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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: d413ad36f9c9b7b⋯.png (296.77 KB,720x537,240:179,chrome_screenshot_20_Sept_….png)


Authorities in Wisconsin are searching for a 45-year-old father after the decomposing body of his emaciated 12-year-old son was found inside his apartment with an array of suspicious injuries, including both of his arms and several of his ribs being recently broken

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Good Riddance,

2 niggers gone,

Clean up this country

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Nigger nigger nigger

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🍗 🍉

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Die nigger

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hey, you seem based, and only based people join


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File: 2a3b7e1ea1cf36b⋯.gif (41.09 KB,112x112,1:1,1716931993508p.gif)

buy floydcoin

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Nigger floyd

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Die nigger die

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File: 63d82272c3ecbb2⋯.png (110.95 KB,720x648,10:9,63d82272c3ecbb2785cc9cc863….png)

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Make them call out blacks as lazy and the entire narrative will collapse around them.

Won't work. Jews and their jew bitches are perfectly fine criticizing one particular segment of society while intentionally omitting the shortcomings of everyone else. They have no qualms with hypocrisy, lying, cheating, gaslighting, etc. Because they know nobody will shoot them in the head.

That's why you create burner accounts with black profile pics and hammer them with the same story whites are about they applied for 100 jobs and still can't get work. See what the responses are from Elon and Vivek.

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Band: Dead Kennedys

Album: Plastic Surgery Disasters

Song: Forest Fire

>No junk food, just earthly goods

>I ate weird berries in the woods

>Now I'm seeing colors, I'm getting higher

>I think I'll start a forest fire

>There's a forest fire climbin' the hill

>Burning wealthy California homes

>Better run run run run run run from the fire

>But some of us stay and watch

>And we think of your insurance costs

>And we laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh at your lives

>Windows covered with bars

>Security guards

>Is that a house or a fortress?

>Against the rest of the world

>Windows covered with bars

>Security guards

>Is that a house or a prison, how you gonna get out?

>Electric bull and your tennis courts

>Pink sports cars and your boats

>Getting fried fried fried fried fried fried by the fire

>Windows covered with bars

>Floodlights for the yard

>It's a pleasure to watch you

>Watch it all melt

>But hey!

>What about the cocaine

>Stockpiled in the basement?

>Be a hero and save it

>You know you're gonna need it

>Where's your brand new pretty wife?

>She might still be inside

>Either save her or your cocaine from the fire

>But the gates and doors are locked

>'Cause the burglar alarms went off

>Ever wonder why we laugh laugh at your lives?

>Windows covered with bars

>Fences spiked with barbed wire

>Never looked so helpless

>Engulfed in flames

>Cameras watchin' the walls

>Don't forget the dogs

>Now you're trapped in your prison how you gonna get out?


>See the gerbil run run run run run run run run run

>Run run run run run run run run run

>Run run run run run run run run run from the fire

Jello Biafra was last seen crying over the Hollywood fires, while trying to find a way to blame Trump.

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