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/out/ - Outdoors

Nature and stuff.

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File: 1437239062168.jpg (264.84 KB,1152x1491,384:497,Joshua_National_Park.jpg)


Which have you been to?

What's your favorite?

Which do you want to go to?

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File: 1438485107390.png (1.74 MB,2036x3604,509:901,2RdNBnq.png)

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File: 1466813379183.jpg (142 KB,600x450,4:3,00P0P_dh1xW7Dz41Z_600x450.jpg)


I've actually never been to a national park, just state parks. I'm saving to buy a car right now and plan on visiting a park right after. What's the best patk to visit for someone living in Atlanta Georgia?

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Jesus christ.

Hippies are the worst.

Saying that, acid's a hell of a drug.

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Been to Yellowstone. Lovely place, but tourists are awful. Luckily most stay around the hotels and roads, you're all alone as soon as you go on any but the most babby-level hike trails.

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File: ca3da034f19218e⋯.jpg (552.92 KB,1564x980,391:245,wrangell-st-elias-np-l.jpg)

Been to: Redwood, Glacier, Great Basin, Arches, Canyonlands, Mesa Verde, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Badlands, Wind Cave, Yellowstone, Grand Teton

Glacier is probably my favorite - it has incredible scenery and plenty of hiking. Canyonlands is definitely up there, too - it's the most /out/ of the parks I have been to, in that backpacking is required to get to many of the best parts. Arches and Yellowstone are gorgeous, but full of normies. It's worth going to Yellowstone if you can get there during the winter. Backpacking across the Grand Canyon is amazing, but if you just want scenery, you're better off with some of the other parks in the four corners area.

I hope to get to some of the parks in Alaska, although they aren't as easily accessible as parks in the lower 48. Wrangell-St. Elias and Denali (it's Mt. McKinley, reeee) both look pretty good.

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File: 246de7ba29ea91c⋯.jpg (6.72 MB,4608x3456,4:3,DSCN4081.JPG)


Did a triple hitter in CO this last summer.

ALMOST, saw them all. Planning on going back and hitting the remaining national parks and other spots at some point.

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File: 9980bfb64ca34d0⋯.jpg (5.95 MB,4608x3456,4:3,DSCN4165.JPG)


Black Canyon of the Gunnisson was probably one of my favorites since it was so remote.

Except for the fact there are exactly 2 small signs for it so we thought we were lost out in the desert.

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File: 7387c872c311521⋯.jpg (5.47 MB,4608x3456,4:3,DSCN4199.JPG)


Great Sand Dune would have probably been my favorite if I could have gotten permit to camp in the dunes, unfortunately arrived after the office closed.

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Try LSD. 100ug in a relaxed, controlled environment should help you loads. Also test it with an Ehrlich reagent test kit.


What the fuck ouroboros saved this post from God knows when but yeah LSD is great dude

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Where do you even get lsd

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A DNM is your safest bet nowadays, unless you know any old hippie types. Google DNM Noobs and do your research.

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