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File: 1442341278727-0.jpg (7.71 KB,176x266,88:133,solzhenitsyn.jpg)

File: 1442341278728-1.pdf (66.06 KB,marchofhypocrites.pdf)

4b42c4 No.2412

I'll be adding files here as I set them. Might be slow.

If there are any text files you want set in type, let me know.

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4b42c4 No.2413

File: 1442350304577.jpg (15.52 KB,278x450,139:225,Two Hundred Years Together….jpg)

It's a shame that 200 Years Together has yet to be fully translated into English. In the mean time, one can read F. Roger Devlin's review of the French edition which is an excellent summary of its content:



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4b42c4 No.2416


Thanks for this! Much appreciated. I'm looking for as much Solzhenitsyn as I can find. My loving mother named me after him and I have vowed to take up his anti-Socialist cause.

Proofreading my typesetting of Words of Warning to the Western World.

I'll post it here ASAP.

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4b42c4 No.2418

File: 1442419247623.pdf (127.92 KB,wordsofwarning.pdf)

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4b42c4 No.2422

File: 1442444713807.pdf (2.64 MB,200 Years Together; Russo-….pdf)



It's not the full thing, and I don't know if it is posted elsewhere, but there is this. It has quite a few chapters removed as I think you were implying.

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4b42c4 No.2427


Awesome thanks!

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4b42c4 No.2481

File: 1443018542185.pdf (157.82 KB,worldsplitapart.pdf)

Address to Harvard 1978.

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4b42c4 No.3283

So lets say I know a Russian who's fluent in English and has a degree in Linguistics who'd be willing to translate 200 Years Together.

Where could I go to get people to pay for it? She's not going to do it for free but 1-2,000 dollars would be enough money. Surely there are people willing to pay to get it translated.

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4b42c4 No.3304


Unlikely to get a benefactor from this domain. Best bet is to find a based Russian who would do it for posterity more than anything. I have a degree in linguistics, and I'd be willing to work with someone. Perhaps there is a Rus/pol/ equivalent, I'll keep an eye out for threads.

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4b42c4 No.3841

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4b42c4 No.4951


A new board just started that's dedicated to translating the entire thing.


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4b42c4 No.4979


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03ebb9 No.6178

File: 1ea7ac25bbc055c⋯.pdf (3.98 MB,200 Years Together.pdf)

File: c979fa6b4fb395c⋯.pdf (1.52 MB,Censored Chapters of 200 Y….pdf)

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d80b1c No.7982

File: 44c21665781f94a⋯.pdf (4.42 MB,Two Hundred Years Together….pdf)

File: 5a027491ae44db2⋯.png (679.92 KB,1152x1778,576:889,Two Hundred Years Together….png)

File: 5d2a87495cd2f4a⋯.png (168.24 KB,1386x1969,126:179,Two Hundred Years Together….png)

Complete version of Two Hundred Years Together.

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929a2a No.8142


This book has to be read by everyone.

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f24e33 No.8386


Wait it's finally done? Nice.

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2d8366 No.13759

Useful books are not read on this board

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119d1b No.13819


Thank you so much. Another book for the collection. I've got some books of Arthur Schopenhauer and Skorzeny (in Spanish), if you're interested. https://8kun.top/pdfs/res/13805.html

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