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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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File: 9ef597e1acf48b6⋯.jpg (99.58 KB,900x522,50:29,raugh.jpg)


so yeah 4 months ago is about the time i relapsed cause and im actually happy i did it because i used to bring that shit up when i get an urge, ask away and let me possibly help our your poor ass

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what i meant to say is i felt horribly when i relapsed, i can elaborate if someone wants

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to hear it. what the fuck is with my poor wording today

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what's the thing you keep reminding yourself so that you don't give in?

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The thought that the porn industry is Jew-owned, that masturbation drains your energy and Jews benefit on it. Also if you're looking to improve your body, mind and soul giving in to your carnal desire for a shot of dopamine is a bad deal when not giving in means strenghtening your resolve and will yield results that will benefit you immensely in the long run, that thought was the main one that helped I think.

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Also keep in mind there are no white male porn actors, just light skinned jews.

Which means that there is no white man on white woman porn. It doesn't exist. It's all muds and jews abusing our women.

So you have the option of watching white women being abused by muds and jews, or beating off to nonwhite women, also being abused.

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nice. the eternal battle between the jew and the aryan. we will not capitulate

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> that masturbation drains your energy and Jews benefit on it


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File: 6e1d99eb36c69ed⋯.jpg (23.96 KB,392x366,196:183,6e1d99eb36c69ed495ecbc76e7….jpg)


keep on masturbating goy if you think that's good for you :^)

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Should I avoid pornographic imagery when I want to watch kino?

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well you should avoid pornographic imagery at all times. quitting masturbation was one thing but i kept on browsing /b/ because there are often porn threads on it, making excuses etc. even if i didnt masturbate, but aside from your body you should make your mind clean also

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i love to look at craxy stuff . tor rock.

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Have you reached transcendence yet>?

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