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/pen/ - A Place to Create and Critique

Writing and reviewing ink pens and political literature

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Welcome to Pen Island
Our pen is big
Political discussion is allowed by default. This board is SFW

Is It Wet Yet?

Wang violations will be deleted and banned by default.

File: 1423075379590.jpg (68.88 KB,496x798,248:399,LreaD8N.jpg)

3e8477 No.1

Welcome to /pen/.
I've recently taken the decision to make this a place for discussing literature and posting your own work, instead of only user created content.
Stuff to post:
>Your own work, fiction or non-fiction
>'Required reading' lists
>Reading club ideas
>Writing club ideas

>b..but how's this different to /lit/

As before, the board is aiming to be centered around politics, but this rule isn't absolute.
Keep it civil and post new works into their own threads, if possible.
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
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