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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 3e909d764c4537c⋯.jpg (122.4 KB,348x880,87:220,1730328885813184.jpg)



"what did he mean by this??????"

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File: 36d04dcb145221f⋯.png (343.66 KB,721x537,721:537,chrome_screenshot_30_Oct_2….png)

Massive pedo gets gunned down by chud

Justice served

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File: 05d479c004cde01⋯.jpg (172.19 KB,533x640,533:640,1730330552353233.jpg)

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File: 7b22f8733938e64⋯.png (456.52 KB,569x657,569:657,1730346649176357.png)


2020 riots shit pissed me off so bad. I watched a lot of streams and of course saw all the highlight .webms.

It really showcased people as retarded monkeys. Moments like your .webm show their opportunistic mob mentality kick in. You can see the exact moment they collectively decided to swarm when they thought their target was vulnerable, and the moment they decided to scatter when they saw it wasn't the case. It just proves that there are so many retarded "people" out there who don't even function on a human level. Like they're literal 80 IQ apes who opportunistically destroy and attack for its own sake, never thinking about it for a second. Especially all the times they mobbed random cars for no reason and then screeched in pain when the car peeled away. You can't watch this and not wonder

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File: 6f65daee26ef862⋯.jpg (60.25 KB,1024x574,512:287,1730332522963725m.jpg)

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File: 203d71a9628a1fe⋯.png (553.25 KB,721x996,721:996,chrome_screenshot_30_Oct_2….png)

Yeah. The shoot me nigga bald manlet tried to take Sir Kyle Rittenhouse's rifle and got killed. The other commie protesters chased Kyle intending to disarm and beat the shit out of him (as had happened at other blm riots). Kyle shot three of the attackers, killing two and obliterating the bicep of the 'medic' with the gun.

For his trouble, Democrat threw the book at him and ran a massive smear campaign. The problem was that the "protests" were supposed to be peaceful these events were proving their lies.

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Fuck niggers

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Fuck is that white bitch at

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