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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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Or: Me trying to save my own ass

If I masturbate but don't ejaculate, does it count? Most of the benefits of nofap are due to the body having to spend time and vitamins getting the sperm back anyways

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It's called edging and it's a breach of nofap, but not a breach of no orgasm.

If you edge you are still busy reinforcing the dopamine receptors in your head to take pleasure and desire comfort out of masturbation. It's not as bad as orgasm, but it's not good either.

Remember no PMO, porn, masturbation or orgasm. PMO is listed from least damaging to most damaging.

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Arousal and manual stimulation makes the prostate produce more seminal fluid(not actual semen though). That seminal fluid will create a pressure and ejaculation urgency that will inevitably lead to wet dreams or relapses.

When the prostate produces more fluid, the ejaculate volume increases, but not the quality. A lot of over-masturbators get thin semen, in sever cases completely clear, because there is almost no semen in there, only seminal fluid from the prostate.

Only time can replenish the actual semen, which is the life force. If you constantly arouse yourself and manually stimulate, you WILL ejaculate either by your own doing, or your body dealing with it during sleep.

Leave your dick alone and stop watching porn.

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Has to be done in controlled intervals lest you lose control and spill your precious bodily fluids.

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I came (except I didn't ;)) over here to post this.

I started going at my dick and I was like woah shit don't do that.

Does this mean I am back at day 0?

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Fapping is fapping. Doesn't matter if you finish or not. Now, whether it matters or not depends on what you're aiming for.

If your goal is to save up for a huge mind-blowing load, then it should be fine, although it's more likely to fail than not. Once you reach the vinegar strokes, it takes a near inhuman willpower to stop. Odds are you'll just go too far and blow it unintentionally if you keep doing it.

If you're looking for the alleged benefits that nofap gives, trying to cut down on masturbation time or just exercising restraint, then you shouldn't do it at all, since it is, well, fapping.

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I wouldn't reset if you came to your senses before you came into a tissue. Seems like a good indicator of progress, it's not easy to stop once you've started after all.

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Nah, you're fucking up. I think edging is worse than fapping. 1) You eventually end up coming 2) Sexual activation remains in your organism.

In fact, edging still activates your semen production.

Also see >>10415

Don't listen to >>10416

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What happens if I dream I'm masturbating? I've dreamt I've had sex I'm a virgin IRL, and that I've masturbated to trap porn.

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I have edged my whole life, now, being 35 yrs, I'm still a virgin and a premature severe premature ejaculator… I wish I knew the damage I was doing to my body back then… now its too late…

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going on a long combo with constant edging but no cummies feels very good and gives you that sweet dopamine rush that keeps you motivated enough through the day

but yes, i guess it's a form of cheating, you either go full cold turkey or you fail

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degenerate shill

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what would i be shilling, exactly?

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Steve Jobs did that. He died from cancer. Don't be a degenerate.

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>going on a long combo with constant edging but no cummies feels very good and gives you that sweet dopamine rush that keeps you motivated enough through the day

That's a fucking lie; I speak from experience here and I'll tell you that the only way to break the habit is to go completely cold turkey and not even allow yourself to walk down the street, so to speak.

You are a degenerate and a kike and should kill yourself for making the lives of honest anons worse.

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which is why i said it is a form of cheating and the only way to properly do it is going full cold turkey in the very next sentence after the one you're quoting

perhaps if you weren't a drooling retard who can't read one line of text without sperging out about shills you would have noticed that

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This gave me blueballs. How to fix?

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Rub ice cubes on your balls. I personally take an ice cold shower because I can cover the entire genital area with water but that method may be too harsh for some people.

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Actually the quantity of dopamine released to your brain during edging is the greatest volume in the entire session - far more than the orgasm, so you really want to avoid it as much as you can.

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If you do that you could edge for HOURS (I've spent entire days in that trap), this will fuck up your brain in an insane way, and you will generate the strangest fetishes.

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Nope, not healthy. If you read vedic hindu science (brahmacharya) - semen is extracted and manufactured in greater quantities when the mind itself thinks of lust. It prepared the body for a reproductive act. Of course if you don't use it, its absorbed back into the bloodstream (and sometimes expelled out in sleep when the mind craves the orgasm too much). But the point is to not let the body reach that stage where it is even manufacturing lots of seed. That itself produces weakness in the body and mind.

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