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/p/ - Photography

Needs more borkeh

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File: 1415041042232.jpg (11.95 KB,477x205,477:205,photoshop_gimp.jpg)


What software does /p/ use?

I myself have been getting into FOSS Photography. Currently use Darktable, because GIMP has shit colour management.
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Wow you're a busy poster. I just stick with my good old pirated PS
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As for RAW: I was using Adobe Camera RAW until I got a new camera for which there is no ACR4.4 profile - only one embedded into DNG by maker and "Adobe Standard", which is hardly tolerable. After that I wrote my own RAW developer which gives me the colour I want but does bad job in demobayerization and is very primitive, so I need to use Photoshop for any further adjustments.

As for catalogs and etc.: I use Bridge. If you do not need to organize mass production you will easily get the task done with Bridge+ACR.

I have tried RAWTherapee and it gives numerous tools for adjusting the image, I absolutely love it but it still does not give me nuts in terms of colour.
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I also tried RPP and it is much better in terms of Colour than ACR.
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Lightroom for RAW and 90% of editing

PS for small correction or darkening specific areas

I used to play around with GIMP but PS is just faster for some healing corrections. Color to alpha is still unbeaten though, so good
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GIMP with G'MIC, even though G'MIC crashes on me all the time.

Since I don't do RAW yet, that's really all I need.
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While Photoshop is proprietary BS it still blows GIMP out of the water
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Darktable is pretty good, but most of the good stuff in it is hidden by default. It has AMAZE support for RAW too.

Rawtherapee crashes on me too much.
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I use Photoshop CC (LR + PS), but I want to switch away from Adobe.

I got DXO Optics (Love!!! <3)
I tried GIMP 2.8, but it doesn't seem to support the bit depths and color spaces that I want to work in. (Scanning and correcting color negative film)

Someone told me that Gimp 2.9 will support that stuff, so I guess I'm waiting until it comes out as stable, or at least beta. G'mic is also pretty cool.
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DXO is not bad but I find it a bit clunky and slow. Try Capture One
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For catalogs - digiKam
RAW - rawtherapee or the interface to dcraw within digiKam
Also - GIMP, Geeqie, Hugin, argyll
Darktable has its merits, but the UI is not so much my thing
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>I have tried RAWTherapee and it gives numerous tools for adjusting the image, I absolutely love it but it still does not give me nuts in terms of colour.

I finally managed to get everything what I need with RAWTherapee and it is my working tool now.
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I like GIMP. I have used Darktable but I'm gonna give DigiKam a try because I've heard only good things.
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If you have $900 it does...
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A question about VSCO: did anyone test it and find ani undesirable digital-like defects in the exported images?
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Really putting that Photoshop industry cert to good use.

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I use Paint.NET

I've downloaded a bunch of addons, now I can do all the things I could with photoshop

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Yeah I get the same thing on all of my photos, can't use VSCO anymore because of that reason.

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Paint.net & GIMP both are mediocre.

Affinity Photo is closest thing that can go head to head with PS & LR

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I use LR and Gimp. Photoshop is too bulky for my workflow.

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Lightroom (For NEF Files) and Photoshop for everything else


I use the photoshop raw filter for editing my tiff files, like negative scans.

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Unfucking this thread.

I use a combination of Photoshop, GIMP, Darktable, and a few other programs.

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Almost exclusively Digikam. It's fast and stable and has nice cataloging features, and the UI is excellent. Sometimes Rawtherapee, but I'm finding that I like Digikam's UI a little better. They're both excellent though.

I like some of Darktable's features, but I absolutely despise its UI. The lack of a usable scrollbar on the thumbnail view is one of the most egregious examples of "we know better than you, user scum" developer arrogance that I've ever seen. Every time there's a new major release I try out Darktable to see if the worst of the UI issues have been fixed, but I'm always disappointed.

And that's not even getting into the UI's default colour scheme and font: I know that "5pt grey text on top of a slightly darker grey background" is the fashion in photo software, but it just gives me a headache. I'm not being figurative here. I literally cannot use Darktable for more than half an hour before I start getting eye strain and an actual requires-tylenol headache.

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Potatoshop is the only thing I use for actual editing since I always do some amount of local edits and it supports 10 bit color.

Lightroom I only have for quickly checking if I have any corrupted files on my card, I absolutely detest any software that requires importing files before you can do anything with them.

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I just like to use lightroom but its so expensive and I cant be arsed to pirate it. Therefore I just use gimp. Meh

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Darktable and RAWTherapee, you should give them a look. They do nearly everything LR does and they are FOSS. Hell of a lot more luxurious for basic post processing than PS or GIMP, although those are useful as well, when you need to make those fine adjustments.

That is if you shoot RAW, if you shoot something else you'll get much less use out of them (not zero, but nothing that you couldn't otherwise do in what you already play with).

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How did you make your own RAW developer? Mind sharing the code?

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File: dd0ca984a69631f⋯.png (954.06 KB,1320x594,20:9,on1.png)

So just bought this for 100 bucks. It is supposed to be a photoshop/lightroom replacement that doesnt require a subscription. I actually like lightroom and dont mind paying for it, but they dont let me pay with a VPN, so fuck them.

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I use the ghetto solution of Paint.net from 2014 and Krita.

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Used ON1 for a few days now. It sucks. Literally worse than gimp. It wont even open tiff files properly.

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darktable and krita, fex to view images

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Mainly Photoshop, but when I’m on the go I just use the iOS photo editor

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I use Digikam and GIMP. Digikam covers most of my needs for cataloging and simple editing (levels adjust mostly). All other needs are covered by GIMP.

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