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File: 60300e40856b790⋯.pdf (2.69 MB,1-2-3 Magic- Effective Dis….pdf)

File: fc4a2fb9ce6f613⋯.pdf (2.15 MB,Notes on the early trainin….pdf)

c6df20 No.4829

Books about Parenting

1-2-3 Magic- Effective Discipline for Children

Notes on the early training of children

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b86336 No.8663

If anyone has the McGuffey Readers, that would be great. They aren't technically books about parenting, but they are great educational material for children.

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201283 No.8784


This site has 8 books for download

https:// www.learn-to-read-prince-george.com/McGuffey-readers.html

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