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The /otter/ guide
Also try our backup board on https://anon.cafe/otter/

File: 4b46471b0231971⋯.jpg (18.3 KB,429x395,429:395,1561196862341.jpg)

 No.562 [Open thread]

From 0-10, how much do you love otters?

>0: I am indifferent to otters

>1-3: I have a mild interest in otters

>4-6: I'm into otters

>7-9: I really love otters

>10: Otters are the meaning of my life and the source of my strength. There is nothing in the world that I love more than otters. I could not go on without otters. I am addicted to and obsessed with otters

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8 or 9 I guess

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File: af90b7dbc72dccf⋯.gif (2.01 MB,384x216,16:9,af90b7dbc72dccfefe0d3c9751….gif)

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10 is the only right answer

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I have found the secret to a happy life, it is otters.

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File: 2ffa4b54b7298b9⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1680x2576,15:23,all i do is love otters.jpg)

Whatever you do, wherever you go: always remember to keep otters in your heart.

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File: 2e1bbe68399d238⋯.jpeg (351.43 KB,1037x1037,1:1,SUNLEMON-otter-plush-amaz….jpeg)

 No.879 [Open thread]

What otter merchandise do you own, or would like to own?

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Yeah, that mug is dope.

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I'm not sure but I bought at least one of my animal mugs on a castle fair.

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File: 5bd450501af647e⋯.jpg (15.78 KB,300x212,75:53,2020-calendar-front.jpg)

I've recently ordered the new calendar from the Otter Shop.


You can include the 2019 calendar for free with the new one. You can also use a coupon code to get a 20% discount off most of the books. The coupon code is BOOKS-20.

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I don't want a discount, I want to give them more money

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File: 1b097f43e13d1b9⋯.jpg (394.27 KB,1600x1200,4:3,otter toy.jpg)

I'm set to complete my Ottercity pin collection, which I will post once it's done.

Otherwise, I hope to own more otter artwork soon, and maybe some books too.

This here is my very own otter plushy.

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File: d8715e7bb910ff4⋯.jpg (518.74 KB,1000x667,1000:667,dixx23-c0c98a9b-3cd9-434c-….jpg)

 No.297 [Open thread]

Does anyone else really want to kiss an otter? I know you're supposed to leave them alone but I just want to smooch it right on the mouth. They are so kissable, it's ridiculous.

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Can I marry an otter?

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The perfect otter is out there for you.

Believe in love.

100's of eligible otters online now, waiting to chat.


First month free!

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Any zoo that doesn't have otters is just not worth visiting. That's why I always check before going if it at least has some mustelids. Otherwise I find another zoo.

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If I could kiss every otter in the world, I would do it… Passionately

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File: d3c998ce0afa427⋯.jpg (219.21 KB,1867x1400,1867:1400,Enhydriodon dikikae.jpg)

 No.609 [Open thread]

Why can't we have huge otters like this anymore? Instead we're stuck with these tiny things. The giant otter is good but it doesn't even come close to some of the extinct ones. I don't want tiny weasels, I want 200 kg beasts.

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File: 73b6ecc2bed0786⋯.jpg (431.79 KB,1000x665,200:133,otter-statue1.jpg)

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Good things come in small packages:


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I like 'em smol

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File: 2a8776285d05fcc⋯.jpg (44.74 KB,507x600,169:200,8d43b3d3f8cb8afcc7c6977ed2….jpg)

File: 75635b2d37366a4⋯.png (4.16 MB,2100x1200,7:4,otter-croc-2.png)

small otters


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There should be a balance of both. Smol and huge are both excellent in their own ways.

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File: 8c48458b9237e57⋯.png (6.76 KB,307x65,307:65,church.png)

 No.118 [Open thread]

I don't see a whole lot of praisin' and prayin'

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File: 45dcf8971afde74⋯.jpg (39.57 KB,340x432,85:108,1554135166998.jpg)

And God said, "Let there be fishy", and there was fishy, and it was good.

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It's not a church, it's a cult.

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Nah, we are peaceful people. We just like otters.

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File: 485981db2a323c6⋯.png (12.05 KB,1024x113,1024:113,new world religion.PNG)

i think that settles it, the otter cult is officially better than Islam and christianity.

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Otter is the animal of peace.

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File: 320f763720254d1⋯.png (32.91 KB,720x405,16:9,default-1479906084-cover-i….PNG)

 No.440 [Open thread]

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Monkeys clearly had it coming. When will they learn?

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>Otters fight back against bullying

I see nothing wrong here

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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>You don't mess with otters, or they will fuck you up.

Law of Otter

Be kind to otters, and they will make you very, very happy.

Don't be kind to otters, and you will definitely wish you had been.

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Very true. Only death awaits those who insult Otters.

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File: f8bd2aaad3e2777⋯.png (1.27 MB,1094x1036,547:518,hydra planet.png)

 No.38 [Open thread]


Fisi maji


Rái cá










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Actually, if an otter wants my finger he can have it.

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You're very generous anon. But I still think you should find an otter that doesn't demand that kind of sacrifice. It's a very short sighted otter that eats the fingers that pet it.

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File: 516647c4bc985dd⋯.png (587.34 KB,680x542,340:271,ClipboardImage.png)

This is a text about the 17th century Polish king Jan III Sobieski, and his pet otter. Can somebody translate this?

>L’un de mes plaisirs favoris était d’apprivoiser les animaux les plus opposés d’habitudes et de caractère, et de les rendre familiers entre eux. On voyait dans ma cour un renard jouer avec des lévriers; on voyait dans ma chambre un lièvre dormir en toute quiétude près d’un barbet.

>Mes parties de chasse faisaient l’admiration de tout le monde. Lorsque je sortais de mon château pour courir les plaines et les bois, on aurait pu me prendre pour le père Noé suivi de tous les animaux de l’arche. Dans mes meutes de chiens se trouvaient une martre, un blaireau, une loutre, un renard, et un lièvre portant à son cou un collier à sonnettes. Un faucon était perché sur mon épaule, et un corbeau, qui’chassait les perdrix et les lièvres aussi bien que le faucon, planait dans les airs ou chevauchait sur le dos d’un lévrier qui faisait mille gambades pour se délivrer de ce cavalier incommode. Les bonnes gens du pays me soupçonnaient d’être nécromancien; Dieu leur pardonne ! Aussitôt qu’un lièvre était lancé, toute la compagnie courait sus; son camarade apprivoisé suivait lui-même le mouvement général. cependant, dès que le pauvre sauvage attaqué par les chiens commençait à jeter les hauts cris, monsieur l’apprivoisé tournait les talons et filait doux jusqu’à la maison, où il se cachait si bien qu’on ne pouvait le revoir de la journée.loutreMes animaux devinrent bientôt célèbres dans toute la Pologne. La pièce la plus curieuse de ma ménagerie était une loutre. Je l’affectionnais singulièrement. Elle dormait toujours dans mon lit; c’était, du reste, un véritable cerbère. Si quelqu’un approchait de ma chambre, elle m’éveillait aussitôt par le grognement sourd qui était sa voix ordinaire; et s’il arrivait que, m’étant couché un peu entre deux vins, mon sommeil fût plus profond qu’à l’ordinaire, elle s’agitait tellement sur ma poitrine et faisait tant de bruit qu’elle finissait toujours par m’éveiller.

>Jamais elle ne mangeait de viande ou de poisson cru; le vendredi et le samedi, jours de jeûne, il fallait faire bouillir pour elle un poulet on un pigeon, encore ne voulait-elle pas y toucher s’ils n’étaient accommodés au persil, car elle aimait extraordinairement cette herbe.

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>De tous les chiens, le barbet était le seul qui eut conquis son amitié; elle jouait volontiers avec lui, mais elle chassait à coups de patte et à coups de dents les autres, et aucun d’eux n’était assez hardi pour lui faire de mai. Mais la plus précieuse de ses qualités était de me fournir autant de poisson qu’il en était besoin pour la consommation de la maison. Dès que je lui disais : « Ma petite bête, j’ai du monde, il me faut du poisson pour dîner« , elle plongeait dans l’étang, et en sortait pièce à pièce une ample pêche. Pendant le carême, elle était infatigable. A cette époque de l’année, le nombre des convives de ma maison, toujours assez considérable, grossissait encore par l’arrivée d’étrangers. Elle suffisait a tout sans paraître contrariée par le service le plus pénible. En voyage, j’avais toujours ma loutre près de moi, et si je passais au bord d’un étang ou d’une rivière, j’étais sûr d’avoir un plat de poisson pour mon dîner et pour mon souper. Mais il arriva que notre roi Jean, entendant parler de tous les côtés de ma bête merveilleuse, envoya plusieurs fois un de ses gentilshommes pour me la demander il me fit offrir en échange deux beaux chevaux turcs et autant d’argent que je voudrais : c’était comme si l’on m’eût fait entrer du charbon ardent dans le cœur. Je résistai longtemps mais à la fin, voyant qu’il revenait toujours à la charge, je me décidai lui en faire présent.

>Lorsque je mis ma chère loutre dans une cage pour l’envoyer à son nouveau maître, la pauvrette se prit à crier et à piauler si douloureusement que je me sauvai au plus vite en me bouchant les oreilles; jamais je n’ai autant souffert. Le roi la reçut maigre et triste comme une chouette. Aussitôt que quelqu’un voulait la caresser, elle montrait les dents. Le roi dit un jour à la reine : « Ma chère Mariette, qu’en penses-tu ? si je la caressais un peu ? » La reine jeta un cri perçant en le priant de n’en rien faire; néanmoins le roi approcha sa main en disant : « Si elle ne me mord pas, ce sera un bon signe, et dans le cas contraire, qu’importe on ne mettra pas cela dans les journaux. » Il la caressa donc, et, au lieu de le mordre, elle fit la mignonne ce qui réjouit si fort le roi, que depuis ce moment il jouait sans cesse avec elle, et il renvoya son oiseau favori le casoar, et le lyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>This otter used to be the pet of a Polish aristocrat during the reign of King John III Sobieski (1629 – 1696). It slept in his bed, as the story has it, and woke him up anytime someone came close to the bedroom like a dog would do. He also used to rely on his companion to provide him with fish, whenever he had guests, and to take it around with him on his travels.

>The otter gained the reputation of being such an extraordinary pet, that it soon came to the attention of the King, who decided he needed to have this amazing animal for himself. Our gentleman resisted as much as he could, but one cannot stand in the way of one’s king’s desires very long, and he painfully resigned himself to part with his friend.

>It took a little while for the animal to get used to its new owner, but the two of them finally got along so well that the otter became the king’s favorite pet, the one he favored over his tamed lynx and his cassowary. Unfortunately, one day it was wandering around in the gardens of Wilanów Palace, an unsuspecting soldier saw it, and killed it with a stick. He sold the hide for the equivalent of a few shillings. When he learned about this tragedy, the king gave orders for the man to be shot, but later changed his mind.

>The caption reads in the original French: “La loutre du roi Jean Sobieski.”

That's what it says on https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/sobieski-otter/. Pretty interesting story

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File: 7053df2e7db442c⋯.png (898.78 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.340 [Open thread]

Are Mink permitted on this board?

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File: b1bd3ed44fa46c0⋯.jpg (63.23 KB,349x405,349:405,Ratel-Images.jpg)

File: 1eac38c5d74039a⋯.jpg (42.94 KB,500x300,5:3,Ratel-Photos.jpg)

File: 46dd9a096b51a26⋯.jpg (63.82 KB,700x467,700:467,18-honey-badger-teeth.w700….jpg)

File: c1f58905d38862a⋯.jpg (116.28 KB,801x533,801:533,honey-badger-with-honey-1.jpg)

File: 80df19c9673f9ca⋯.jpg (58.68 KB,800x533,800:533,HoneyBadger.jpg)


What about honey badgers? They are the ultimate badasses of the animal kingdom.

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Ah, reddit's favourite mustelid.

They're alright, I guess. Eurobadgers are more aesthetic though.

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File: 4a967e4aee63679⋯.gif (1.77 MB,636x288,53:24,Bf5WpiP.gif)

File: 86963369701c45e⋯.gif (2 MB,396x226,198:113,BFCHmhv.gif)

File: 400b5fed3afa15a⋯.jpg (75.72 KB,700x977,700:977,amBK3Y6_700b.jpg)

File: ec9ba6c654c7b9a⋯.jpg (39.65 KB,672x372,56:31,Killing-Bites.jpg)

File: 619b434e6704a37⋯.jpg (161.57 KB,700x461,700:461,619.jpg)


I recently began to watch the anime Killing Bites. It's an anime about modified people who are part animal. The female protagonist is part honey badger. She reminded me of how awesome they are.

Honey badgers have thick flexible skin, which allows them to withstand porcupine quills. They are amazing escape artists and can even use tools.

But Euro badgers are pretty awesome too.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 585069826f7e8ec⋯.jpg (77.24 KB,750x1140,25:38,weesel.jpg)





Every member of the noble Mustelid family is fun, cute and based as fuck.

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File: 786a5039adc71d9⋯.jpg (45.79 KB,324x322,162:161,1511997263447.jpg)

 No.256 [Open thread]

Holy fuck, I love otters so god damn much. They are everything to me. I can't even concentrate on anything or get anything done because all I think about is otters. What the fuck do I do??? I have stuff to do and they're getting in the way.

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I miss otters so much. It's been way to long since I saw an otter irl.

Don't know how you can miss otters you've never even met, but I do :/

I hope otters will visit me soon. I will make them feel right at home! All otters have a place in my heart.

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File: cd7ebd653348e74⋯.png (82.92 KB,700x770,10:11,index.png)


I had to give this a try.

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File: 7ae5e73c3f57958⋯.png (58.73 KB,700x626,350:313,index2.png)

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File: eef0f60cb9a2ac0⋯.png (38.17 KB,1053x743,1053:743,Screenshot_04082019.PNG)

File: 3ccc8b75d3fd967⋯.png (55.16 KB,1060x414,530:207,Screenshot_04082019 (2).PNG)


Breddy gud

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.922 [Open thread]

Post rock juggling videos.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.208 [Open thread]

What's your favourite otter-related films, books, etc.?

There's no better way to begin a thread like this than to mention Gavin Maxwell's masterpiece Ring of Bright Water, which was published in 1960 and picturised 9 years later, detailing his life with otters on the coast of Scotland.

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File: 29d192366552264⋯.jpg (40.38 KB,307x500,307:500,9780091765491-uk.jpg)

File: c8326a2600771bb⋯.jpg (31.17 KB,292x475,292:475,815242.jpg)

The Redwall books by Brian Jacques are pretty good. They often feature otters.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Echoes of Camusfearna seems like a nice film. I think I'll buy the DVD from the otter shop.

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Is there really so little otter-related media?

I need to fill my free time with otters

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What about otter documentaries? I remember World of the Sea Otter was played on the Otter Movie Night. I thought there was another otter documentary but it isn't in my YouTube history.

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File: 72484e2ccde7686⋯.png (114.48 KB,480x368,30:23,vlcsnap-2019-07-20-19h09m0….png)

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File: 4c65eb8561301b4⋯.jpg (43.72 KB,680x511,680:511,DfKoiCXWsAEYrM6.jpg)

File: e3916212a89c5cd⋯.jpg (102.41 KB,1000x500,2:1,45FiEqicXNt67eIxgbAGSdIKFt….jpg)

File: e283073e7475a92⋯.jpg (42.91 KB,480x480,1:1,CCKgI5nUEAAfK1C.jpg)

File: ebf601b9910fa70⋯.jpg (218.67 KB,1024x685,1024:685,nfDfPlP.jpg)

 No.36 [Open thread]


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File: 8ef6b77f53e707b⋯.jpg (361.79 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,blep2.jpg)

Major league bleps

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he's even looking in the camera

that otter knows what's up

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File: 455e5d99f03936d⋯.jpg (132.61 KB,1200x800,3:2,st_20180111_jhotter1_36788….jpg)

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File: 28487f14965f5da⋯.jpg (98.29 KB,600x400,3:2,Otter-Derp.jpg)


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File: ae226c29165b8a0⋯.jpg (118 KB,1000x709,1000:709,ottering_about_by_jaffa_ta….jpg)

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File: 62da04c13683c48⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,881.05 KB,1468x2086,734:1043,5c3c3a478caa1cb2fc891590b7….jpg)

File: 269b39739d13898⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,839.84 KB,1476x1695,492:565,5e6e29e322ce622493aa0b3731….jpg)

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File: 5eac89500aab8a4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.22 KB,800x450,16:9,af1bfae1395abfded403396a6b….jpg)

 No.841 [Open thread]

Post your favorite otter artist.

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You think you're the artbiter of /otter/?

Only Otter can be the artbiter of /otter/.

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Otter bites any kind of art it likes.

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File: bcbe3f42a19f89a⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,3352x2092,838:523,all otters.jpg)

File: 34673b2e176c677⋯.jpg (230.42 KB,1701x1201,1701:1201,otter offering.jpg)


This better?

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Ottering accepted

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File: c9eb88430920e2b⋯.jpg (170.06 KB,700x907,700:907,CaptainSeadogWeb.jpg)

File: b5d137f548a53de⋯.jpg (200.44 KB,907x700,907:700,HaulingTheNetsWeb.jpg)

File: 8ff69dc64726fe7⋯.jpg (367.18 KB,1300x1015,260:203,FeastWeb.jpg)

What about Chris Dunn? I think his art is pretty amazing.

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File: 4bc995530e4424a⋯.jpg (56.98 KB,640x469,640:469,coccole 079_pics.jpg)

 No.1 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Otter pics go here.

72 posts and 275 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 329f12e41032355⋯.jpg (365.22 KB,1600x1066,800:533,0425201230297_100_22804020….jpg)

File: 776afeca8930766⋯.jpg (861.9 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,0425193729036_094_30353657….jpg)

File: f5e7492c7e258b4⋯.jpg (1003.05 KB,2561x1707,2561:1707,0425193803350_123_25308827….jpg)

File: e8a5455bae4f330⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,2270x1707,2270:1707,0425193825971_170_16625454….jpg)

File: 06678eb53c1a20b⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,2561x1707,2561:1707,0425193903159_013_71897733….jpg)

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File: 253f6958f18b4f6⋯.jpg (1002.79 KB,2561x1707,2561:1707,0425201243468_086_15156157….jpg)

File: 4c10676b98ca46d⋯.jpg (363.45 KB,1200x800,3:2,0425201243468_153_14760152….jpg)

File: 6c666a18762493c⋯.jpg (862.35 KB,2561x1707,2561:1707,0425201250588_074_13651729….jpg)

File: 55ffee91b637d76⋯.jpg (1001.86 KB,2561x1707,2561:1707,0425201237292_170_15854269….jpg)

File: 96f908f76f90818⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,2760x1688,345:211,0425201243468_089_14924366….jpg)

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File: d6d4fac31c5bb44⋯.jpg (862.33 KB,2561x1707,2561:1707,0425201250588_078_13651704….jpg)

File: 1dd6c8747e20113⋯.jpg (363.28 KB,2048x1371,2048:1371,0425201250588_165_12177232….jpg)

File: 3aed254bedad056⋯.jpg (234.73 KB,1024x576,16:9,0425201316510_192_68186112….jpg)

File: f4a11aaa7983833⋯.jpg (238.49 KB,1500x948,125:79,0425201339596_080_46744563….jpg)

File: 7869ae71c56c3a9⋯.jpg (236.5 KB,1224x1156,18:17,0425193740627_134_29622057….jpg)

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File: 821702441a9ef36⋯.jpg (236.18 KB,1280x853,1280:853,0425201324767_051_65365187….jpg)

File: bd771c7b48df6bb⋯.jpg (235.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0425193910492_037_66959487….jpg)

File: fbdbf4202521fd4⋯.jpg (238.33 KB,882x1024,441:512,0425193910492_142_62723126….jpg)

File: a548302f90e9433⋯.jpg (237.77 KB,1024x731,1024:731,0425193918296_195_51294987….jpg)

File: c0bb47b2a5ae2c1⋯.jpg (238.23 KB,1028x864,257:216,0425201303102_067_88823681….jpg)

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File: bbdc50c74f794d7⋯.jpg (51.51 KB,696x463,696:463,otterwatch.jpg)

File: 152b70c16dc9169⋯.jpg (46.75 KB,696x464,3:2,otterwatch-2.jpg)

File: 371374900689913⋯.jpg (51.78 KB,696x464,3:2,otterwatch-3.jpg)

File: 5d400d941228d40⋯.jpg (195.59 KB,1200x800,3:2,ST_20180111__JHOTTER2_3678….jpg)

File: 278bc528a8c52d3⋯.jpg (113.84 KB,1200x800,3:2,st_20180111_jhotter3_36788….jpg)

Fun fact: Asian small clawed otters and smooth coated otters can interbreed with each other. A whole hybrid population has been discovered.

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File: 2b7c93e56286d3c⋯.jpg (38.9 KB,376x376,1:1,Dwd6lI5X0AAeaoO.jpg)

 No.834 [Open thread]

Argument 1:

All otters can swim.

I can swim.

Therefore I am an otter.

Argument 2:

All otters eat fish.

I eat fish.

Therefore I am an otter.

Argument 3:

I dreamt I was an otter.

Therefore I am an otter.

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File: 35cedcb32383e58⋯.jpg (29 KB,322x319,322:319,35cedcb32383e589514eb9861d….jpg)

Proof anon is an otter

Otters are otters ⇒ ⊤

(Anon can swim ∧ otters can swim) ∨ (Anon eats fish ∧ otters eat fish) ⇒ Anon ∈ otters

∀otters : otters dream about being otters

A ∈ otter ⇔ A dreams about being an otter

Anon dreams about being an otter ⇔ Anon is an otter

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We prove that anon is an otter.

Let O be the set that contains all otters.

Further, let D be the set of all mustelids, and M be the set of all mammals.

We define

O := { x | x ∈ D ∧ x hunts fish },

D := { x | x ∈ M ∧ x is long },

M := { x | x is hairy }.

Trivially, O ⊆ D ⊆ M.

Therefore, we must show that

1) Anon is hairy,

2) Anon is long, and

3) Anon hunts fish.

For 1), if anon didn't have hair he would have scales or feathers. No being with scales or feathers possesses fingers, therefore they cannot post on /otter/.

Anon can post on /otter/ ⇒anon has fingers ⇒anon is hairy.

Therefore, anon ∈ M.

For 2), assume anon is not long. If anon is not long, then he would not be long enough to reach the keyboard to post on /otter/. However, anon posts on /otter/, therefore anon must be long enough to post on /otter/. Hence, anon is long.

For 3), we know that anon eats fish. In order to be eaten, fish must be hunted. Anon can eat the fish iff it has been hunted. Therefore if anon didn't hunt the fish, he could not eat it, which is a contradiction. Hence, anon hunts fish.

Anon is long, hairy, and hunts fish. Therefore, anon is an otter. QED

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Flawless logic.

Have proved Anon=Otter

But therefore, Otter=Anon?

Are all otters anons?

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This entire thread is otterly illogical.

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