>no culture
>brown niggers
>lowest IQ in Asia
>no CEOs
>males are cucked by white men
>worships white men
>500 years of slavery
>Catholic and Muslim populations
>disgusting language
>disgusting food
>Other Asians hate them
>Gets land stolen from China, throws a hissy fit
>Kills a Taiwanese fisherman for crossing EEZ, but bends over for China
>gladly hosts U.S. military bases
>thinks they're white
>OFW, literal government sponsored immigration, floods white, chink, and sandnigger countries
>terrible nurses
>terrible people
>faggots are accepted
>finally given independence, elect a dictator and turns into a 3rd world country in less than a century
>worships Koreans for some reason
Why does no one shit on these shitskins as much as pajeets?
At least pajeets become CEOs.