋯.png (639.85 KB,637x895,637:895,Trump_fake_socials_0430202….png)

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3d790f No.1269

Very simple, I liked it, I will always be here, thank you Jim!!!

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3d790f No.1270

See you tomorrow

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583534 No.1271

File: b3f301d1ec166ef⋯.png (577.19 KB,635x685,127:137,hwood_pro_rapist_weinstein.png)

File: a346a2b0eb9da70⋯.png (660.9 KB,636x810,106:135,the_biden_regime_04302022.png)

File: c845f872ed30ebb⋯.png (370.75 KB,658x643,658:643,epstein_flight_log_names_0….png)

File: 38a2feb4ae7a3cc⋯.png (234.68 KB,637x620,637:620,head_of_ministry_of_truth_….png)

File: 69fb4973461bc7c⋯.png (343.82 KB,856x552,107:69,crazy_eyes_yates_04272022.png)

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c6fab6 No.1272

File: 947154eb747ce86⋯.jpeg (214.96 KB,1280x787,1280:787,UN_africa_666.jpeg)

File: 6a49b2747ac2222⋯.jpeg (67.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,666_cern.jpeg)

symbolism will be their downfall

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53916b No.1274

Down with garbage 4chan mods they are tranny groomers and fuck fourteen year olds in vr

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53916b No.1275

Stop turning this place into /pol/ btw alt right is cringe and you fell for the division pysop with garbage memes that make no sense

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128a34 No.1276

File: bff252d85016c7f⋯.jpeg (105.43 KB,720x745,144:149,5B1A7F28_3FD5_4850_9F39_9….jpeg)

File: 348dd1d068cf8a1⋯.jpeg (39.69 KB,409x391,409:391,738C8C48_7DD0_49B2_A5C6_7….jpeg)

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53916b No.1277


At least this one is true, stats show, just as predicted, that only older people reduced death risk with the mRNA therapy which had to have the term vaccine remade so it could be called one.

Turns out, just as predicted, it's killing off young people and they did not really reduce risk of dying at all. The ones who live are likely to face complications

They were all Guinea pigs for gene therapy

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53916b No.1278

Also being anti abortion is cringe as long as the baby is not formed enough to be an actual human, also abortions have indeed saved the mothers life before so kill yourself you dumb retard

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128a34 No.1279


so, was just thinking through some of the pro abortion arguments surfacing, predictably.

I expect that we have or could have the technology to sustain a fetus outside the womb, pretty much from conception. seems this would be a more palatable option… rather than killing the poor little guy or gal.

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128a34 No.1280


nice to be able to edit a post. no edit on TS

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128a34 No.1282

File: 1a773f467e6bdf3⋯.jpeg (176.79 KB,744x793,744:793,05128CBC_9800_48FE_93E0_E….jpeg)

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128a34 No.1283

>>1278yet another pro death incoherent argument that degenerates to name calling. stop generalizing your psychosis.

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31407d No.1284


It works well. Welcome to the anti-social network.


I'm stealin' that.

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c6fab6 No.1285

File: aa04c057aeb5ee5⋯.jpg (455.84 KB,1930x1338,965:669,SACRIFICE_copy.jpg)


symbolism will be their downfall

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c6fab6 No.1286


cant work out why some photos are not uploading

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31407d No.1287

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d57e85 No.1288


Say a prayer for rain in AZ please.

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c6fab6 No.1289

File: 7073ed552c44eca⋯.jpg (756.76 KB,750x945,50:63,big_pens.jpg)

my collection of pens.

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31407d No.1290


I will do a raindance later. I learned a raindance from a Blackfoot Indian when I was a child.

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810085 No.1291

China Holds Secret Bank Meetings To Plan For Protecting Assets From US Sanctions


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810085 No.1292


Please accept some of the Excessive rain we get in the North East

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31407d No.1293


We will talk about this on the show.

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31407d No.1294


Can you pipe it over?

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d57e85 No.1295


Nice, the bigger the message the easier it is to read.

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d57e85 No.1296


Why is there a Ukrainian consulate in Tucson? Did you know he is married to an ER doctor in Tucson?


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d57e85 No.1297


I thought at first that there might not be any monkey business going on there but then I realized the wife literally had a monkey business.


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d57e85 No.1298

File: b317e04575bd40f⋯.png (382.2 KB,899x550,899:550,ClipboardImage.png)

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128a34 No.1299



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d57e85 No.1300


kek…Jim said pipe over your wetness.

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128a34 No.1301


they were there. then gone then back then gone

i think it had to do with my attempt to edit / update. i need to figure out right way to navigate here too. having to scroll all over the place.

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31407d No.1302

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d57e85 No.1303


Your dog is beautiful, if it's a girl dog who's looking for love I have a male Boston Terrier who wants to spread his seed. Them babies would be totes adorable.

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31407d No.1304


That would be amazing. Boston Terriers are the ancestors of French Bulldogs.

This one is spayed. She was a shelter dog, but she is mine now, and I love her.

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53916b No.1305


I dont give a shit if they use the aborted fetuses to further science you dumb little shit, that does not retract from the point that as long as the baby isnt considered a living human and is just like a month in, the mother should retain rights to abort. In fact, I'd argue making use of the aborted fetus instead of THROWING IT OUT is more moral you dumb boomer but of course encouraging abortions to get MORE is also not moral.

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53916b No.1306


I like how the media fails to acknowledge vaccinated people are, in fact, still at risk to spread to others. In fact, I'd argue vaccinated people are at risk to unvaccinated people,.

Let's also point to the funny fact that the definition of vaccine has magically changed since covid happened.

mRNA therapy is not a vaccine, it can even be done in edible form.

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53916b No.1307


You're too retarded to understand the difference between an inseminated egg cell and an actual fully grown baby in the womb. Your argument works to defend every single failed sperm and egg and is absolutely ridiculous.

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53916b No.1308

GarbageScqwCaptain you're a stupid /pol/ nigger from 4chan please go and never come back

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53916b No.1309


This is so fucking dumb only 90 year old boomers and schizos who let their schizo demon control them would fall for this

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d57e85 No.1310


My dog likes wiggling around in the dust. If I put bee butter on him he would be covered in dirt. I tried to order the bee butter off the Instagram site but nobody ever returned my PM.

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c6fab6 No.1311


California has a bill for abortion right up to full term.

Is that acceptable to you?

What is your limit?

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d57e85 No.1312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c6fab6 No.1313

File: 2cb7b9154e35f21⋯.mp4 (4.3 MB,1280x592,80:37,abortion_demons.mp4)

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d57e85 No.1314

File: 9ba00031b1bc0b7⋯.jpg (18.98 KB,480x360,4:3,Captain_blue_balls.jpg)


Not the first time Captain Blue balls got cock blocked. I hope I don't get banned for furry balls.

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53916b No.1315


dumb google cia nigger just hire me already and put me to good use

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31407d No.1316

File: 88970a36517926e⋯.jpg (3.75 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)


That is a handsome dog. Have you tried Craigs list?

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31407d No.1317


You can get the bee butter here.

I believe that the Instagram site is no longer active.


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128a34 No.1318


didn’t make an argument. does your Mommy know you’re using the ‘puter?

BVs - are 5 year olds allowed to post here? Who let their baby in?

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128a34 No.1319


looks like you may need some help learning how to post on here. is your mommy home yet?

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d57e85 No.1320


Yes, he had a date with a pretty brindle Boston from my neighborhood that belongs to a girl who sells on craigslist. The bitch never showed up. He got to meet her but when she came into heat she was a no show. Poor guy. Maybe SUM day he will have his very own girlfriend. They are expensive.

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d57e85 No.1321

File: 52e19cbdca948a2⋯.png (469.05 KB,472x589,472:589,ClipboardImage.png)


I got baby fever.

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8c7cc9 No.1322

I have formed


Glowies are involved

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8c7cc9 No.1323

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d57e85 No.1324

File: 75374db84aab134⋯.png (421.26 KB,923x495,923:495,ClipboardImage.png)


I clicked that shit and it says it's out of stock.

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764659 No.1325

File: 0d69bcd84eb3a53⋯.jpeg (107.67 KB,500x500,1:1,5E2FE625_B1E1_4CB8_8DCA_E….jpeg)

File: fedfe065c920d47⋯.jpeg (566.41 KB,1800x1200,3:2,2A36955F_551C_4197_B20B_E….jpeg)


you idiot. do you know what they like to do with those tiny helpless humans? (nothing ethical or that they will admit) the whole body and all powers of the woman were designed to protect that baby. and sick fucks like you like to proffer twisted logic as a reason for the murder. poor young girls are scared into abortions every day by trusted vampires.

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128a34 No.1326


i knew you’d figure it out.

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31407d No.1327


Your dog likes to be covered in dust. The bee butter will be doing him a favor.

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31407d No.1328


If you have to pay, that is not a girlfriend.

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31407d No.1329


Orlando will update the inventory soon. Please bee patient. We are short on hands, but we have plenty of wings.

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31407d No.1330

Now we have the eugenicist Bill Gates prepping the world for an even MORE lethal "Pandemic" while the world braces for a 10X increase in the 5G radtation (from 2.4 GhZ to 24 GhZ)

All the while the USDA and CDC are testing chickens and turkeys for "Bird Flu" - H5N1 - USING A DAMNED PCR TEST KIT of alll things. Millions of perfectly normal birds are being destroyed and buried needlessly.

I warned about this in 2008. I'm doing it again today. For what it's worth!


Never fear, the "vaccine" to save us from the H5N1 Bird Flu monster was patented clear back in 2008. I'm sure it it "safe and effective". Why? Because It'ts over 14 years old now!





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d57e85 No.1331


I'm confused, Wasn't AZ county supervisor Clint Hickman using free female prison labor to vaccinate his chicken's?


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31407d No.1332

File: 024253e287632d3⋯.png (627.28 KB,1864x1196,466:299,Screen_Shot_2022_05_04_at_….png)

I expect to be in the news again over the next few days. My response to Congress will be sent shortly, and the Communists over at Workers of the World founder's magazine Mother Jones are on the attack again.

I am not going to waste my time yelling at them.

It's coordinated further damage my reputation.

By the way, did you know that Congress thinks that all big tech companies censor?

They asked me a question about these topics.

“All accounts, users, groups, events, messaging forums, marketplaces, posts, or other user-generated content that was sanctioned, suspended, removed, throttled, deprioritized, labeled, suppressed, or banned from your platform(s) related to any of the items detailed in request 1(i)-(iv) above.”

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5abab7 No.1333

File: bde8ddf4ee5eba6⋯.jpg (54.52 KB,455x418,455:418,SmartSelect_20201006_14165….jpg)

Pen15 activated.

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5abab7 No.1334

>>1333 (me)

Trip trips in the trip chat.

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128a34 No.1335

>>1325 alas, there are no free rides.

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d57e85 No.1337


Good morning.

I never realized until last night that apple/iphone has it's own way of detecting CSAM. Being able to access truth social isn't their only special amenity.

If you get a picture with the story i hope they use the one that looks like tye dye from telegram. That's a fun picture.

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d57e85 No.1338

File: 1fda372363dec83⋯.png (164.37 KB,472x470,236:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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d57e85 No.1339


If I allow Mr. McBros to choose his very own (for free) girlfriend there will be little smoosh nose puppies all up and down the block. There is a price to pay no matter how he gets his jollies.

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31407d No.1340


My Lab spent a few months in the province on my vegetable farm.

Many of the local dogs resemble him now.

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d57e85 No.1341


You must be talking about the Philippine's. Long gone are the days in America where I could find my four legged friend some puppy poontang in a carboard box sitting in front of the grocery store.

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d57e85 No.1342

File: a16d50cdeb47fef⋯.jpg (39.86 KB,480x640,3:4,bros_tinder_pic.jpg)

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078ec4 No.1343


Just tell them about 4chans pedophile moderation team that grooms kids GOTTTA GROOM THE ZOOMS MAN HAHAHAH fucked up world it fucked me up what that place did to me



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078ec4 No.1345


> Millions of perfectly normal birds are being destroyed and buried needlessly

I think all of this nonsense will end up putting more eyes towards the meat industry in general, I'm all for a little more expensive meats if those poor butchered animals can at least live a better life and not wade through their friends blood in shit conditions man happy animal = tastier meat anyway

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078ec4 No.1346


Thankfully that is not my responsibility to decide!

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078ec4 No.1347


It's murder if it's full term yes, if it's just inseminated it is not murder.

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078ec4 No.1348


I talked to people about this before, my mom and some streamer I like to watch. They memory holed the H1N1 oandemic and forgot how they forced us tiny kids to line up and take the shot.

IIRC it was at least a normal actual classical vaccine

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764659 No.1349


not clicking that shit

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764659 No.1350


we disagree then. talk to God and find out what He thinks. get on the right side of God's will.

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128a34 No.1351


Agree 100%.

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128a34 No.1352

File: 36b9867e0460613⋯.jpeg (156.12 KB,677x945,677:945,737D6EF7_CAD2_48BD_AFC5_0….jpeg)

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078ec4 No.1353

File: ed731bec41b1a30⋯.png (483.46 KB,804x1028,201:257,story_of_krials_wife.png)


b r u h its literally imgur its my Krialnomicon, hes a 4chan pedo mod who lost his wife due to his pedo erp tendencies he was in denial about in vrchat

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078ec4 No.1354

He's also an ANCIENT mod who took a small break ten years and moot hated him

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078ec4 No.1355

Also a ton of glowies, from USA and some not from USA(Like australia) are all aware of what they have done and don't seem to care at all

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a7124f No.1356

File: fbfb402227d4139⋯.jpg (373.81 KB,2071x1367,2071:1367,NB5_4.jpg)

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764659 No.1357


not clickj g that shit even more now

why tho

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078ec4 No.1358


b r u h

are you such a boomer youve never heard of imgur

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764659 No.1359


but why the stories of old mod spats? please explain the import for us.

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31407d No.1360


They probably booted him on 4chan because of it. Nobody wants someone around pointing the finger at their improprieties.

Anyways, that is how a lot of folks got to 8kun.top.

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128a34 No.1361


thanks, E

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d57e85 No.1362

File: f8c2ba5320338ec⋯.png (170.15 KB,448x522,224:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2e6748fa7fdb5a⋯.jpg (19.51 KB,480x302,240:151,Crook_fire.jpg)

Is he saying a bean counter did this? I have questioned how that fire started. Did some pencil pusher in DC decide it was a good idea to light a fire in a dried-up canyon where the wind blows at about 25 mph every day? There isn't nary a tree left in that area that hasn't been burnt in the last few years.

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078ec4 No.1363


Yeah they range ban me whenever I mention it on any board I got too close to the truth, that fucker was power abusing me and picking sides, the wrong sides, for fucking years so I have a bit of a problem with them and all their lies

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078ec4 No.1364


Old mod spats? You're telling me this guys name is Spats? Holy shit no fucking way, that would be too good to be true

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31407d No.1365

CodemonkeyZ is live now on Boom goes the dynamite.

You can pop it out and listen while you do your own research.

We are 5 x 5 today.


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128a34 No.1366

File: ffcd81e324196c5⋯.jpeg (155.25 KB,812x789,812:789,434E6EF3_3A88_483C_82AA_1….jpeg)

File: 6c11096ea1903bd⋯.jpeg (126 KB,750x842,375:421,1F7BF9C4_92CC_455A_90F9_5….jpeg)

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31407d No.1367


They track you over there with a backend courtesy of google. I would just hang out here on 8kun and forget about those knuckleheads.

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d57e85 No.1368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Palace Station wrapped up like a cardboard star on top of a poor kids Christmas tree.

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078ec4 No.1369


Oh im making sure my krialnomicon collects all the mistakes and fuck ups krial does, he fucked with the wrong sperg.

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078ec4 No.1370

File: 17e80f2b14a08e8⋯.png (42.99 KB,553x388,553:388,krial_uses_mod_powers_to_d….png)


Also check tis out

HiddenAslyum is a very suspicious person too

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078ec4 No.1371

They ruined my home so I'll ruin them

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078ec4 No.1372

I found out the identity of another mod, went up behind him in VRChat, told him 'The krialnomicon is formed. You're next." he instantly blocked me, way to give me absolute confirmation you're a mod pal

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185bc1 No.1373

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31407d No.1374


PiAnon Legal fees for his January 6 court costs.


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078ec4 No.1375


Stuff like this is why Im being the change I want to see

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d57e85 No.1377

File: 629c865745e1270⋯.png (2.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,palace_station.png)

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c6fab6 No.1378

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128a34 No.1379


you may have found my house, but good luck figuring out which piece of tinfoil i’m hiding behind. 😂

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078ec4 No.1380


Certainly there's better ways to get blockers, did the guy get devices to measure whichever thing he's paranoid over? To see if it's even there?

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d57e85 No.1381

File: 297e5e93a191464⋯.png (531.01 KB,871x610,871:610,ClipboardImage.png)


Riddle me this riddler, why does Palace Station need a helicopter pad and why was Reagan so happy about it?

Probably just a coinkydink that Tony Beets lives in Crown King.

There's gold in them thar hills.



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078ec4 No.1382

do u ever wonder if ur an mk ultra plant and your other personality is glowie

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d57e85 No.1383

File: 4491f995e79f178⋯.png (215.26 KB,412x365,412:365,ClipboardImage.png)


If codemonkey spent time in Mayer I suspect he was standing only a few yards away from the creek where they found this one. The Big Bug runs through Mayer. It was found in the creek that runs behind the Saloon

Some folks call me suspicious, others call me specious.


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128a34 No.1384

File: e2644d72606baa2⋯.jpeg (132.31 KB,689x1491,689:1491,1263FBFA_F3D5_4F7B_8FE4_D….jpeg)

File: 4f171daa11dd59c⋯.jpeg (104.29 KB,635x1008,635:1008,A6B11595_4D74_48BA_9F17_B….jpeg)

File: 9f6fbcda2ec6847⋯.jpeg (151.48 KB,750x745,150:149,65FD0280_B566_48F1_9AB2_4….jpeg)

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31407d No.1385

Hi Jim,

I’m unfortunately not going to speak with you on 8kun. I am more than happy to communicate here, or over the phone, or via text, Signal, Wire, or other chat apps.

Please let me know what besides 8kun works for you.


From: Ali Breland <abreland@motherjones.com>

Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 5:15 PM

To: get@isitwetyet.com <get@isitwetyet.com>

Subject: Reporter reaching out to speak with Jim


I’m doing a story about Jim’s time as BBS Pink’s admin at the site’s recurring trouble with CSAM/pedophilic content. I’ve looked at logs of Jim’s public discussions about moderation and wanted to ask him about them for a story that we’re doing.

Please let me know if there’s a good time to speak soon before we publish the story later this week.


Ali Breland

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078ec4 No.1386


Why dont they ask the 4chan mods why they let people groom kids using their website and ask them why theyre participating

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31407d No.1387

Hey Jim,

Here are the questions that I want to ask you:

1) Is there any reason I should believe that these logs aren't authentic?

2) 8chan had recurring problems with child porn that were reported in the media. Do you dispute this? Why was this the case?

3) The logs indicate child porn problems on Pink as well. Do you dispute this?

4) you sometimes seem indifferent to the claims in the logs that there is a child porn problem. You don't respond with the urgency that you might expect someone dealing with that problem to have. Can you explain why that is the case?

5) In 2009, a moderator, a woman I believe was criticized for proactively going after child porn content. The logs make it seem like she was removed from her position. Is this true?

6) What did you mean in 2009 when you made several references to being “cheese pizza” ?

7) Ron Watkins response on being Q

8) section from story from Fred brennan: "He was very tolerant to pedophiles in a way normal people would not be. He would make arguments about how 'they can't help it' and about how 'child porn is already made, so it's not harmful,'" Brennan told me, adding that Watkins would also "say the n-word in public" and would call Filipinos 'gooks.'" What is your response

9) Brennan and Mitsuwo repeatedly said you wouldn't invest in ML/AI to proactively take down CP and other content. Is this true?

10) How did you obtain 8chan from Brennan?

11) Did you keep up technically legal content attractive to pedophiles

12) Did you view pedophiles as users?

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078ec4 No.1388

CSAM content should all be burned it's literal traumatic abuse material it is harmful and encourages more people to get more content.

Stick to hentai retards

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31407d No.1389

File: 86a8a04578620c6⋯.jpg (245.85 KB,1881x1340,1881:1340,Screenshot_20220505_161703….jpg)

You need to get some better sources. Your magazine already burned the bridge with me.

Get bent Ali Breland.

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078ec4 No.1390


You shouldn't call CSAM content pornography (CP) and should be aware that you are masturbating to a childs trauma, that child is fucked for life. Do not view that garbage as it encourages people to kidnap children and make more content, or for fathers/mothers to fuck up their own children.

Just. Stick. To. Hentai. Which is proven to reduce rape crimes of children, (Thanks japan for those stats)

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d57e85 No.1391

File: 721d5ea50fa87a1⋯.jpg (8.47 KB,252x200,63:50,my_hair_is_a_bird.jpg)


The Biden family burnt the contents of Earl Bradley's storage locker in Rehoboth Beach. Earl liked to videotape his crimes so no doubt there was CSAM in that locker. In my opinion it should be the property of the victim or the representative for the victim/attorney to be used as evidence. Burning it is destroying evidence that could be used to find the abuser.

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810085 No.1392

File: 48bbf18557abe60⋯.mp4 (808.62 KB,720x900,4:5,2022_05_05_20_09_43.mp4)

Taco Apu celebrating National Burrito Day

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d57e85 No.1393

File: dfaf2ece740a53e⋯.jpg (93.1 KB,600x635,120:127,hey_girl.jpg)


She says she ain't coming but she's probably trolling.

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810085 No.1394

File: 9fa4326e1724978⋯.jpeg (148.11 KB,577x674,577:674,fcd4c733df2b8b15.jpeg)

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078ec4 No.1395


Good thing its not my job to decide those sensitive decisions

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84e7f6 No.1396

File: 10f082b98b4741a⋯.png (433.48 KB,965x851,965:851,email_bubolinski_hunter_ch….png)

don't reply to fake news

they will only twist your words for their puppet masters

replying to fake news is like replying to shills kek

reply to Real News and help them build their credibility w the Truth

>work together: Real News and Anons; fuck fake news kek


tip: how to tell fake news and Real News apart: check their record on what they reported on AND what they have NOT reported on (easy to SEE)

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03ac4a No.1397

File: a4e0ec73008de2d⋯.jpg (54.67 KB,940x788,235:197,IMG_20220115_193354_896.jpg)


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d57e85 No.1398

File: f603e6f9ec50c28⋯.png (827.29 KB,933x512,933:512,ClipboardImage.png)

There is a fire at the U Pick It yard in Prescott Valley. That's a weed grow facility between it and Hensley Beverage Company. For once I might not bitch about being downwind.


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03ac4a No.1399


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d5559a No.1400

What's the address to the internet?

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128a34 No.1401


sure, but aluminum foil is likely covered by food stamps. 😂

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84e7f6 No.1402

File: d2270f6c47e832b⋯.png (551.12 KB,1100x580,55:29,Night_Shift_Lindel_Code.png)

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d5559a No.1403


Prolly not

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84e7f6 No.1404

File: 46d53f931fadf7b⋯.png (43.01 KB,487x403,487:403,kkk_dem_party_chreap_histo….png)

File: 85c3949eedb6b77⋯.png (658.59 KB,800x1100,8:11,Trump_re_racism_is_evil.png)

File: fa2b91c1cbc15bf⋯.jpg (137.24 KB,800x530,80:53,Now_then_dems_kkk_racisim.jpg)

File: 6b994607a747387⋯.jpg (161.86 KB,672x559,672:559,racism_is_evil.jpg)

File: 38ed1f568f2e848⋯.jpg (60.72 KB,381x503,381:503,Trump_not_racist_Diamond_a….jpg)

>tip: how to tell fake news and Real News apart: check their record on what they reported on AND what they have NOT reported on (easy to SEE)

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d5559a No.1405

I want to log in to life, but can't pass the captcha.

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84e7f6 No.1406


2 b here means the captcha is too easy and you seek greater challenges


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d5559a No.1407

File: 98539562891ea07⋯.jpg (433.79 KB,1032x1280,129:160,IMG_20220425_182847_033.jpg)


Kek wills it

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84e7f6 No.1408

File: 64128df474e806c⋯.png (237.15 KB,1154x1071,1154:1071,Mike_Lindell_05052022.png)

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84e7f6 No.1409

>is this true?






Reminder that Obama had Justice Scalia assassinated at a ranch in Texas in an attempt to ram through Merrick Garland's nomination to the court, and Republicans baaaarely eeked out enough support to block the nomination and pass it to Trump, who was able to get Gorsuch in, instead.

Merrick Garland knew all this and was complicit with Scalia's murder.

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078ec4 No.1410


No it isnt and being on foodstamps isnt a bad thing you dumb fuck

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84e7f6 No.1411

File: b97b97f2023ccfa⋯.png (100.71 KB,305x343,305:343,Night_Shift_Show.png)

File: 6ead6306ca9a223⋯.png (639.26 KB,1000x610,100:61,Night_Shift_Kung_Fu.png)


whoa, nice1; never seen it b4

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d5559a No.1412

File: 98539562891ea07⋯.jpg (433.79 KB,1032x1280,129:160,IMG_20220425_182847_033.jpg)

Why did I 404?

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d5559a No.1413



I still lurning how 2 newb the etherwebs

Fren is fren is fren

8[-\/\/85 @/V\|2][¯|¯€

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84e7f6 No.1414

File: e1835dab6496756⋯.png (639.85 KB,637x895,637:895,Trump_fake_socials_0430202….png)

File: 38a2feb4ae7a3cc⋯.png (234.68 KB,637x620,637:620,head_of_ministry_of_truth_….png)

File: e931d121003bcaa⋯.png (902.43 KB,638x868,319:434,2000_mules_game_over.png)


idk but refresh usually works, usually


Newb, uh huh, yeah right Fren kek

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84e7f6 No.1415






Elon's bout to become Twitter's new CEO ahahahahahahahahahaha

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84e7f6 No.1416

File: 1d7e680e9cbd57b⋯.png (38.25 KB,604x424,151:106,twtr_stock_03022022.png)


dang, almost had [them]

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84e7f6 No.1417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#ElonMusk #ElonMuskTwitter #ElonMuskBuysTwitter

Bryson Gray - Elon Musk (MUSIC VIDEO)


Premiered Apr 25, 2022

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84e7f6 No.1418

File: a75d3666d560f51⋯.png (505.61 KB,970x653,970:653,Night_Shift_Chopper.png)

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84e7f6 No.1419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cut the grass so you can see the serpents and avoid fake wars imo


Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis // "God We Need You Now" (Official Music Video)


Sep 8, 2020

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84e7f6 No.1420

File: 2650c6b4abd482c⋯.png (645.96 KB,563x900,563:900,Sliced_America_Book_Jim_Wa….png)


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84e7f6 No.1421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#topher #olympushasfallen #dcure

Topher - Olympus Has Fallen (feat. @D.Cure)[Lyric Video]


Premiered Sep 10, 2021

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84e7f6 No.1422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"New World Order" - Tom MacDonald & Adam Calhoun


Jan 21, 2022

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d5bcb2 No.1423


I will be requesting a personalized hard cover copy when the time is right. I'm curious as to which pen would be used.

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84e7f6 No.1424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


American Muscle


Feb 10, 2022

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47ff21 No.1425


†)-(][5 :§ ƒ]®є

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84e7f6 No.1426

File: cf73591f3564061⋯.jpg (566.23 KB,1311x1847,1311:1847,comey_blue_pen.jpg)

File: 89f5f1118257002⋯.png (457.26 KB,800x591,800:591,DOJ_Nunes_Pen.png)

File: af1caec89238a54⋯.png (57.7 KB,444x492,37:41,pen_for_POTUS.png)

File: eabf487a22aa597⋯.jpg (89.25 KB,800x600,4:3,Trump_pen_maybe.jpg)

File: a9952e126ebfd10⋯.jpg (87.84 KB,700x933,700:933,Nice_Trump_Pen_Grassley.jpg)

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84e7f6 No.1427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


did you say fire? kek


"Fire Emojis" - Adam Calhoun, Tom MacDonald, Madchild


Apr 22, 2022

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810085 No.1428


It can be a bit of a Pain . Once Your in yur in for the day . took me 6 tries today

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47ff21 No.1429



Leet for "This is fire"

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47ff21 No.1430



1st try for me. I was making a funny.

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84e7f6 No.1431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#TomMacdonald #TomMacdonaldReaction #NovaRockafeller

Tom PREDICTED the FUTURE| Tom MacDonald -"Clown World" REACTION


Apr 11, 2022

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5f0556 No.1432



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4792ac No.1433

File: 4b9e06f5a5743aa⋯.jpg (515.4 KB,1310x1846,655:923,cf73591f356406172184f3a151….jpg)

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84e7f6 No.1434



mayb 'first fisa'

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84e7f6 No.1435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1:07 / 8:18

#TomMacDonald #AdamCalhoun #InGodWeTrust

In God We Trust - Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, Struggle Jennings & Nova Rockafeller (REACTION!!)


Mar 9, 2022

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84e7f6 No.1436



technique 117: reaction videos

>_ watching people to know culture to SEE next moves and countermoves

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fddfdc No.1437



>I’m unfortunately not going to speak with you on 8kun. I am more than happy to communicate here, or over the phone, or via text, Signal, Wire, or other chat apps.


>Please let me know what besides 8kun works for you.

Wow, so journalists used to venture into war for their duty to cover the news, they were in the battles with the soldiers in ww1 and ww2. They were in Iraq during bush's war and Afghanistan.

But now they are too scared to chicken shit to venture onto a clearnet website just to have a chat in public with their target for interview…

That is incredibly pathetic.

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078ec4 No.1438


The irony here is I saw signal being advertised by it's creator in VRChat and he was an obvious pedophile I could smell it from a mile away. Signal is legitimately an app for pedophiles and they're asking you to use it lol

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d57e85 No.1439

File: 181bf079b5afec6⋯.png (122.25 KB,768x301,768:301,ClipboardImage.png)


Lord give me strength. Palace Station is a protected habitat for the Freaking spotted owl. It's not enough that we sacrificed 500,000 acres of the tallest trees in Arizona (Rodeo/Chediski) for the Mexican spotted owl. Oh no, there might be a tree alive somewhere we need to burn down.


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31407d No.1440


You found it. 1122 Boogie Woogie avenue

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d57e85 No.1441

File: 9bdfe3dba397f6e⋯.jpg (38.55 KB,526x526,1:1,electric_ave.jpg)

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d57e85 No.1442

File: 67adcf940220b61⋯.png (612.13 KB,866x506,433:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0149d6d74d550b⋯.png (152.99 KB,612x442,18:13,ClipboardImage.png)


Just because Ed Buck said folks in Arizona are racist doesn't make it true. You can clearly see in the attached document that Nigger Brown owned his own gold mine.



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078ec4 No.1443

File: e2bc7b0b7c7bbcf⋯.png (79.93 KB,1109x208,1109:208,ClipboardImage.png)

the censorship continues but Im not longer getting range bans

I guess they realised spamming range bans at any drop of this info is literally a confession akin to that reddit pedo mod who let their pedo dad into their life

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078ec4 No.1444

oops typoed my trip

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078ec4 No.1445

My last thread got slapped with another censorship


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764659 No.1446

File: 2f9516e2300cfcd⋯.mp4 (14.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,chapterandverse.mp4)



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764659 No.1447


Isaiah 43:19

Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.

some still use the backchannels. like God. stick around

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128a34 No.1448


triggered much? i didn’t say there was anything wrong with being on food stamps.

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128a34 No.1449

File: 4ae9c2054a94c9c⋯.jpeg (123.52 KB,750x742,375:371,4DEAD9EC_9BAC_42F6_A62E_D….jpeg)

File: 9fd360b28d17aed⋯.jpeg (86.8 KB,800x474,400:237,23D571FC_3FE6_47AC_AE9A_E….jpeg)

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128a34 No.1450



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a7124f No.1451

File: d0d06938eb3d01f⋯.jpg (398.62 KB,1799x1581,1799:1581,NB5_5.jpg)

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128a34 No.1452

File: 954d43016a2f662⋯.jpeg (110.19 KB,650x499,650:499,AEA4220B_5BAD_4182_920F_3….jpeg)

File: e98f857782b271f⋯.jpeg (108.62 KB,1013x1013,1:1,D0E75832_F10D_4768_A1C1_5….jpeg)

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128a34 No.1453

File: 84cb35aa3617562⋯.jpeg (137.31 KB,876x1172,219:293,69CD3AB8_6A85_4D12_A2DE_F….jpeg)

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368d8f No.1454

File: 7ba2c10c1daccd1⋯.jpg (352.11 KB,1880x1198,940:599,Image_06_05_2022_at_19_29.JPG)

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84e7f6 No.1455


nice1, ty

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128a34 No.1456

File: f1a8ac1129dfe93⋯.jpeg (160.05 KB,939x1093,939:1093,8FF17D5D_3C96_4D51_A80A_4….jpeg)

File: 0180b42d22ea505⋯.jpeg (135.72 KB,803x796,803:796,D4885D82_06AC_400C_B65F_4….jpeg)

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84e7f6 No.1457

File: 3c4b70118f0e36c⋯.png (462 KB,1164x549,388:183,17_honks_green_truck_02202….png)

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368d8f No.1458

File: 8d27a5226990dab⋯.jpeg (3.59 MB,1662x1848,277:308,1651412391999.jpeg)

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368d8f No.1459

File: 85607a222716a99⋯.jpg (289.64 KB,1532x1138,766:569,Untitled.jpg)

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84e7f6 No.1460

File: 345213ba9fc46ea⋯.png (300.95 KB,914x1227,914:1227,Ron_was_awesome_04282022.png)

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810085 No.1461

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810085 No.1462


Ron for the Win 🏆 in Arizona

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078ec4 No.1463


The second image is literally me I got sick of all my potential love interests in VRChat running off to black cats to pick up underaged bussy and pussy and that's why they stopped going on movie dates with me fuck em all

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810085 No.1464

File: 1fb318d1689cb15⋯.jpeg (118.03 KB,1280x815,256:163,4D2CCDD9_AF1F_4756_953A_C….jpeg)


Ah…yes. Ther's an actor guy who is an executive of Sumiyoshi-kai which is one of the yakuza groups claimed he's a Galactic Federation member and a Trump's best buddy who did some violent activity and got arrested. Obviously, he was hired by Soros. He says himself as a Top Qanon in Japan or something…reminds me of Phil Godlewski. 💩🤔

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078ec4 No.1465

Not just that but it turns out there's so many fucking pedos man and when you don't really care until you chat with their victims and exchange grooming stories that's when it all dawns on you how fucked up it all is

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078ec4 No.1466

The virtual space is already ruined by pedophile circles, VRGate is real

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078ec4 No.1467

It's the weirdest timeline to find out facebook is the good guys because google is just fucking glowies who gangstalk people and are pedos, meanwhile Facebook was planning to implement virtual space 4m rule to counteract the legit grooming problem. Of course that's not the real end game solution at all but nobody else cares or encourages pedo shit

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078ec4 No.1468

Tik Tok

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368d8f No.1469


will be epic if he wins.

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e81736 No.1473


Trip Test

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e81736 No.1475


Testing on a test

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128a34 No.1476


VRGate? haven’t heard of that

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128a34 No.1477

File: 7993cc344af0b05⋯.jpeg (161.1 KB,1150x893,1150:893,4491022B_3AC7_4CAD_9B4C_8….jpeg)

File: f093cb452b2d261⋯.jpeg (62.94 KB,720x416,45:26,A93DD716_8EBE_47A9_A734_9….jpeg)

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5626ed No.1478


absolute fact. my youngest son is the last one he knows with no vr and no phone. i need the electronic pedo situation handled stat before he kills me. can't imagine what all those kids are seeing and experiencing in those headsets.

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5626ed No.1479

File: 2a20beea2d43b2a⋯.jpeg (206.12 KB,1455x395,291:79,E13D0CC0_2BE4_4585_B2BB_1….jpeg)



One of the most popular VR apps available on Steam and the Oculus Quest Store is VRChat. With this “game” users can create and share their own virtual worlds, try on any image and show off their creativity with custom avatars. And in VRChat, a hotbed of pedophilia was discovered.

Journalist Jess Sherwood BBC conducted an investigation and spoke about her experience, which may shock parents whose children are addicted to VRChat.

According to Jess, she introduced herself as a 13-year-old girl. During one of the sessions, she got into a virtual strip club, where she saw grown men running after a child and telling him to take off his clothes. In many virtual rooms visited by the journalist, she saw images of condoms and models of sex toys. In some cases, she saw situations where adult men and teenagers feign group sex. She also saw several cases of so-called “grooming” – when an adult develops a trusting relationship with a child for a long time for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

It was extremely uncomfortable, with only three options: stay and watch, go to another room (where there might be something like that) or join. On many occasions I was told to join.

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368d8f No.1480


welcome droll

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368d8f No.1481

File: e193acf84d3b53c⋯.jpg (219.22 KB,1096x1368,137:171,Image_07_05_2022_at_13_59_….JPG)

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d57e85 No.1482


Care less *if

I would steal it if it was grammatically correct.

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128a34 No.1483


okay. i did see a few stories about minors entering adult VR experiences now that you mention it

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128a34 No.1484

File: 4f5985d93331c32⋯.jpeg (126.14 KB,750x775,30:31,8BF3F52F_93CA_4778_A6D1_B….jpeg)

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078ec4 No.1485



4chan mods are in on it



Russian glowies use VRTool VRC client to spy on you

American glowies use SVH to spy on you

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128a34 No.1486

File: 5e4326ed5e681ae⋯.jpeg (115.12 KB,600x1065,40:71,B673ADA8_ECF3_4E0A_9F31_8….jpeg)

File: 041c0520adde3f1⋯.jpeg (134.26 KB,828x625,828:625,45ABBAAE_6713_4CE9_906A_A….jpeg)

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5626ed No.1487


Godspeed exposing those fucks.

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078ec4 No.1488


I threw out a bunch of names and theories for years, and certain ones stuck and I cross checked the information with the logs here https://vrgleaks.netlify.app/

Currently deplatformed from 4chan for daring to speak up about it :)

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128a34 No.1489

File: ff223c4ef993ed5⋯.jpeg (73.79 KB,600x1067,600:1067,FE3CF375_535D_474E_8B90_B….jpeg)

File: 6fb1a3453804ccc⋯.jpeg (212.35 KB,1026x1000,513:500,2F0488F5_5D44_45EE_B401_7….jpeg)

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128a34 No.1490

File: 0a9971213dba943⋯.jpeg (350.55 KB,953x1574,953:1574,ED192F01_0698_4ACC_9A34_F….jpeg)

a lot of what’s habbening reminds me of this old Star Trek episode from ‘67

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a7124f No.1491

File: 430d736e7862ac8⋯.jpg (307.04 KB,1985x1195,397:239,NB5_6.jpg)

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5626ed No.1492


digits chekkked

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078ec4 No.1493


My methods are more advanced than the glowies, I know how to brute force information when it isn't even given to you.

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078ec4 No.1494

I derived it from FBI and police interrogation techniques, though. So it is not my own out of nothing creation.

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d57e85 No.1495

File: a977421c6b452a9⋯.png (63.1 KB,930x531,310:177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2b066384035eec⋯.png (76.79 KB,1003x559,1003:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f5b0c102cef755⋯.png (550.76 KB,918x546,153:91,ClipboardImage.png)


I did a dig a long time ago into the group that created the conditions that caused the Rodeo Chediski fire to get so out of control. This group called The Center for Biological diversity made them stop clearing the underbrush. They claimed it was to protect the spotted owl but it really had more to do with the logging industry.

Now here is the same group protesting logging in the area that just burnt down.

Their Prescott contact is named Joe Trudeau. I wonder if he's any relation to Justin?

I am a voter in Ron's district and this is one of my concern. They are destroying our land.

The Agave cactus is not endangered. As long as there are people who drink Tequila the Agave cactus will be protected.



Just look at this clown taking pictures of birds while our trees go up in smoke in the background.

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d57e85 No.1496


Here is Joe Trudeau's instagram account.


On my old dig I did some research on this building they are based in, in Tucson. It has some pretty sketchy history. Old boys club. It's called 'The Owls Club'.


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128a34 No.1497

File: 17fb53d084b0931⋯.jpeg (24.37 KB,279x180,31:20,6CEA1CE0_B1D1_4CD5_A7FF_E….jpeg)

File: 1fbc8ef276e8d4f⋯.png (321.22 KB,498x432,83:72,77B9640A_CA30_49CF_8015_34….png)

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d57e85 No.1498


Kek…I like my coffee black.

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d57e85 No.1499


While trolling Joe Trudeau's IG followers I saw that the fifth person to follow his account is a Voodoo Priestess.


But that's not the weirdest part. This girl from the Sierra Club also follows him. Her screen name is Alicyn Wonderland.


Alicyn Gitlin

Grand Canyon Program Manager at Sierra Club

Flagstaff, Arizona, United States


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128a34 No.1500

File: bfbc014bfdd0ce9⋯.jpeg (118.3 KB,828x570,138:95,B9B382F5_91A2_4C02_BFDF_1….jpeg)

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078ec4 No.1501

I am receiving threats to my life from the 4chan moderation this is a trail message to let the internet know if I disappear mysteriously I am not suicidal in any way shape or form.

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31407d No.1502


We don't know who You are. it is better to call for help if you are in danger

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d57e85 No.1503

File: fe215d4f1888ab8⋯.png (700.68 KB,1095x587,1095:587,ClipboardImage.png)


Alicyn's mom worked at an Abortion Clinic.

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e81736 No.1504


Reach out to someone that knows you If you have concerns.

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078ec4 No.1505


There are many security cameras and my uncle has connections with the Secret Service and CIA, hypothetically I should be fine…but you'll find trails of my existence in that place I mentioned. That VR place, it's all traceable and I made sure of it.

Tick tock.


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078ec4 No.1506

These messages I just left are merely a contigency for worst case scenario of which will not pass, as if someone comes for my life and makes it into my room, I will legitimately slice them with the swords and knives I've been practicing with.

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078ec4 No.1507

I have been meticulously tracking all the normal vehicles I see and strange ones will stand out to me, I will look up the business name of any funny vans I see, and record my findings if anything is suspicious.

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078ec4 No.1508

As I gather more damning evidence of the greater group. these threats will become more real.

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e81736 No.1509


Not a parent and can't imagine how hard it must be to keep kids safe these days. Especially online.

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368d8f No.1510


my kids have phones, xbox and nintendo switch and a PC. They aint getting no VR headsets. fuck that shit.

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078ec4 No.1511

Heh, something about me is I'm so autistic I just can't hide from the truth. I always end up saying the truth. My mother, she used to use me to figure out what lies all the siblings were hiding from everyone.

Once, I did learn to lie, and lie real good, but I still told the truth. It's weird, I just can't stop myself from blowing the whistle.

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078ec4 No.1512

Also, on Q's behest, I have come across information to loosely confirm the "civil war" of the NSA and CIA. The NSA thinks the CIA is full of themselves and is clearly at the very least rivals with the CIA. The NSA's goal in collecting our information is to protect us.

The issue is, power will corrupt and eventually, or it has already happened, the NSA will be infiltrated by bad actors making any claims of his mute.

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078ec4 No.1513

VRChat pedophile with a boyfriend recounts his grooming experience


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078ec4 No.1514

The NSA agent I spoke with was a very high level officer too, I enjoyed the conversation with him and we talked about how it's nearly impossible to properly disappear an american citizen.

The CIA is supposed to only disappear people the NSA approves to disappear, and this process really only effectively works when people aren't american citizens. They look at all our messages to find actual terorrists and possibly pedophiles.

However, power corrupts all. They're human just like us. But there are good signs to confirm the other bad actor agencies in the US at least aren't in full control.

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078ec4 No.1515

Apparently you have to go through courts and everything for American Citizen disappearing

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078ec4 No.1516

The CIA ignores this process sometimes, if not all the time, whilst pretending to be the smartest people to walk this earth.

These are the motives for the NSA to be at "civil war" with the CIA

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128a34 No.1517

File: 526308fc175737f⋯.jpeg (58.03 KB,679x446,679:446,E1828A64_3C62_4D6E_8A03_C….jpeg)

File: bde4e1eda0ec974⋯.jpeg (146.85 KB,771x831,257:277,6659F271_B355_4D2A_B2A0_7….jpeg)

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d57e85 No.1518

File: 75e362a22c23472⋯.png (179.34 KB,249x467,249:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9abb6e9775cc546⋯.png (72.07 KB,258x219,86:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6046b989f71daa⋯.png (209.08 KB,289x546,289:546,ClipboardImage.png)


Her mom didn't just work at an abortion clinic. She was a director for Planned Parenthood in White Plains New York.



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128a34 No.1519

File: 53801f9032f35b9⋯.jpeg (165.38 KB,825x775,33:31,01396B67_A0A1_4324_9F94_9….jpeg)

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d57e85 No.1520

File: 0661f036ed2a529⋯.jpg (68.41 KB,504x504,1:1,red_rover.jpg)

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128a34 No.1521

File: 9cf495a181445f9⋯.jpeg (121.89 KB,908x704,227:176,B1AE311D_661E_45F4_91FB_1….jpeg)

File: c0fdbd3a1140be8⋯.jpeg (90.22 KB,1025x625,41:25,1E892FB8_F50B_4D0D_A643_C….jpeg)

File: ccdbc7aaee4ccd2⋯.jpeg (181.08 KB,808x791,808:791,6406880E_5EC5_4132_B44C_1….jpeg)

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128a34 No.1522

File: 016bee429c0b1f5⋯.jpeg (109.35 KB,830x770,83:77,86D305A9_88F2_4C05_809E_E….jpeg)

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368d8f No.1523

File: 837f994e97c7873⋯.jpg (142.12 KB,806x1132,403:566,Image_08_05_2022_at_10_05.JPG)

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368d8f No.1524

File: d01079b0fbb3b34⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,4961x4627,4961:4627,2000_mules_copy_2.jpg)

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15df9a No.1525

Wow, so when is the sequel “2000 Arrests” coming?!?

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31407d No.1526


If it is not made, there may be a call for 2000 lynchings.

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810085 No.1527

File: f5d7d415f8ba6d3⋯.jpeg (66.21 KB,830x770,83:77,7809EEA2_9091_4091_B919_D….jpeg)


😎🐸🙏 Spend some time learning how to post anonymous style on the /pen/ board.

The screws are tightening on social media sites. It is imperative if you want to communicate to be able to use alternate means.


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810085 No.1528

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34ac54 No.1529

File: 2a55f471c9c66b3⋯.png (8.07 KB,255x134,255:134,b1811f4f711491550a79e6077e….png)


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f69062 No.1530


You lost me at chemtrails

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f69062 No.1531

I have been censored and shadow banned on reddit as well now. The conspiracy grows, the 4channers have insiders on reddit.

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5626ed No.1532

File: 0d0187ffae91a37⋯.gif (4.83 MB,600x600,1:1,A12584D5_9204_4BDE_9DC0_4F….gif)


Glad you're here.

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f69062 No.1534

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128a34 No.1535

File: 42f5816acca9b49⋯.jpeg (195.86 KB,800x800,1:1,5DE7E54D_F965_464B_90B2_3….jpeg)

File: fc7a9d27578de52⋯.jpeg (90.64 KB,800x800,1:1,2F354E34_5287_4BF0_B8B1_D….jpeg)

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468bca No.1536

File: 5369dcac237f420⋯.jpg (225.96 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1651081238241.jpg)

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a7124f No.1537

File: b914269cf932f51⋯.jpg (236.96 KB,1693x1145,1693:1145,NB5_7_8.jpg)

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128a34 No.1538

File: c11089465fe8803⋯.jpeg (97.31 KB,967x662,967:662,60AA3E9C_340B_499E_8642_D….jpeg)

File: c066856673103ff⋯.jpeg (208.25 KB,727x879,727:879,2DE7A67B_255D_4103_A8C9_5….jpeg)

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128a34 No.1539

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d57e85 No.1542


I'm beginning to think you didn't do the rain dance.

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128a34 No.1543

File: 0cbcf992c32cc24⋯.jpeg (120.82 KB,1920x1920,1:1,054A4DA0_B994_41F1_B88E_2….jpeg)

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a7124f No.1544

File: f92081bb717214a⋯.jpg (372.05 KB,1817x1409,1817:1409,NB5_9.jpg)

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d57e85 No.1545

File: 1f5d2aad2fa2990⋯.png (33.32 KB,592x471,592:471,ClipboardImage.png)

I bought the butter but I'm not greasing up my dog.

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810085 No.1546

File: b2f335b7a45e39e⋯.jpg (44.45 KB,631x732,631:732,2022_05_10_18_11_32.jpg)

Roe vs. Wade, the real conspiracy.


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810085 No.1547

File: 8bf88dfdc481913⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,2022_05_10_18_19_21.mp4)

Australian Senate . Perhaps They Need to Use a Dictionary

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31407d No.1549


Do you elect these people?

The facemask boy at the end of the table is so embarrassed to be there he fidgets with his mask the whole time.

It's like a wealthy "benefactor" of these jerks is telling them to do this. It makes Australia appear weak.

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810085 No.1550

File: 702b18a9fed0a5b⋯.jpg (12.31 KB,251x255,251:255,6171d6ae4c0b2e0383a3bec915….jpg)

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468bca No.1551

File: 910d2983a38f1de⋯.png (47.93 KB,1268x513,1268:513,actual_pedos_at_the_meetup….png)

File: 81785a5cfb6ecd1⋯.png (128.24 KB,1788x823,1788:823,jones_also_was_drugged_and….png)

File: c68dc7df0ca72df⋯.png (49.4 KB,812x711,812:711,they_joke_but_someone_prob….png)

The IRL meetups the 4chan VRG VRLG groups go to not only have 4chan mods in them, they have IRL sex offenders

Krial is a confirmed mod

This Nick guy is likely another mod with domestic abuse history and also there

Very suspicious indeed

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468bca No.1552

File: ec4a7645343481b⋯.png (84.79 KB,1729x794,1729:794,they_mean_CSEM_or_is_it_CS….png)

File: 17259a07eca24bd⋯.png (22.9 KB,1192x319,1192:319,yep_actual_peds.png)

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468bca No.1553

File: ec4a7645343481b⋯.png (84.79 KB,1729x794,1729:794,they_mean_CSEM_or_is_it_CS….png)

File: 17259a07eca24bd⋯.png (22.9 KB,1192x319,1192:319,yep_actual_peds.png)

reposting it only posted thumbnails

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31407d No.1554

File: bf6dd0d1a1620b8⋯.mp4 (9.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,wilycoyote.mp4)

What if the government really was run by Loony Toons?

The full report at Tora3


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a7124f No.1555

File: ec5ae0e88652d91⋯.jpg (339.2 KB,1849x1367,1849:1367,NB5_10.jpg)

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128a34 No.1556

File: b2cec37aac68a48⋯.jpeg (142.63 KB,793x807,793:807,704263C6_0D17_40C1_A6CF_C….jpeg)

File: 99ed521f75cad76⋯.jpeg (76.49 KB,381x480,127:160,D6C71394_868B_4401_A9A8_3….jpeg)

File: e12b33c2f40e23a⋯.jpeg (121.01 KB,768x833,768:833,E819E82C_A1FC_4C6F_9161_1….jpeg)

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73a151 No.1557

File: 113145a5eb00fbf⋯.jpg (97.68 KB,1200x899,1200:899,IMG_20220510_193018_958.jpg)

File: d2b95717cc613ac⋯.jpg (333.73 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20220509_233035….jpg)

File: fcdddcc570030d8⋯.jpg (309.5 KB,2400x1080,20:9,Screenshot_20220509_233050….jpg)

Every J6er attorney should be using her tweets in defense of our political prisoners

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73a151 No.1558

One can appreciate the peace that freedom of speech brings to one's soul when confronted with stupidity.

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7cedc4 No.1560


What if…

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7cedc4 No.1561

File: e3a68b8edd88040⋯.jpeg (77.16 KB,1024x538,512:269,photo_2022_05_12_19_15_38.jpeg)


Is there not already a thread of you as the wise one of 8kun? There should be.

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810085 No.1563

File: 69702891880461c⋯.jpeg (177.13 KB,688x1249,688:1249,7B7A1EEB_F616_459B_8222_0….jpeg)


Whoever made this one is Awesome 🙏😎

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810085 No.1564


With an overall view the entire Administration reminds me of The Ringling Brothers circus . When 50 clowns get out of a VW beetle

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7cedc4 No.1565


Side note. Bookshelf tour!!!! PLZ…

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31407d No.1566


When I get a free moment. I will do that for you.

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31407d No.1567


I thought it was a Renault LeCar.

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468bca No.1568

Yep so more info dropped


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468bca No.1569

And yes the mods were nuking the guy who posted that too

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31407d No.1570

File: fe70a14648a9e73⋯.png (122.21 KB,720x536,90:67,Screen_Shot_2022_05_12_at_….png)

File: c10eab1a7e67573⋯.png (1.73 MB,1320x1490,132:149,Screen_Shot_2022_05_12_at_….png)

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a7124f No.1571

File: 586a39d2302d14d⋯.jpg (352.15 KB,1823x1311,1823:1311,NB5_11.jpg)

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4bb0c6 No.1572

File: a521d79be208a50⋯.jpeg (263.56 KB,1327x1802,1327:1802,hoax.jpeg)

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e876c7 No.1575

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e876c7 No.1576

File: 63216076494e948⋯.jpg (74.1 KB,720x796,180:199,FB_IMG_1652283049390.jpg)


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31407d No.1578


Jack, if you want to do the debate with Barnett and Oz, at least pretend to have some objectivity.

You could do an excellent job at that. These days, you are looking like a paid attack dog, which is inglorious even if you are on the conservative side.

Step up your game and try to do the right thing, big guy.

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468bca No.1579

I just overheaerd my neighbor get approached by someone fora psychological evaluation for a "honeypot"

whats going on in this place

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468bca No.1580


he was a buff black man interesting i knew of 1488 and shit and all the alt right movements on discord but not this

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a7124f No.1581

File: b841335fce67d3c⋯.jpg (380.09 KB,1747x1415,1747:1415,NB5_12.jpg)

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468bca No.1582


Lots of pedos being god and the corrupt DEA is fucked

Maybe our government is finally recovering, any hope bros?

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468bca No.1583


being got*

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4bb0c6 No.1585

File: 9ef1b63dc76ca12⋯.jpg (846.02 KB,4961x2956,4961:2956,PLUS_ULTRA_GIGA_MEGA_MAGA_….jpg)

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5626ed No.1588

File: 91cc44546ce4c61⋯.mp4 (14.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,jimfresh.mp4)


that coyote always dies in the end



looking forward to this! lost all my books in a flood years ago

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7c6500 No.1589

MAGA has Latin roots to the word witch… js

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a7124f No.1590

File: 831b4b368527acc⋯.jpg (393.21 KB,1907x1459,1907:1459,NB5_13.jpg)

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468bca No.1591

Very peculiar how I managed to see feds snooping around for some stupid honeypot and then one of the towns an hour away gets a mass shooting

very peculiar indeed


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18a331 No.1592


You lost them all in a flood?

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764659 No.1593

File: 244566244c01b52⋯.jpeg (523.25 KB,1800x1128,75:47,1D1E2FE4_8457_4292_B1F0_A….jpeg)


true story. we had recently moved to curacao and a massive storm came and flooded the garage where i had my entire book collection in boxes. mostly cheap paperbacks anyway but they are missed. that was probably 2010. only picked up a few tomes since then due to digital. but there's some nice ones on 1 shelf anyway

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5626ed No.1594

File: 8da88443d59abc6⋯.jpeg (76.55 KB,559x559,1:1,39A52445_5CEF_45E3_994E_B….jpeg)


kek. one of my first memes ever. and it's true about the only book i've read since all this was sliced americana. a must read btw.

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468bca No.1595

where da news fag at

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ee8a70 No.1596

File: ea4b1c8e3099f66⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,taunting.mp4)


Let's not relent on teasing the folks that illegally took over the government. Let's make them the ones stomping their feet with fury. Have them jumping up and down screaming. Recognize my authority! F them.

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a7124f No.1597

File: 16019fe291d9d89⋯.jpg (296.38 KB,1687x1253,241:179,NB5_14_15.jpg)

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31407d No.1598

File: 79cd3baf280a0b7⋯.mp4 (11.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,voodoospeedy.mp4)

Let's keep our eyes focused on the prize.

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d57e85 No.1599


That Voodoo crap doesn't have any power over the people who love the Lord. What is this viral Ron video you speak of? I tried trolling your account but it says the video is to big.

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73220d No.1601


I feel your pain. I lost all my belongs in Vorginia during hurricane Isabel.

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6a59c5 No.1602


Hello Jim, I just joined TS and I was wondering if you had an account there and if you would tell me your handle?

Of course I searched for Jim Watkins, I did find a Jim W, but it ain't you.

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d57e85 No.1603


I think he is @jimisnotq I hope so anyway. That's the guy I just followed.

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6a59c5 No.1604


Thanks. I'll try that.

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6a59c5 No.1605



Weird that Jim Watkins didn't come up when I searched, now that I followed him it does. Oh well, maybe I typed it wrong. Was really tired last night. Thanks again.

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31407d No.1606


Oh, did TS deplatform me too?

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31407d No.1607

File: 8b44b2a3beed72d⋯.png (149.41 KB,1826x750,913:375,Screen_Shot_2022_05_20_at_….png)


They fixed it. I am the top search.

Try it yourself?


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d57e85 No.1608

File: b21f5eb70321420⋯.png (561.3 KB,961x591,961:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43af55d31724b4e⋯.png (489.59 KB,1011x536,1011:536,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1c381e50eafa65⋯.png (66.52 KB,773x288,773:288,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f65595e3ec42f7c⋯.png (517.66 KB,773x560,773:560,ClipboardImage.png)


I asked myself who in AZ would want to put a voodoo hex on Jim and how would they go about it. I started digging on this Voodoo priestess in Phoenix and found some laughs.

Genevieve El-Masri is their chosen name but of course it's not their real name because that is a dude. A dude who was in Haiti at the time of the earthquake.

It's interesting how intertwined the trans community is with the government in AZ. I'm pretty sure Katie Hobbs is totally into it. Anyhow check out this guys best friend. They call her/it Hollow Eve.


She/shim is a dude from Miami FL who opened a shop in Phoenix in 2019. Despite their claims of Anarchy they received a PPP loan in 2019. I guess that was just enough to help them open their new shop in Paris.




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d57e85 No.1609


I can't speak for anyone else but I'm not afraid of Cuntzwaylow El-Masri rubbing some chicken bones together and putting a hex on me. Isn't it interesting how youtube blocks conservatives but Satan worshipping transvestites get special protection?


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d57e85 No.1610


I think you have to search "Rons Dad" to find your account. LOL

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d57e85 No.1611

File: fc2353183925113⋯.png (483.67 KB,1092x580,273:145,ClipboardImage.png)


i was on the research board in 2018. I saw all the CP, gore porn, gay porn, chicks with dicks. I reported a lot of the CP and as soon as I did it was removed from the board. I did the same damn thing on instagram and two weeks later I would get a notice saying it didn't go against their terms of service or some bullshit like that. Now my grandkids or anybody's grandkids could continuously access that bullshit on Instagram but I doubt they could have found their way to 8chan.

When I reported the CP I knew there was a chance I might have to make a statement about it. I knew the moderator was reporting it. I really don't believe I am anonymous even though the rules say I am. There are consequences for our actions.

Look at this crap. This is an account open to everyone. What's the difference? It's all freaking gross.

They posted all that horrible stuff to try to stop us from finding the truth.

I really hope ALL our digs got submitted to congress.

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e96054 No.1612


Surely not. Although I'm still waiting to get on.

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a7124f No.1613

File: c86b153128182f7⋯.png (302.44 KB,1903x1389,1903:1389,NB5_21_22.png)

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a7124f No.1614

File: 565b4a2c6e35d8e⋯.png (601.22 KB,1605x1292,1605:1292,NB5_23.png)

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a7124f No.1616

File: aa9224c655698b4⋯.png (251.72 KB,1809x1293,603:431,NB5_24.png)

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468bca No.1617

most of the erroneous activity turned out to be movers, feds turned out to be harassing some phillipino who cant read


donuts suck fuck you

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31407d No.1618


The 1617 project?

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31407d No.1619


It is going to be a busy day.

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a7124f No.1620

File: b407ad07566d10b⋯.png (239.76 KB,1759x1267,1759:1267,NB5_25.png)

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a7124f No.1621

File: 707ce12d7023b91⋯.png (610.05 KB,1541x1346,1541:1346,NB5_27.png)

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d57e85 No.1622


I'm thinking about taking up calligraphy again. I did it for a while in grade school. Can you recommend a decent set for a beginner that cost less than $100? I see the sets on amazon for $25 and was wondering if there is a better set.

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31407d No.1623

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d57e85 No.1624


Thanks, I appreciate the help.

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7c20e2 No.1625


So you're saying it's not a good idea to use it?

I don't understand your intention.

If it's just some kind of nonsense or a blabbermouth…

I don't care.

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7c20e2 No.1626


If you think using MAGA is a bad idea and

Pianon that I know of who thinks it is better to use #sing4freedom, then

You may be making an impression on the word MAGA and

and may be keeping you away from the awareness of MakeAmericaGreatAgain.

Do you have an agenda?

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7c20e2 No.1627



in other words

#Sing4freedom is better than #MAGA?

It is up to the individual to decide what to use.

In some cases, it may create delays.

If that's the intention…

What a thought!

Sorry if I've got the wrong guy.

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d57e85 No.1628

File: f31b0ecf438e43a⋯.png (774.93 KB,467x645,467:645,ClipboardImage.png)


I listened to you read your letter last night. It was a fine letter, you really are a wonderful writer. It's funny how such good writers stumble over words during public speaking. I see Ron does it also. Just goes to show you can't read a book by it's cover.

I ordered the speedball calligraphy set. It still hasn't shipped.

If you publish a copy of your letter I might try writing it in Old English Script. That is what I started learning when I was in grade school.

The way you described being surrounded by angels reminded me of the prayer I requested for you (Psalm 91) that you be tucked under the wing of the Father. How could anyone feel fear when they are standing under the wing of the Almighty?

Mark 13:11

11 Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

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76e834 No.1629


#Sing4Freedom isn't better than MAGA.

It's a call to action to sing the Anthem in solidarity with the J6 inmates & to protest how American citizens are having their rights violated.

Just wanted to clarify. MAGA is something different all together & I'm all for it.

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a9712a No.1630



Thank you for your reply

I'm glad we are headed in the same direction.

Thank you for everything, patriot.

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31407d No.1631

It's time for the revolution.

https://revolution.radio studio B

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d57e85 No.1632


Will you ask Ron to spell check his thank you note at helpwatkinswin please? He spelled blessed with an A instead of an E and he left out the I in the word (is).

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d57e85 No.1633

File: 5b65e9a1056e173⋯.png (21.03 KB,798x264,133:44,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b0de0 No.1634


hey Jim, can you take a look at these posts in the meta bread on /qresearch/? just wanted to bring this to your attention. i too hate being censored. i'm not on any social media so i have no other way to get into contact with you. i'm hoping they won't be deleted before you see this - i will post screenshots as well.



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5b0de0 No.1635

File: 80b28c9532a520c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1482x1552,741:776,Screen_Shot_2022_06_15_at_….png)

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5b0de0 No.1636

File: 3a54bc0171911e4⋯.png (509.91 KB,448x2307,448:2307,06_14_22.png)

these were the posts deleted in that bread. i don't see here anything that would warrant deletion of every single one of the posts on my IP… seems like a very drastic move

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5b0de0 No.1637





i'm posting here because board staff haven't explained what's going on, but they're still doing things on the board according to the board logs.

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5b0de0 No.1638

File: 2eb019a77b63b6a⋯.png (199.53 KB,456x842,228:421,ClipboardImage.png)


>if no one ever responds then what's the point of having a meta thread? to give the appearance of taking anons' input into account? wasn't this the same issue the last admin had, as Q confirmed in picrel?

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5b0de0 No.1639






FYI BO responded and let me know it was an honest accident

i will post here again if there are any other issues going forward

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472778 No.1640


There are no coincidences why I have everything. President Trump(aka. Q+) told me to trust the plan and justice,was coming.

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5626ed No.1641

File: ad43aa315454240⋯.gif (5.54 MB,600x338,300:169,3AB1CFDD_A873_4885_A541_37….gif)


good news then

thanks for baking

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c67520 No.1642



I philogeometric to BO

Thank you for all your help.

My trip code has changed by itself.

I cannot use my old trip code.

I don't know why this has happened.

If there is any reason, please let me know.

If it is possible

I would appreciate it if you could improve it.


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a7124f No.1643


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a7124f No.1644

File: 82a64b29115f556⋯.png (105.79 KB,543x376,543:376,ClipboardImage.png)

Same password, different tripcode?

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5626ed No.1645


Trip test

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464de9 No.1646


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464de9 No.1647


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5626ed No.1648


yeah, mine's different with same password

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6713f6 No.1649

Good morning

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ea5a73 No.1650


Gud mernin

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d57e85 No.1651


We got a good rain and the creeks are flowing again. It feelz good.

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a7124f No.1652

File: 7dba388d237244d⋯.png (26.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,R_1_.png)


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a7124f No.1653

File: eeeb3d33d251fbe⋯.png (348.88 KB,797x741,797:741,ClipboardImage.png)


Now my tripcode is back to the original

Still the same password

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5626ed No.1654



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5626ed No.1655


Nice. Got mine back too.

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3d184b No.1656



ty 8kun Administrator


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a7124f No.1657


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a7124f No.1658


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1c5ab5 No.1659

File: 721981455c0ae03⋯.jpg (955.6 KB,3024x4032,3:4,721981455c0ae0301d562ae150….jpg)