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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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File: 76ace56079d6bdc⋯.png (444.19 KB,720x416,45:26,painting1.png)


Day 14, almost relapsed.

I haven't watched porn, but I can't stop having fantasies and cravings.

I want to be free of the bloody succubi.

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File: f753e8bce11f188⋯.gif (394.49 KB,500x300,5:3,The_holy_cross.gif)


Keep your mind busy brother.

Don't let the female demon get you.

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File: a3005d383b1ea4e⋯.jpg (43.6 KB,512x288,16:9,1524666322899.jpg)

I was close to giving in last week but now I have achieved transcendence and reached the next dimension of exsistance. basically don't give up it'll get easier at some point as long as you're not looking at any sexual imagery.

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File: 9321b1497c7dd8e⋯.jpg (255.21 KB,2700x1800,3:2,painting2.jpg)



Thanks, brothers. Still going, less fantasies now

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File: bbadf8310594bb9⋯.png (162.36 KB,351x357,117:119,DOOOOOOOOR.png)

25, was close again but made it. Might have to limit the usage of imageboards.

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File: 95475afa4e9e252⋯.png (185.82 KB,786x1024,393:512,rootcollective4.png)



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Failed countless of times during the past couple of months. Let's try again! Day 0.

t. OP

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File: 72a0edaaa07c550⋯.jpg (9.93 KB,226x85,226:85,suffer.jpg)

Day 1. Saw a hot thicc blonde in the shop today, otherwise no disturbances.

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More hot girls, but I dont think about them a lot after seeing them. Have to be careful after waking up if/when I nap - self control feels the lowest at those times.

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boredom is dangerous

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5, feel like i spend too much time on the internet. i should be reading more.

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Good job op welcome back. Keep going it’s worth the struggle.

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File: 1133365c60e7737⋯.png (17.19 KB,375x116,375:116,sulleyes.png)


another attempt starts now, 11:30AM

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0 once more, bloody hell!

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File: 58508ceea8e50fe⋯.jpg (94.47 KB,960x720,4:3,in bed.jpg)


been spending more time with people and less by myself, certainly helps against boredom

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You should write more anon, just posting "9" and a sentence won't help you focus. You can talk about anything really, your plan for the day, worries, fears, needs. I'll be here everyday if you want to talk.

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>3 days ago

Anon, are you ok?

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