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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 31e4af91aaf9f2d⋯.png (221.39 KB,720x474,120:79,chrome_screenshot_9_Oct_20….png)


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Nigger nigger nigger

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Kill niggers

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File: d70860d40228bdd⋯.png (34.93 KB,300x250,6:5,wtf.png)

hеу, уоu sееm bаsed, and only basеd peоplе join


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Die nigger bitch die

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Taking ages to record one thing

Ussless ass nigger

You're here to be my slave at least do that right


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Bitchnigger bitch

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Slave nigger

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You take ages to respond you slow cracker white bitch

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I'm too tough for your bitch white ass,

Nobody takes your scrawny ass seriously,

Cracker puto bitch

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