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865f50 No.14418

This thread (http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/347331253/#q347331253) popped up on 4fag last week and was quickly shoah'd. Somewhere a kind Anon posted this link: https://mega.nz/folder/PEcw0D5T#SVVtINKYaCbRwTmEoUVEaA, which is now dead. It contained a folder called "Smart Stuff" that was around 680 Gb.. massive. Inside it had these folders, among many others:


Zundels Bunker


JQ Redpills (or something like that)

as well as huge archives from the anime, videogame, music, philosophy, art/animation, etc. boards across 4chan from over the years. I liked it because it wasn't just political content - but just an aggregate of stuff (memes, pdfs, videos, books, recommendation lists) from everywhere that wasn't woke and was just really high quality. If anyone has this, or if that kind Anon is here - I can download and seed this content, or try to put it somewhere it won't get taken down so quickly. I feel the preservation of archives like these is especially important given the current state of the internet, and I try to take all the best privacy practices into account.

I know I'm not providing a lot of info here. I'm half hoping that anon is lurking here somewehre and sees this, since these threads get nuked on 4chan

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219773 No.14430

Not the same, but here's links to 1 of the libraries, and another that would be good to keep floating

MEGA BOOK COLLECTION (link to Zundel's Bunker)


PALADIN PRESS COMPLETE COLLECTION Downloads (2 sources: MediaFire and eMule)


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