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File: 1d4d139adbe8c46⋯.jpg (440.67 KB,1023x1001,93:91,pol books 18 - feb 2018.jpg)

099d3a No.8061


Final Edition.


Be sure to visit The Incorrect Library, easily the best /pol/ tier ebook project:


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099d3a No.8062


>.epub of Civil War Two (in Individual Books)

>Bonus Books Dump directory

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099d3a No.8063

fuck ^^^ I meant

>The INCORRECT Library

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a1d877 No.8066


Edited, and sad to see this is the last one but you have done everyone a great service by collecting all these, thank you anon. At least we now have The Incorrect Library to use from now on.

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3d8fd1 No.8076

Great stuff, as usual. Thank you

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d8ac5c No.8148



anyone know how to convert monsters of Babylon to mobi?

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d8ac5c No.8155


edit: mobi and epub can be downloaded on archive.org. the file was too big to do email to kindle conversion.

Anybody know how to turn these into MP3s using text to speech? I am stuck in traffic a lot and would like to listen to some of them on the way to work. I don't care if it's a robot voice, I've listened to robo-dizitized books before and am fine with it.

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a1d877 No.8156


>Anybody know how to turn these into MP3s using text to speech?

I've really no idea because I've never tried it but some anon in the thread on audio books on /pol/ mentioned an app named Balabolka. I know nothing though so I can't endorse it.


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1959a8 No.8162


Monsters of Babylon was only ever released as a .pdf afaik. Pdf to epub/mobi conversions are almost always horrible and unreadable.

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d8ac5c No.8163


yeah, i couldn't figure out balabolka. I just copy and pasted each chapter into the pages app on map, select all, and then click "services>add to itunes as spoken track". It takes a while to do it chapter by chapter, but it works.

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4eecd2 No.8317


>Final Edition

Please no. Don't do it.


Search `Tacotron 2` and you will find a NeuralNet made by Google.

Also https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-open-source-text-to-speech-technologies


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4a4ee4 No.9420

Here is all the books in the collection.


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90c45b No.9654


iirc all the books are in the mega link, in a folder called "individual books"


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549aaa No.9692

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549aaa No.9693

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