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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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LOL @ the board 'owner' and his stupid boring 'board concept' that nobody cares about. he keeps creating more stupid threads, but nobody reads them.

the threads all have one thing in common:


so he goes into other boards and literally BEGS people to "please come read my boring threads", but nobody does.


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obviously, the board 'owner' doesn't have a job

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You fucking Retards obviously would lower yourselves to come here,

Welcome to my board you Slave Niggers,

I hope I offened you with my Watch Niggers Get Shot by police videos & Nigger Bitch Female Protesters getting Punched 👊 videos

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No. 65

Yea, what you call spamming posts is what you call a job too retarded hypocrite asshole

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