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The /otter/ guide
Also try our backup board on https://anon.cafe/otter/

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 No.386 [Open thread]

anyone here watching the official /otter/ anime?

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File: 11a1e315eb939a4⋯.png (765.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,vlcsnap-2019-06-01-23h04m4….png)

Sure. Why the dub though?

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What kinda gay shit am I seeing?

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gay villains controlled by evil otters who kill people to steal their secret desires while doing a coordinated dance routine

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File: f46772492cc33fd⋯.jpg (122.84 KB,960x720,4:3,otter.jpg)

 No.69 [Open thread]

Otters are dangerous.

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File: 3fd52f8764bac74⋯.jpg (447.91 KB,1332x934,666:467,0425201256925_156_94543559….jpg)


Maybe if seals weren't such candy-asses, they wouldn't get rekt by alpha Sea Otters, faggot

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Adorably vicious.

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A perfect 69 get.

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File: ea8449f5c483aae⋯.jpg (590.64 KB,1156x650,578:325,beaver.jpg)

 No.371 [Open thread]

Otters are alright but beavers are the best semi-aquatic mammal. They are masters of engineering and have metal teeth.

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beavers are ugly and otters are cute!

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Keep moving beavercuck, this is an otter board.

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Beavers are overgrown guinea-pigs.

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File: fcf8425b4879e1a⋯.jpg (27.87 KB,338x450,169:225,taman-punggol.jpg)

 No.44 [Open thread]

In May of 2019 we will know who are the good and bad guys in Asia.

>India, Bangladesh, and the Philippines have submitted proposals to ban all international commercial trade in two species of otter in South and Southeast Asia: The Asian small-clawed otter and the smooth-coated otter. Final decisions on the proposals will be made in May in Colombo, Sri Lanka during the 18th Conference of the Parties (COP18) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).


I hope they will publish who votes against this proposal, and thus for the prolonged suffering and endangerment of otters. There can be no peace with them

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File: 8ffbe91fa35d47b⋯.pdf (490.33 KB,E-CoP18-Prop_draft-Lutroga….pdf)

File: 8cc1a1f82f2562c⋯.pdf (420.13 KB,E-CoP18-Prop_draft-Aonyx-c….pdf)

Draft proposals to transfer small-clawed otter and smooth-coated otter to Appendix I of CITES. Illegal otter trade is hurting otter populations and preventing them from living freely.

Don't keep otters as pets. They belong in the wild.

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Don't forget May is a big month for the Otter as World Otter Day is celebrated world-wide on May 30th every year.

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File: c9d47fc907273f0⋯.gif (67.35 KB,300x100,3:1,13.gif)


inshallah lol

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Meeting was postponed to August 17th.

>The 71st meeting of the CITES Standing Committee will take place on 16 August and the opening ceremony of CITES CoP 18 will take place on 17 August.


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File: fc70b4ea92eea9b⋯.pdf (184.5 KB,E-Notif-2019-033_0.pdf)


Correction 17th to 28th of August 2019 will be Conference of the Parties. It was relocated to Geneva Switzerland. Apparently, Sri Lanka had some terrorist attacks.

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File: f141ae5b3bfea18⋯.jpg (98.14 KB,640x360,16:9,640x360_stranding.jpg)

 No.373 [Open thread]

Please enjoy the sea otters from the safe viewing distance of 50 yards (150 feet) on land and 100 yards (300 feet) on water per the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. And please leave handling of sick or dead marine wildlife to trained personnel.

Scientists have discovered evidence of the same influenza virus (H1N1) in sea otters living off the coast of Washington State that caused the 2009 swine flu pandemic in humans.

Some important zoonotic organisms that are known to infect sea otters include the single-celled parasite Toxoplasma gondii, the marine Brucella bacteria and the fungus Coccidioides immitis. C. immitis infection causes the disease “Valley Fever” in humans.

River otters can contract the rabies virus when they are attacked by a rabid predator or by another otter who contracted the disease and become aggressive as a result. River otters have been documented as both having rabies and spreading rabies in the United States.

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That one is sleeping, not dead.

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File: 0ade739060d0d5a⋯.jpg (85.11 KB,778x1027,778:1027,im_on_twitter_by_cj_the_ot….jpg)

 No.139 [Open thread]

Any of you ni🅱️🅱️as follow CJ on Twitter?


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Why does he draw in that godawful Johnny Test style?

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>unironically being a furfag

wew lad, please just stay on twitter and don't come here.

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File: 8664d5212c45782⋯.jpg (184.42 KB,1529x1716,139:156,__bokukawauso_and_kiyoshim….jpg)

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 No.345 [Open thread]


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File: 1e4aa0075cc5b3a⋯.jpg (219.82 KB,614x529,614:529,ottercine.jpg)

 No.304 [Open thread]

Otter Movie Night

Hello friends, as you know World Otter Day is just two weeks away on May 29th.

I decided we should do something special, so why not enjoy a nice evening together watching stuff about otters?

The stream will be at https://cytu.be/r/ottercine on May 29th at 22:00 CET.

We can watch either Tarka the Otter, Ring of Bright Water, or both.

If you have videos, please suggest them ITT.

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File: c533f09dc0a07bd⋯.jpg (34.69 KB,314x445,314:445,81VMuMwXHEL._SY445_.jpg)

File: c268503da5e55be⋯.jpg (82.36 KB,512x384,4:3,284069.jpg)

Both sound great! I also have the DVD of Echoes of Camusfearna, which I bought from the IOSF's Otter Shop. I haven't watched it yet but I think it's a documentary.

I also have Gamba to Kawauso no Bouken, an anime film about a group of mice and otters. I only have it in Japanese since there are no subs or dubs as far as I know.

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Has the planning been determined yet? If it's gonna be both movies it will take 3 hours and 14 minutes together. I sure hope I can make it in time. I'll have a busy day full of otter festivities.

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I guess we can vote on it, I'd like to watch both films since they're both great.

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This looks like fun.

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Turns out Tarka was just an otter snuff film. Ring of Bright Water was nice though.

What do we watch next time?

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File: 6512a6ea6c6550f⋯.png (4.12 KB,339x313,339:313,uo.png)

 No.23 [Open thread]

The Otters' body is perfectly adapted to natural life around rivers and lakes – so long as they remain free of intrusion by " human civilisation", which dumps poison and trash into rivers and builds soulless concrete structures around natural waterways so that no life can thrive. These animals also have the world's thickest fur with 140 000 hairs on their body per square inch. Hence they've also been widely hunted for their precious, soft and warm fur, further contributing to their extinction.

Even though over time, the number of Otters in Europe has been slowly recovering, there is still much to be done. Humans, especially f*shermen, in their selfish quest for more money or even just for fun, are deliberately trapping and killing endangered otters. In the past 100 years, their numbers have rapidly fallen and what was once a common sight across the world, is now a rare and endagered species. All this even while world governments and international organisations have been trying to enforce measures to protect their habitat.

Clearly, those efforts from politicans and volunteers hasn't been enough. More action is required right now if we ever want to save this gift of nature. This is why the world needs Otter Extremism. It's time to get extreme about saving the otter. About preventing intrusion into his habitat, and giving him enough natural space to survive. This world is big enough. I hope you are, too.

The truth is that if the Otter disappeared from this planet, we would have lost another of the earth's fascinating species. If the otter is wiped out at the hands of us humans, then how shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?

Worldwide Organisations

If you're not already doing your part, this is your chance.


https://www.sfepm.org/groupeLoutre.htm - Le Groupe Loutre de la SFEPM


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The hand that reaches out to harm the otter shall be cut off

We must secure the existence of otters and a future for their pups

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>International Otter Survival Fund


>WE ARE THEIR VOICE! We must spread the word and encourage others to become involved and aware of the situation for otters in the environment and the delicate balance of their survival.

Now that's the problem I have with IOSF.

"Spreading the word" is a code-word for doing nothing.

It's the mentality of "I'm gonna go tell people and someone else will take action for me, so I don't have to do anything myself."

Indeed there isn't a word on that page about what it actually means "to become involved", or how one would go about it.

At best it'll end up as an endless chain of people telling other people to get involved, who then go and tell yet other people to get involved.

And none of these people will actually become 'involved' in anything.

Well, lets say we succeed and everyone is aware of the problem. Then what? Will anything change? Probably not.

The masses are passive and docile. If the message reaches them one day it will be forgotten the next morning, in favour of the more mundane things. It is a waste of time to try and get them on our side. At best, they are good for a few donations.

There is no strength in numbers. The decisive strength is in those few that are willing to take action.

The ones determined to fight and toil for the Otter are the ones that make a difference.

It's not people whose idea of activism is clicking Like on Facebook, or using a hashtag, or buying £10 T-shirts.

IOSF however, don't seem to encourage any other kind of activity than that.

I've read through their website and under the "How You Can Help" section, all they tell you to do is give them money, and nothing else.

Every category boils down to the same thing.

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>At best, they are good for a few donations

Which is exactly what IOSF wants. That's literally the purpose of the organization: Collecting donations from supporters for their various projects.

The actual work is done by specialists and professionals. Not cunts who need a charity website to tell them to wipe their own ass.

>durr the masses are sheep unlike me who is enlightened


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File: e00d706906606ca⋯.jpg (100.72 KB,981x825,327:275,e00d706906606ca4c3d2d8e61c….jpg)

 No.26 [Open thread]

what the fuck

this board is for real? nice.

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yes is there a problem sir?

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no problem at all

very nice bort

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Yeah is otter a code word for some illegal shit or are you here to actually discuss otters? I don't know which disturbs me more

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What is it that's "disturbing" to you? This is a board about otters.

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File: 45c58afe6114a3b⋯.png (254.25 KB,1052x456,263:114,Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at ….png)

 No.238 [Open thread]

Otter Dick for you Fags

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lmao why are you looking up dicks faggot?

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File: 4f25f4dfdb20b5f⋯.jpg (45.49 KB,615x409,615:409,Presenter Terry Nutkins.jpg)

 No.202 [Open thread]

I want my fucking fingers back

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>not giving your limbs as sacrifice for otters

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>bootleg doc brown

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File: d7815f307cebac7⋯.mp4 (41.76 KB,480x246,80:41,otter.mp4)

 No.167 [Open thread]

The one who screws dean Wormer's wife, of course.

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File: fcfae1d96b08e8b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,878.35 KB,2000x1400,10:7,125004_20150603001626_0.jpg)

File: 05c1e11584435d8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,903.54 KB,2000x1400,10:7,125004_20150603001630_0.jpg)

File: a2c2c08618398a5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB,2000x2000,1:1,125004_20150628062459_0.jpg)

Kotaro a smartest. Bingo a meanest. Sakura a loudest.

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File: 49fc276db5592e6⋯.jpg (12.58 KB,480x360,4:3,mijbil.jpg)

Mijbil is obviously the best. They even built a statue of him.

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File: e95f7612a3cf6a7⋯.png (64.79 KB,640x427,640:427,Penis-and-testes[1].png)

 No.162 [Open thread]

This is an otter's penis.

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lol small

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no it's the perfect size

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It's not the size of the boat it's the motion of the ocean.

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So how do they kill baby seals with that thing?

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File: 814ca32d14ec0aa⋯.png (472.68 KB,600x600,1:1,otterwalks_600X600_image.png)

 No.165 [Open thread]

Okay. if we're doing a board about muh name sake…

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What is you saying?

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