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/p/ - Photography

Needs more borkeh

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Allowed file types:jpg, jpeg, gif, png, webp,webm, mp4, mov, swf, pdf
Max filesize is16 MB.
Max image dimensions are15000 x15000.
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File: 1447797818350.jpg (17.26 KB,255x255,1:1,1447778206133.jpg)


Can you expand an image to a big size without damaging it? or maybe afterwards fix the quality with a program or something? Is there a program for that?

I have a thumbnail (not pic related) that I want to make bigger, is it possible? What is the best solution?

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You got to work off a Master.

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File: 1447820050418.png (933.41 KB,1016x1012,254:253,Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at ….png)


False, it is possible. Use this tool:


Example is OP's image enlarged using this method. Enjoy.

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You may use any program which supports bicubic or Lanczos resizing. They won't ruin any information which you have on thumbnail.

However, they won't introduce any new information either and your pic will still have resolution of a thumbnail just without square pixels showing.

If you want to upscale an image and make it look like it is it's own resolution you should redraw the textures and details manually...

... or search for a bigger image with Google.

The tool from >>1130 is suitable for solid-painted images (partcularly from cartoons), it won't be much better than upscaling if applied to a photograph.

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