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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 7cacf394652a464⋯.png (235.09 KB,721x438,721:438,chrome_screenshot_12_Nov_2….png)


Site is up for Federal auction due to the Sandy Hoax trial

>Wednesday 11/13/2024

>Alex Soros said he wants to silence conservatives' speech

>Alex Jones is going to broadcast until the receivors literally flip the switch

>Reportedly patriots are placing bids to keep it open

>It could go either way

New websites in case:



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What he said was worse than a 1.5 billion Sandy Hooks, though.

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1.5 billion Sandy Hooks

that's literally nothing because nothing happened there

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I want mass deportations so fucking bad bros and I'm not even American (I'm Australian). I want this country to be great again without retarded beaners selling corn cobs and watermelon on every street corner. When and how will the mass deportations happen and how can I assist as a legal resident but non-citizen?

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Brown hands typed this.

I hope you get deported Paco.

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File: c2e11ecac823949⋯.webm (3.72 MB,960x720,4:3,1731415378749688.webm)

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File: f57785bc6d4b9f6⋯.png (932.94 KB,720x711,80:79,chrome_screenshot_12_Nov_2….png)

65 IQ yakubian subhuman actually made this thread and posted an obese potato faced nigger as an example of beauty


It's not enough that she's black but she just also has to wear such a frumpy and guady sweatshirt. God I hate sweatshirts.

Shirt is the least of her problems. She has a gorilla nose, huge lips, bulbous face, and short afro. Also it's funny how nigs prefer mixed black women with more symmetrical, european features.

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Nobody cares about your shithole, pajeet-nigger. You are objectively ugly, just like the smelly brown people you are surrounded by

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Years late faggot


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Your mother's dead corpse, puto

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