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File: 1431980724075.jpg (9.87 KB,248x346,124:173,41rnw8MijVL._SY344_BO1,204….jpg)

92f2e2 No.1429

Need /pdfs/ help locating a pdf/epub/mobi for Supervert's Post-Depravity (2014)

from amazon - "Post-Depravity describes a near future in which people are little more than vectors for strange desires – and yet the increasing ordinariness of strange desires causes a vicious circle, degenerates striving for ever more outlandish forms of sexual gratification. The result, "post-depravity," is an impending state in which perversity and normality become identical. "

Big fan of some of his earlier writing - will post Necophilia Variations and Perversity Think Tank to maybe get interest. aesthetic fuses (imo) ballard, bataille, de sade.

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92f2e2 No.1430

File: 1431980845185-0.pdf (651.65 KB,necrophilia-variations-by-….pdf)

File: 1431980845187-1.jpg (17.73 KB,318x471,106:157,2224824.jpg)

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92f2e2 No.1431

File: 1431980873142-0.pdf (1.63 MB,perversity-think-tank-by-s….pdf)

File: 1431980873143-1.jpg (38.8 KB,318x445,318:445,thinktank.jpg)

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92f2e2 No.1432

File: 1431981022060-0.pdf (763.87 KB,J. G. Ballard-The Atrocity….pdf)

File: 1431981022060-1.jpg (43.65 KB,500x349,500:349,atrocity_cover.jpg)


"First published in 1970 and widely regarded as a prophetic masterpiece, this is a groundbreaking experimental novel by the acclaimed author of 'Crash' and 'Super-Cannes', who has supplied explanatory notes for this new edition. The irrational, all-pervading violence of the modern world is the subject of this extraordinary tour de force. The central character's dreams are haunted by images of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, dead astronauts and car-crash victims as he traverses the screaming wastes of nervous breakdown. Seeking his sanity, he casts himself in a number of roles: H-bomber pilot, presidential assassin, crash victim, pscyhopath. Finally, through the black, perverse magic of violence he transcends his psychic turmoils to find the key to a bizarre new sexuality."

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92f2e2 No.1433

File: 1431981437557-0.jpg (29 KB,322x475,322:475,ero.jpg)

File: 1431981437558-1.pdf (2.53 MB,Georges Bataille, Mary Dal….pdf)

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92f2e2 No.1592


Just wanted to say thanks, I'm a fan of his stuff too. I don't have post-depravity though.

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92f2e2 No.2609



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2a4ab3 No.7492


Censored by the author. The reasons why are explained in the book.

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ef2f45 No.11772

File: 2e6fd8bd3fbc5c0⋯.pdf (991.1 KB,post-depravity-by-superver….pdf)

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