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File: b02c71aa3114817⋯.jpg (10.12 KB,200x200,1:1,1638925382242.jpg)

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File: 0b3182409a26b8e⋯.pdf (1.59 MB,Germany_s_Third_Empire.pdf)

98c886 No.14433

In 2017/2018 there used to be a .onion site called the incorrect library (inclibuql666c5c4.onion) that had hundreds of /pol/ books archived. They were also making their own high quality versions of some of the books. The only books from the website I could find are 200 Years Together and Germany's Third Empire. It used to get posted about here a lot. I also managed to find what appears to be their old gab (https://gab.com/RealShadilay) but it didn't have any useful information. Does anyone have an archive of or any other pdfs from the website?

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e2aaf5 No.14434

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e2aaf5 No.14435

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e2aaf5 No.14436

I was here during the Anon's translation of the Solzhenitsyn work. I recall acquiring it from here a short time after the dust settled. The Anon who posted was Shadilay then, excellent.

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b11cc4 No.14663

I check this thread every couple months and I just made a big discovery.

The website was archived through the .onion.to tor2web link


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000000 No.14667


it got deleted

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