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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

A support group for getting your fap addiction under control.

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Its a bit preachy but It doesn't matter. Just read the whole thing, it gets better.

A tl;dr would be:

1.You were fooled into believing that fapping makes you happy when really it just stops the withdrawal symptoms that you get form not fapping

2.You are fooling yourself into thinking that giving up masturbation is a sort of sacrifice(as consequence of the above)

3.First step is updating is your mindset on that

4. There's much more and honestly, heck if I can really truncheon those parts down into single line arguments. Go read the book.

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>First post

>Call it Allen Card's work instead of Allen Carr

>Can still infer that its based on Allen Carr's EXPLANATION of addiction but does not state it explicitly

Its late night and I just wnated to spread this, sorry. the work wasn't made by someone late at night writing down unlike this thread, so have mercy on him.

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>withdrawal symptoms

u wot nigger

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Firstly, sage negated.

Secondly, yes withdrawal symptoms occur when you stop fapping, ranging from not so bad with people who don't really fap that often, too very severe in fap addicts. Symptoms can include, headaches, depressive thoughts, slower memory and a feeling of tiredness for example. You could have know this if you had taken the time to read some of the journal threads or looked back at your own failed nofap streaks, but I'm assuming you actually have tried nofap before.

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I’ve been trying to quit for about 5 years now. This the only method that works. Will power, etc etc always kept failing me. Unfortunately most people won’t read it. Their loss

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>The goyim aren't clicking my link! Oy vey!

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Withdrawal symptoms for me are emotionally like breaking up with your first love. I begin to get into a panic each time I tell myself that I will no longer be able to look at a particular model or porn star, and there are many. I begin to think of them, not the act of masturbating, but of seeing them nude again that leads me to fapping. This is what is so hard. I have hard wired these sluts into my brain.

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I don't get it, are you trying to shill for the book intentionally or something? You're literally describing problem 2 in the OP.

>2.You are fooling yourself into thinking that giving up masturbation is a sort of sacrifice

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So far this reading is being quite interesting, this book made me last more than a week without PMO and I didn't even reached the middle of it ( yes I'm an addict and yes I'm a slow reader).

So far I would say that the most interesting point is the one about the "hunger" and the fact that you are not giving up anything when you stop masturbating.

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Anon let me you into a secret

Every addiction has withdrawal symptoms. It varies and they may be weaker or stronger, but they're there. Masturbation is on the stronger side, too.

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Can we have a summary of this book up somewhere? Preferably a summary of the steps.

I don't want to re-read it every time I forget a steps and, the author nonchalantly puts:

"All you have to do is follow the instructions. If you take a wrong turn, the rest of the instructions will be pointless."

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Same here man, same here. I have about 2TB of porn, that's thousands of girls but I discovered I only masturbate to the same 10 models and their many sets & vids, that's enough variety for me. Not masturbating like you said but just thinking about them, they're my phisical peak female bodies and always come back to them.

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