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Needs more borkeh

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File: 1437030354271.jpg (213.85 KB,1915x988,1915:988,le coleur.JPG)


How would you achieve this kind of color?

>low quality ancient Streetview frame

Yes, I know.

I'm a color photographer. I am absolutely fascinated with colors and how they blend with shapes and light. I love films, edits, and processes that give a high contrast, deep over-saturation of colors. I also love weird and funky colors.

My favorite times to shoot are when the sun is in the middle of waxing and it happens to be a very bright day; sometimes, if the conditions are just right, and the exact perfect amount of particles are in the air, and the leaves are all in the right place, and you've sacrificed at least 20 beetles, you can get extremely bright colors and funky contrasts. The perfect time to shoot grainy film.

Aside from the question of the thread, what kinds of colors do you like? What kind of film produces your favorite colors? What about camera settings and photo edits?

This is a color thread, motherfucker.

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Here's a funky cloud.

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Since your main focus is color, do you focus on composition secondary?

I assume you just do landscape photography since you love shooting in the sunlight. Have you done street photography during high sun? I bet you could get some interesting contrasts with the people and the city environment around them.

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Well you can't focus on composition secondary because all elements stem from composition. What I mean about color is that I am drawn to colors and how they interact with light. It's my main focus of subject, in a sense.

No, I've never done street photography. I live in the country, far from cities, so I've rarely had a chance. I'm really what I am because my area is a bit boring. It's just slightly rolling hills, forest, and flat, clear farmsteads. I have to look for colors and light and neat composition because I've not any interesting interactions or events to supplement my skill at composing an image. In a way, it was a great learning experience, but now that I'm more skilled it's a bit of a drag. I'm visiting a pretty local college town soon for my birthday and I'll shoot about there.

What about you?

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What books have you read about color? Did you study any photographers or artists? Are you into natural color or photoshop "colors"?

You should definitely bring your camera and take some pics while you're there.

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I don't shoot RAW and I rarely edit any photos, so no Photoshop. I subscribe to the idea that I should make the world appear even more beautiful than it actually is, so I use camera settings to get the desired effect I want beyond just natural colors, but in my experience and opinion, I find that the world rarely ever needs any kind of editing or adjustments of colors if you know where and when to shoot, and how. I adjust my profile for the time and conditions I want, usually for some kind of imagined image I have in my head or a specific kind of photograph I want to make. After that, I edit images only if I want eyes drawn to something specific that is very hard to do with just the camera or composition. Nature doesn't need Photoshop.

I don't shoot RAW because I've never found a moment when I needed it. Generally, if you actually need RAW you've probably made a mistake with your image, and the other times you would need it are for weirder things that I don't do. I just want to make pictures I'm proud of, and I rarely do much more than edit out birds, soft focusing areas, and slightly change colors/B&W'ing. With RAW, you must spend loads of time editing every single image, and that's no fun, neither is holding gigs of uncompressed images. Back when I was new to it, I spent so long editing images and examining the little details that I was just not having fun. It didn't take long for me to stop with that once I realized that there was no reason for me to shoot in RAW. I pretty much don't shoot in it now. If I ever do, it will be for something like family events where I want my pictures perfect, but out in nature and the real world, you really don't want it perfect. Trying to perfect nature will just leave you tired and worn out from it.

As for artists, I've only read some of Ansel Adam's work. I've yet to finish reading his trilogy on photography. I look around photography websites every once in a while, and I sometimes critically examine images I like.

I do it for fun, you know. It's just a thing I do in my travels, and I love it.

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I like highly saturated looks with light leaks and prominent color shifts. I'm new to film photography and don't have a scanner yet, but I shot a roll of Ektar 100 not too long ago and it gave a really nice look. It beats screwing around in GIMP or Photoshop trying to emulate that style with digital.

Color is so important to me that I never bother shooting color on cloudy days, and even black and white benefits from sunny lighting.

Pic related is a pretty decent example of the sort of look I go for, albeit with some objections (like more subdued greens than I'd like).

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I do as well, but I don't like low fidelity lomo-tier stuff like light leaks and shite lenses. High fidelity but messed up processing, perhaps.

In any case, my favorite color tone has to be early Kodachrome, like pic related.

Yeah, it's kinda cliche, but I've yet to see a film or digital image that looks as good as Kodachrome when it comes to people.

If not that, then some muted greens, popping reds, and some kind of extreme contrast either low or high works for me.

For landscape, I prefer high contrast, slight red color shift, over saturated blues and normal greens. I love the way that manipulates light and makes every little ray pop out.

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>I do as well, but I don't like low fidelity lomo-tier stuff like light leaks and shite lenses. High fidelity but messed up processing, perhaps.

For me it just comes down to a love of the damaged, enigmatic feeling of lo-fi photographs and the almost intrinsically nostalgic vibes they tend to evoke.

I actually ended up going down this way after seeing an article on how to make fake "chillwave" album covers and later realizing that the look they were aiming for was just an imitation of the lo-fi film look.

>In any case, my favorite color tone has to be early Kodachrome, like pic related.

I really wish I could have played around with Kodachrome when it was still possible to develop it. A lot of the Kodachrome pictures I see have an almost surreal feeling to them, though it might just be that I usually look at stuff taken back when black and white photography was the norm.

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Sick pic. Reminds me of something I'd see in the late 90s before everyone went digital.

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That's pretty sick. Do you develop your own film? The authentic stuff is sooo much better than the photoshop and instagram filters.

Do you have any of your stuff you'd be willing to upload or others in that similar style?

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How much would it cost to develop your own kodachrome film?

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>The authentic stuff is sooo much better than the photoshop and instagram filters.

Yeah, If I had to go back to digital, I'd still edit the crap out of them, but this seems like the smarter choice even if it is far less convenient.

>Do you have any of your stuff you'd be willing to upload or others in that similar style?

I'll just keep posting ones I find on Flickr. I've found a lot of pleasing ones by looking for Holga pictures and selecting green and cyan for the color scheme. That's actually where my second picture came from.

Since I don't have a scanner yet, all I could post would be some of my digital ones where I used gradients and playing with the color and contrast. Those ones really aren't that great.


Unfortunately, they discontinued the chemicals so it's pretty much impossible to even process nowadays.

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Yeah that's what I've heard. Can't you still process them but it'd come out B&W?

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I don't think so. Then again, I really don't understand how exactly it works. I just know it's a lot different than the E-6 process that caught on in the middle of Kodachrome's lifespan.

Here's a little documentary about the end of Kodachrome if you're interested:


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tfw i have had a roll of ektar 100 sitting around for like 2 years doing nothing just waiting for the day when I go somewhere worth taking pictures with it.

any tips on where to get stuff developed correctly and have your negs returned ?

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I usually just take pictures of stuff in my neighborhood, but I live in a woodsy area where it's fairly easy to find stuff to take pictures of.

>any tips on where to get stuff developed correctly and have your negs returned ?

Try sending them off to Dwayne's Photo. I've heard it's the service Wal-Mart send negatives to. If you go directly through them though, they won't destroy them like they do if you go through Wal-Mart.

There aren't really many options unless you have a local place nearby. I'd recommend it if you're looking to get the less common, non-35mm film types developed.

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Just get a circular polarizer and fuck with hues in post

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or use kodachrome and develop it yourself noob

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Can't develop kodachrome anymore because they dont make those chemicals.

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I need to get back onto film one of these days. Repairs to thread complete.

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