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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 6a73e7286bf4b7b⋯.png (828.18 KB,638x593,638:593,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cc233b77025761⋯.jpg (10.9 KB,273x243,91:81,Brian_peppers1.jpg)

File: 20332e433f9fb2e⋯.jpg (8.65 KB,206x255,206:255,death.jpg)

File: 2582a813fc35672⋯.png (327.24 KB,862x574,431:287,beautiful trans.png)

File: 762374c5dfc5bc0⋯.jpg (79.92 KB,500x737,500:737,top just.jpg)

 No.8190 [View All]

This is a thread for people who are on the verge of giving in.

Post pics that would easily kill your erection/urge to fap. I'd say don't post anything too graphic, but I suppose that's up to the mods.

Sorry if this is shitty material. I have some gore but I'm not sure if that's allowed.

91 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Smoking will always be cool.

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File: 0b8df9297fdeff7⋯.jpeg (126.1 KB,617x628,617:628,C0244044-33F4-4818-87B6-F….jpeg)

Thanks for the boner crushing propaganda,lads. Hope this helps

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Anything that interests you is enough to make you forget about fapping. Just do something, go somewhere, get busy, exercise. This is nonsense.

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File: 3362f9ab031c2f6⋯.jpg (601.07 KB,724x948,181:237,1548699452523.jpg)

File: 6c4b781199918f9⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Charls Carroll.mp4)

File: 104e48816279cfe⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,1024x768,4:3,1548883418974.jpg)

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File: 26c10e58536a21f⋯.jpg (13.5 KB,480x479,480:479,1511838233954.jpg)



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>Post pics that would easily kill your urge

Thoughts can do the trick as well. Develop an OCD level tier or superstious fear that something bad will happen to you if you give in.

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File: 416a187daff132d⋯.png (107.76 KB,352x530,176:265,fap.png)

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How is this anti-fap? Cute girls are boner inducing.

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It's a pedokike.

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File: b92a50c2b60e5ce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,8.02 KB,194x259,194:259,b92a50c2b60e5ceb9ac1044c87….jpg)

File: 2be9d73cf59f3b4⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.86 KB,231x218,231:218,2be9d73cf59f3b4713df4346cd….jpg)

File: 25b9351a3e14f88⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,330.33 KB,538x800,269:400,heh.jpg)

File: 04e971f7b3747a8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.89 KB,704x580,176:145,shooting-victim-autopsy-bu….jpg)

File: eedc84e3b889e55⋯.png (Spoiler Image,898.05 KB,750x871,750:871,PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKLE….png)

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Instead of looking at all this horrid degenerate crap, just pray to God. God is the most effective and instant killer of lust.

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A descent into madness

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File: 77e8e949f68c384⋯.gif (148.71 KB,240x138,40:23,CheerfulMemorableAnopheles….gif)

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thank you. you really know how to make me not want to fap.

If only every porn video and porn image somehow had a 5 minute clip of congress standing and clapping for Netanyahu in the corner, id never fap again.

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File: 3b8d4ea3cf6299a⋯.jpg (132.19 KB,752x564,4:3,1525777289201.jpg)

File: 1d280850c536cb8⋯.png (299.86 KB,838x793,838:793,1535145966793.png)

File: 5e885c2d3faf97d⋯.jpg (429.2 KB,2033x1602,2033:1602,1542127836999.jpg)

File: 88c404fd8f1b8b3⋯.jpg (657.79 KB,1242x1337,1242:1337,1543764996381.jpg)

File: fc28289c0efdf34⋯.png (62.45 KB,1064x542,532:271,1549105972813.png)

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File: 51c509e9d20d6a4⋯.jpg (225.91 KB,800x1212,200:303,800px-Paulus_San_Giovanni_….jpg)

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh

This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

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Just image search without safesearch "mandibular resection" or "facial resection." A procedure for cancer in the jaw, cutting it out and replacing it with flesh from your lower leg, securing your jawline with stiff-linked chains. Gruesome, ugly, life-saving.

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File: 8e50d7bd54a4cfe⋯.jpg (8.58 KB,260x237,260:237,barbara.jpg)

File: ed65d9b80089e52⋯.png (379.72 KB,800x600,4:3,ugly.png)

File: 78fec64ee7ed981⋯.jpg (57.42 KB,602x414,301:207,merkel_eating.jpg)

File: 664b217fd598a7e⋯.jpg (49.35 KB,640x640,1:1,jew1.jpg)

File: 8f4c359e6cc787d⋯.jpg (81.17 KB,600x464,75:58,jewugly.jpg)

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File: 42f20e3c49ff332⋯.jpg (114.24 KB,970x956,485:478,42f20e3c49ff332fa2f63fc722….jpg)

File: 60408482389db4d⋯.png (430.76 KB,589x716,589:716,cf7ac918fe7b5a0057c401a40e….png)

File: a1e87576c3e1519⋯.jpg (21.8 KB,750x404,375:202,gunt.jpg)

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That guy ISN'T into cuck stuff though.

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File: d929e297b8771e7⋯.jpg (944.08 KB,3202x2398,1601:1199,2b39f51b93225b1db6ad213ab0….jpg)

File: 40baa815ab8b3b9⋯.jpg (164.7 KB,1024x735,1024:735,23760086044_0e0aa793fa_b.jpg)

File: 139f96a386528b1⋯.jpg (159.95 KB,800x1067,800:1067,800px-Hercule_Bosio_Louvre….jpg)

File: 295526fb59a7fb9⋯.jpg (124.21 KB,800x1067,800:1067,800px-An_athlete_wrestling….jpg)

just look at this picture

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If I still owned this shithole i'd delete this board you cultist freaks.

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File: 0940a2e33572a7e⋯.jpg (21.98 KB,480x480,1:1,0940a2e33572a7e10f96782780….jpg)


I'm a white natsoc /pol/ack who is currently failing himself by drinking right now when I was doing so well on my self control until recently, but I just wanted to say, I love you anon. Not in a fag way, but the way one hetero man can love another. I truly hope you make it. I don't have any advice for you I just hope the best.

I don't want this to become about me but my mom isn't responding to me anymore, the last person in my life for an extended period who didn't abandon or betray me. I was teaching her how to cure her sisters cancer via txts and I probably came off harsh and rude, I told her goodluck because in my experience no one ever makes life style changes for the better and I see us as all doomed. Man, I fucking hate myself sometimes. Sorry about changing the subject, I'm much too emotional lately.

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File: 5eddb1270f359fc⋯.jpg (238.29 KB,878x599,878:599,T1tzgid.jpg)

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File: 1c8a67735e8f76b⋯.jpg (564.87 KB,1632x1554,272:259,farage.jpg)

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jesus fucking christ this is heart wrenching

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Brothers, I call on you to post anti-fap, anti-porn images that we can use to encourage people to stop fapping.

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File: d5b2edb2642dcd6⋯.jpeg (261.27 KB,998x998,1:1,E2CFCF90-9DBA-49B9-AFFD-7….jpeg)

File: 3b45990721c2252⋯.jpeg (271.82 KB,750x540,25:18,632A6383-E34A-4EA2-BAEB-A….jpeg)

File: 8e65e4bd81040f6⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.19 KB,1200x902,600:451,F9F8B529-FB96-4B74-96F3-D….jpeg)

File: 895a11d3d9a4ab3⋯.jpeg (33.85 KB,480x360,4:3,9AB8302A-5FC8-49B4-BE6E-B….jpeg)

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Almost relapsed accidentally watching porn on 8ch. Thank god I've found this board.

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I should not have come here.

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File: 2f5fb88dd511564⋯.png (1.03 MB,973x727,973:727,1.png)

File: f6390e655664d5a⋯.jpg (8.02 KB,500x279,500:279,2.jpg)

File: 77200a75bad58cc⋯.png (347.02 KB,1272x720,53:30,3.png)

File: 8b895a2c3a719c3⋯.jpg (23.29 KB,240x315,16:21,4.jpg)

File: ecedd9335e092fa⋯.jpg (154.32 KB,897x1200,299:400,5.jpg)


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File: 1d34c1b39b50c0a⋯.jpg (141.39 KB,640x952,80:119,22x94wtwpkw21.jpg)

File: d89d65d275d0c9f⋯.jpg (88.6 KB,1024x576,16:9,1555497519956.jpg)

File: a3139b0a3a09295⋯.jpg (81.43 KB,567x736,567:736,tumblr_ndr8u3mH9t1qa4iv8o2….jpg)

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I bookmarked this page

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Christ is evil

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You're retarded, also the old gods WILL rise again and they never died. Christianity is an imperialist plague and should stay where it came.

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File: 818ce62e147f8e1⋯.webm (5.87 MB,480x320,3:2,tanny operation.webm)

Reminder that vaginas are just inverted penises. The attraction the flesh feels for opposite genders is no different than polar opposite magnets attracting each other. Its not based in objective truth but an illusion of nature to keep the species reproducing..and that's all this attraction should be used for.

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>The attraction the flesh feels for opposite genders is no different than polar opposite magnets attracting each other. Its not based in objective truth

Are you crazy? I can't see any more objective or natural truth than that, the attraction between magnets, between male and female.

The thing is, that's not what you're attracted to when you fap, is it?

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File: efd7feae811875a⋯.png (748.45 KB,704x808,88:101,antifa cake tranny.png)

File: 4c5aa7a4ced6986⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,800x664,100:83,antifa fat.jpg)

File: 81eedf61833d55e⋯.png (394.14 KB,640x480,4:3,antifa nightmare woman.png)

on day 4 droppin in for some encouragement etc. here are some of my gross pics

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>second pic

no fap no root in 30 years

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How utterly degenerate.

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Nothing like a tale of self-ruination as a reminder of the stakes.

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kek. based and rootpilled

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File: 4a0d0281c4ac42f⋯.jpg (5.5 MB,3024x4032,3:4,20190804_103023.jpg)

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Where once was light

Now darkness falls

Where once was love

Love is no more

Don't say goodbye

Don't say, I didn't try…

These tears we cry

Are falling rain

For all the lies

You told us

The hurt, the blame!

And we will weep

To be so alone

We are lost!

We can never go home

So in the end

I will be, what I will be

No loyal friend

Was ever there for me

Now we say, goodbye

We say, you didn't try

These tears you cry

Have come too late

Take back the lies

The hurt, the blame!

And you will weep

When you face the end alone

You are lost!

You can never go home

You are lost!

You can never go home

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God please wash the Earth clean of humanity, the living tragedy.

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File: 5753fe21429e5d8⋯.jpg (112.39 KB,960x697,960:697,1584915006176.jpg)

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