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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: db72a94c93edde4⋯.png (264.93 KB,720x1106,360:553,chrome_screenshot_20_Sept_….png)


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modern day lynching. disgusting. one day racism will be purged from the system, and freddie owens will have a statue built in the name of tolerance and equity.

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NIGGER ASS!!!!!!!!!

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I'm sure this Nigger is in heaven,

Even though Black People believe in God more than white people, & seems to be working out fine, (Crime,Rape, Guns, Knives, Robbery, MURDA, KEWL A NIGGA OR 2 EVERY SUNDAY FO THA SHEEIT, & Real Nigga Thuggery & Sheeit!!)

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File: ee4d5233c228f6d⋯.png (888.01 KB,720x1186,360:593,chrome_screenshot_20_Sept_….png)

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