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File: 218eeead6c91934⋯.jpg (4.64 KB,250x186,125:93,murdercube.jpg)

78e147 No.13325

Does anybody have a mega link of the full murdercfube section of https://the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/



these 3 librarys plz

im trying to download it with wget but it just keeps stopping without downloading the files only the folders with very few books.

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78e147 No.13329


i figured out how to use wget, first you have to download wget and put it in a folder, then use the CMD command of your drive like G: then press enter.

then type in cmd cd (and copy your folder location like G:\user\books\!wgetfolder and type enter. then the right folder should show up in CMD, then you copy the link from https://the-eye.eu/ and paste it in CMD , it will start downloading but it will stop many times, so you have to copy the line again and press enter, does anybody know a command in cmd to always enter the same line when downloading stops?

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29162c No.13374


With bash, there's "until". (help until)

wget specifically has parameters to control retries, and time between retries. IIRC -t 0 will give you infinite retrying.

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59d9b8 No.13479

File: e18c7cf5a667c9a⋯.pdf (168.26 KB,wget_noobs_guide.pdf)

File: ebbf9565aac0739⋯.jpg (90.16 KB,1080x863,1080:863,USS_LIBTARD.jpg)


It literally tells you exactly what to do on the site you linked!

Here's a quick, tard-friendly, step-by-step guide for getting the MurderCube archive:

1) Download wget for Windows

>64bit (experimental): https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/1.20.3/64/wget.exe

32bit: https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/1.20.3/32/wget.exe

2) Save wget.exe in your System32 Folder


3) Open 'Run'

>Windows Key + R

4) Type CMD to open Command Prompt

5) Copy this string (also located at bottom of archive's webpage):

>wget -m -np -c -U "eye01" -R "index.html*" "https://the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/"

6) Go back to your Command Prompt Window

7) Right click in order to paste from clipboard

8) Press Enter

The archive will be saved in follow directory (unless specified otherwise):

>C:\Users\"YOUR USERNAME"\the-eye.eu\public\murdercube.com

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241a60 No.13701

You fucking madlads

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