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File: 543cc06dc32c44b⋯.png (1.01 MB,2550x3300,17:22,Untitled-5.png)

File: 4cb45b37d1d517f⋯.png (987 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Untitled-3.png)

File: 27a8198534c62fa⋯.png (1.03 MB,2550x3300,17:22,Untitled-1_safer.png)


Fresh material, made to be as inflammatory as can be to catch attention to the issue. Save them, spread em around.

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File: b831ba1d2fbdb78⋯.png (1.03 MB,2550x3300,17:22,Untitled-1_kippah.png)

File: f48632026130d18⋯.png (981.66 KB,2550x3300,17:22,Untitled-3_kippah.png)

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File: 55593634746d341⋯.jpg (480.09 KB,960x626,480:313,Jewish faces.jpg)


These looks better.

But you are not in the right spot.

You need to be straight and shocking.

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These look too jewish to redpill normies.

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Shit advice.

You're not "redpilled" if you're not wise on the Jews and their tricks.

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Very nice work man.

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I am jew wise faggot, I just know that normies have been through a life of indoctrination about the "poor oppressed jews" so you have to start them out with indroductory redpill before you get to the Jewish stuff.

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File: 22e1d715098a6e8⋯.jpg (496.15 KB,732x635,732:635,AlGoldSteinPornJewMeme.jpg)

File: 3a0e9568e36e11a⋯.jpg (109.96 KB,708x911,708:911,ALTRIGHTLifeStyleMemeSmolo….jpg)

File: 282ff014bf5e056⋯.jpg (85.76 KB,811x562,811:562,AndrewAnglinInspirationalQ….jpg)


>so you have to start them out with indroductory redpill before you get to the Jewish stuff.

You are right.

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File: 9bdec8c741fbe37⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,732x985,732:985,jewdestabilizationMeme.jpg)

File: b0c54010edc1c8e⋯.jpg (130 KB,744x634,372:317,JewsControlHollywoodMeme.jpg)

File: 900ae26dd92bc01⋯.jpg (559.87 KB,729x664,729:664,jewyiddishwordsgoyimmeme.jpg)

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File: 5bd963281b345ed⋯.jpg (551.05 KB,739x903,739:903,JudaismIsEvilMeme.jpg)

File: 15e659d044c505a⋯.jpg (967.4 KB,748x1017,748:1017,MemeCenter_1493958847653_2….jpg)

File: cc951e1b8ec63d4⋯.jpg (910.87 KB,729x966,243:322,MemeCenter_1494007506587_7….jpg)


More red pills.

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File: 4e343af0edd48b5⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,618x464,309:232,removeVicesFromYourLife.jpg)

File: 4507080b7f8389f⋯.jpg (54.81 KB,728x471,728:471,StopWatchingJewFilthPornMe….jpg)

File: 487525fa3219a2b⋯.png (980.77 KB,1568x1568,1:1,what-is-Loxism-Jews-hatred….png)


OP needs to swallow many red pills.

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>OP needs to swallow many red pills.

Me? The Christian Identist, who's Orthodox Fascist friend calls a "Super Nazi"? Naw, I'm pretty sure I'm as redpilled as they come.


>These look too jewish to redpill normies.

The ones with kippahs, sure. Those are meant to be shown to people who are already woke on the kikes. The ones without kippahs just look like stereotypical creeps, which people do not admit to themselves that the "jew face" is the stereotypical creep to them, because they want to believe that they are not racist.

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File: 649376dffad9a24⋯.png (178.58 KB,291x322,291:322,1436313834166-4.png)



>Wants to kill people

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>>Wants to kill people

You have to understand that modern Christianity have been corrupted and it have played itself out.

The root of this is the New Testament that has not teeth and turns it in a religion for slaves. For example: take the crap and be happy for that, tolerate degenerates, forgive those who are wicked and wish you ill.

There is a reason why hordes of Whites are turning to paganism, and it is to escape this non sense and suicidal religion.

And do not be afraid of "to kill people", is in our nature, the culling of the unworthy is a must to a sane society.

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Same result still comes.


>Wants to kill people

If you don't believe in the New Testament you're not a Christian. You're calling yourself a follower of Jesus Christ(Christ being where the first part of your title, Christian, comes form), the person which only appears in the new testament, the book that you're claiming to hate

I don't know why but I have a feeling you don't know what you're talking about.

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File: 4c21883a62201df⋯.jpg (123.68 KB,1000x572,250:143,The religion of cuck.jpg)


Tell me about it.

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I am a Christian. And The New Testament is a continuation of the Old. Much of what Christ said that was recorded in the books of the Bible were him quoting the Old Testament in some way. I worship the same God that commanded the Canaanites destroyed, because they were vermin mamzers who mixed with the Kenites, it was in their blood to hate what was good and beautiful. The same goes with Jews today, they are mixed with Edomites, and by extension Kenites and Canaanites. God also commanded fags and other degenerates put down.


>religion of slaves

Lmfao. It was popular among the soldiers and from there upper classes in Rome. It was never a slave religion until the Scofield Reference Bible and Vatican II.


>not knowing what any of those verses meant in context

nice meme, retard. Also, did it ever occur to you just how stupid the Jews would have to be to make a religion to pacify Whites, when the Bible is incredibly antisemitic? It literally calls them a breed of vipers, the Synagogue of Satan, and impostors (not true, noble, Judahites, but rather Edomites). Why did the Jews team up with Roman Emperors against Christians? Why did they team up with Islam against Christians? Why do they seek to defile Christianity today? Ever think of that? Something tells me you don't think much at all.

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Sincerely thank you anon.

You taught me today a lesson about traditional Christianity.

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Polite sage for off topic.

No you're not. And you clearly don't have any experience with talking to those so called normies about this either since it's actually pretty easy if you know anything about what you're doing. It depends more on the situation, and your relationship with the other person(s) then the subject.

The fast majority of people of any race are not fanatics, they, in this age of apathy, don't commit to any side with full force. If you have what you believe in a clear and understandable package and if you can bring even a little bit of rhetorics to bear, you don't and shouldn't need to hide anything. It's just a fact that not everyone is able to be convinced or is going to do anything with it beyond hearing you out, that's not a fault of the message. Most people believe in climate change but do fuck all about it.

Point is that you shouldn't hide your fucking message, these are not secret religious mysteries or wrong, and acting like they are will contribute more to any “normie” telling you off then their indoctrination from reading Anne Frank back in high school.

Again, if you are in any way able to connect to the other side, if you can explain your message without to much ado and if you don't act like a fucking spaz it's cool most of the time. Just know the “where” and the “how”.

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>Wants to kill people

You remember the part of the Bible when God knowingly killed 99.99% of the world's population by flooding it? Get off your high horse.

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>Romans 12:19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but leave room for God’s wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

But yeah sure, I suppose Christians can kill people.

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