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The truth is here

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File: 7b00810774490cb⋯.jpeg (26.75 KB,360x222,60:37,IMG_5692.jpeg)

51ad5e No.19

Take a meme. Leave a meme

This is how we pass out ammo


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8035c3 No.35

File: 9d409926bfe1fd4⋯.jpeg (136.07 KB,1041x1143,347:381,IMG_5814.jpeg)

Thank you for flying !


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8035c3 No.36

File: 67b71d680be2bd2⋯.jpeg (49.82 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5819.jpeg)

>It’s funny bc it’s true

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8035c3 No.37

File: 0cfec6d101a82c8⋯.jpeg (65.74 KB,500x1113,500:1113,IMG_5822.jpeg)

There is no ban on

B anon

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8035c3 No.38

File: 93d86930bd017b6⋯.jpeg (112.47 KB,961x1280,961:1280,IMG_5816.jpeg)

Respect the Storm

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8035c3 No.39

File: 4f5192ec4170f68⋯.jpeg (45.5 KB,509x499,509:499,IMG_5823.jpeg)

File: 0bb813bff4d3a36⋯.jpeg (91.1 KB,1179x644,1179:644,IMG_5824.jpeg)

▶B  05/29/21 (Sat) 12:24:40 No.111

Fact Vs. Fiction

We will not tell you which is which; the choice is yours.

Who gave you the Playbooks?

Who helps you answer Questions?

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99bd17 No.40

File: 4e2490128755c02⋯.jpeg (201.95 KB,1179x1118,1179:1118,IMG_5862.jpeg)

Too discern

Too syrias

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99bd17 No.41

File: 8dd4c381661cb86⋯.jpeg (84.31 KB,455x1280,91:256,IMG_5854.jpeg)

Y so serious anon?

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99bd17 No.42

File: 9c3015f3dadc497⋯.jpeg (59.02 KB,958x544,479:272,IMG_5852.jpeg)

Oh dr Jan.

There IS a plan

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99bd17 No.43

File: b83e123fb19085a⋯.jpeg (78.04 KB,749x500,749:500,IMG_5847.jpeg)

Wow. Thanks Q.


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02c63c No.66

File: 24086edac7246df⋯.jpeg (85.89 KB,1024x768,4:3,IMG_6020.jpeg)

A new Don

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07dd33 No.93

File: c3831028eaffdb6⋯.png (463.88 KB,847x517,77:47,ClipboardImage.png)

The assignment is understood.

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ee226a No.102

File: e14724cf4c2bb38⋯.jpeg (68.1 KB,500x622,250:311,IMG_6120.jpeg)



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f15cc4 No.138

File: 416145527f5b7f1⋯.jpeg (84.82 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_6186.jpeg)

It’s all so confusing

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6610d3 No.143

File: 83a30c452475e27⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,410x410,1:1,IMG_6201.jpeg)

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04411c No.175

File: 2872863c561ab0f⋯.jpeg (694.66 KB,1053x786,351:262,IMG_6218.jpeg)






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04411c No.205

File: 81d3b94356bcbe8⋯.jpeg (76.94 KB,596x419,596:419,IMG_6280.jpeg)

Do you work for Muslims?

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04411c No.206

File: 1edd2c5c826504e⋯.jpeg (75.26 KB,618x499,618:499,IMG_6281.jpeg)

Probably the kitchen talking to the living room

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7d8e7b No.212

File: acf0f48da5d5120⋯.jpeg (130.58 KB,890x882,445:441,IMG_6298.jpeg)

So cozy


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