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File: 6e6f7a2994e85bf⋯.png (211.45 KB,558x344,279:172,Screenshot 2018-06-13 at 1….png)

d784e8 No.9462

can some one tell me where i can read his words bestr ranslated to american english? please i must know his words un burned by time.

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9cca97 No.9463

well done

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d784e8 No.9464


I have arrived. now feed me plz.

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9cca97 No.9465

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d784e8 No.9466

Mein kampf is what I want. Help plz. And congrats Acadie-Bathurst

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9cca97 No.9467

File: 936d6e1eada8e8d⋯.pdf (2.43 MB,Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler ….pdf)


here man. you didnt need to make a thread for this though

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d784e8 No.9468

File: 8641b9cf7ed4f56⋯.png (136.57 KB,454x495,454:495,Screenshot 2018-06-13 at 1….png)


srry. no one would gibs me it and im new to infinity

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0a9391 No.9487

File: d6ef1b808d22ce2⋯.pdf (4.22 MB,Hitler's Speeches.pdf)

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c51515 No.13357

File: 3f80e96157b9a8a⋯.pdf (2.14 MB,Adolf_Hitler_Mein_Kampf_Th….pdf)

The Ford translation of Mein Kampf is considered the best. It is easier to read and contains footnotes explaining long dated references.

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