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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 0567c99b9bdfc10⋯.png (374.67 KB,720x585,16:13,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)


Netherlands threaten to Arrest Netanyahu if he dares travel there!!

>billion + muslims

>West hates Israel

>America's empire has crippled

>Bibi to be arrested, trialed, and executed

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File: 2fee5285944be86⋯.png (846.03 KB,720x939,240:313,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)

First the Amsterdam pogroms and now this?What are we even doing in this country? Houses are unaffordable for young people. There is an aging population problem going on with retarded third worlders from North Africa replacing them. These muslims even if they live here for the 2nd or 3rd generation hate this society and are only here for the gibs / social housing anyway. Private equity, landlords and expats get all the tax benefits and the rest get fucked unless you are in social housing and hold up your hand (i.e. every refugee and lazy unmotivated soilennial). We have foolish generals threatening war with Russia despite not having an adequately sized army nor the innovation or manufacturing needed for a modern war.

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File: 366b89c5659f916⋯.png (778.71 KB,720x870,24:29,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)


jig is up kike

Oh no, why does the world have a problem with jews? Why is everyone so evil?

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File: 529393cda2ab1fc⋯.png (543.5 KB,720x1060,36:53,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)


In 20 years there will be globohomo crocodile tears for the dead Palestinians and the "international community" will pretend like they had always been aware of and actively fighting against Zionist fascism. Ironically the same game they played after WW2 with the Jews and Nazis, respectively.

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Antisemitism is the new normal, here is why its a good thing.

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File: ac4272c96d7dca0⋯.png (285.83 KB,720x642,120:107,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)

>jews stage theater to pretend like they don't control the world

>it back fires

Please God let that happen because it would be so fucking funny

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File: f61182709620a83⋯.png (214.29 KB,720x711,80:79,chrome_screenshot_21_Nov_2….png)

This time, no one will care. All the MSM boomer tricks don't work thanks to the advent of the internet. Jews are going to get what they deserve.

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Some prophecy of theirs says Israel will stand alone - and then it will use nukes on everyone around them (basically, "enemies will be blown away by strong wind", something like that). It's all about fulfilling it, you never know with these fuckers, this could be them just adding to the fire. I mean, Netenyahu is clearly surrounded by religous crazies who believe this shit.

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And this is a fucking psyop to get everyone to blame it only on Netanyahu. With you accepting him as the "bad jew", you implicitly let the kike stick his nose under the tent that there's a "good jew".

There isn't. They all have to go, from every White western institution and country.

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Israel is doing more to redpill the world on the JQ with every school or hospital they bombed than all nazis since 1945 combined. Having congress ban tiktok to protect the kikes showed every normie in the world the influence they have over their government

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It's still the jews. I've been calling on this for weeks, that Netanyahu will either get jailed or "accidented", since he pissed off Trump and even his rootless kike kin around the world over his unsuccessful attempt to get a war and drag everyone into the middle east (again). The zionist kikes want their annointed to bring everyone back, and the other kikes want to keep destroying Ukraine until it's fit for them to go back and fund Khazaria all over again. Netanyahu went full retard, and attempted greater Israel over the typical kike hubris, and probably fucked up decades if not hundreds of years of kike tricks over his glory-boner.

tl;dr it's still the jews, self imploding as always

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US will intervene to save their masters

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Yes jews control the world

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This white guilty liberal country is

MEXICO 💩 🇲🇽 💩 2.0

>>belligerent loud Brown shitskin neighbors

>>Drug dealers with gov. Housing/apt. Utilities without paying on our dime


>>Jewgle/Jewtube/Kikebook/Insta-jew have their backs as far as deflect blame,

& "these illegals just want to live their lives" & "their hardworking & religious!!, muh racism, muh white supremacists, Trump voters are garbage, evil!!, racist, BLAH blah blah since Late 2008

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Whites deserve to kill each other


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File: cb077c0bf14ab28⋯.png (416.52 KB,541x707,541:707,08a3042703c7fbc4fe0902dfb7….png)

Larry Fink

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