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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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i'm into no fap solely to try to deal with fetishes. anyone got rid of any? i don't care about getting laid or being alpha, i just want to be able to stand myself. what goes well with no fap for removing those desires? Are there any forms of therapy that dont recommend embracing fetishes? Even with a nice and attractive partner its only made me feel worse. Is there good OTC ways to kill sex drive? I've tried years of therapy, telling myself it's for the best, reminding myself it's not a choice and engaging in it with a loved one who was into it. None of it works for me. I love doing that stuff but i just hate myself, often much more, after doing kinky things but even sometimes during. I'm just looking for anything right now because i've tried acceptance for years and it's painful. If it hasn't worked yet, and if this is the only path for people like me then i don't think i'll ever feel ok. It seems like i'm just hopelessly broken and constantly miserable, well not constantly but the enjoyment i get from embracing the kinks comes with worse misery afterward

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Nofap alone has never reduced fetishes for me. What caused a dramatic reduction in fetishes for me was full body, naked sun exposure. Combined with nofap and living an active lifestyle I found it to be extremely effective and burned away pretty much all my fetishes

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Also do this to cure self-esteem problems and increase overall quality of life:


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It's a misconception that NoFap magically solves your flaws. What really counts is how much you want to change on your end, or how it would be easy for you, say, if you were to throw your entire porn-filled hard drive in the dumpster this instant and cutting off unhealthy relationships for a while, if it meant saving yourself.

If you can have this kind of cutting-edge conviction, you'll see that NoFap (which is essentially semen retention) is rather effortless. But it alone won't change you.

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>If you manage to get past the hard part of nofap nofap really isn't that hard

you don't say

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learn to crosspost faggot


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Thank you darling

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I do say. There are people here who have no desire to change themselves, one small thing at a time. They just think they can sit there all day, browse 8ch, shitpost, watch porn and think they're going to change just as long as they don't let one go off for 3 months.

Like for example, the degenerate with his obsessive sexual fixation on chastity belts.

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>actually thinks someone can watch porn without fapping

>says that NoFap will not extremely change someone's life if they're fapping daily


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>They just think they can sit there all day, browse 8ch, shitpost, watch porn and think they're going to change just as long as they don't let one go off for 3 months

>Like for example, the degenerate with his obsessive sexual fixation on chastity belts

lol every point you made about me is wrong. I don't think that, I don't watch porn, and most of the time I post I'm recommending a dozen other methods to solve problems besides nofap, all of which I do myself daily

>There are people here who have no desire to change themselves, one small thing at a time

Change for the sake of self-improvement is dumb. People should only do what brings them the greatest overall pleasure

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>muh chasing after 'pleasure'

fuck off yid

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> People should only do what brings them the greatest overall pleasure

So I should just start shooting heroin instead of fapping because it will give me more pleasure? Gee thanks Chaim, you truly are my greatest ally.

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i did, but it whatsnt some type of magic.

i willingly said that i want going to wash it nor fapp to it anymore. i stopped fapping to trans and gay porn some time ago.

the temptations are still there tho, and from time to time i still find some pic or webm i found on the chan attractive and hot, but fapping to it its not an option

i mixed it up with /christ/ tho

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Heroin use decreases overall pleasure

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Has anyone attempted aversive conditioning to remove their fetishes?

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I'm pretty sure its not nofap related, because I ended the fetish before starting nofap, but I killed my scat fetish, I believe by simply just not giving into it. I stopped watching it, even though I wanted to. I can't even get turned on by it anymore believe it or not. I can't even remember the last time I was into it. It must've been around 2013. But I definitely remember being extremely addicted to it. I had like 20GB worth of scat porn downloaded from ML and from Slutload back when it allowed scat. For a long time, the only kind of porn I watched was scat. Now it doesn't even turn me on.

I can't say nofap wouldn't work though. I did nofap for a 280 day streak once and I can't even look at porn the same way anymore. Like, I just can't do it. Watching another dude fuck a chick just seems weird to me now. So if nofap would change my perspective so drastically that I now can't even watch porn like I used to, I have to think it would do wonders for killing off the wall sexual fetishes too.

Also, watch the YourBrainonPorn documentary on Jewtube. That's the one that really convinced me porn was fucking with my head and made me stop.

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