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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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Walgreens Plans to Shut Down 1,200 Stores Across America

If you wanted a Walgreens, you shouldn’t have allowed the blacks.

Walgreens is closing approximately 1,200 stores across the United States as the pharmacy chain struggles with slumping consumer spending.

The closures will occur within the next three years, starting with 500 stores being shuttered in fiscal year 2025, Walgreens announced Tuesday in an earnings report. The company had confirmed plans in June to close unprofitable stores but had not disclosed how many locations would be affected.

The move is part of a multi-year cost-cutting program under CEO Tim Wentworth, who took on the job last year. In a statement, Wentworth reiterated the company’s commitment to focusing on improving its core business: retail pharmacy.

“This turnaround will take time, but we are confident it will yield significant financial and consumer benefits over the long term,” Wentworth said in the statement.

While it’s not immediately clear which 1,200 stores Walgreens is planning on closing, the move would impact about 13% of the more than 8,700 stores that were open in the United States as of Aug. 31 last year.

announcement comes amid an improving – but still challenging – fiscal year 2024.

While Walgreens exceeded its target of slashing $1 billion in costs in the last fiscal year, the chain reported a $3 billion loss last quarter mostly due to goodwill impairment charges related to a home care provider called CareCentrix. Still the chain’s revenue in the last fiscal year rose more than 6% from the a year ago, according to the company’s earnings report.

Blacks are totally ruining the country.

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You wouldn’t actually have to ship them back to Africa to get them to stop (although that would be ideal). You could just bring back laws against crime.

The George Floyd Dream has failed us all.

- Andrew Anglin/Snake Baker

From Dailystormer.in only on Tor Browser

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>strong conservative alpha males being pushed out of all their cities and having to live in car dystopia because they are scared of some 100 pound when wet gang banger who can't even point a gun straight.

muh ammendment, muh castle doctrine, muh stand your ground, muh alpha conservative men

>oh no cities scawy homeless people and darkies BAWWWWW

average conservative "alpha male". This is why america is 56% white and you guys won't do shit despite having 500 million guns.

We have that in Oakland California.

Niggers ride the buses and rails all day pissing and shitting and living on them in rotation and it's paid for by welfare. The sidewalks are covered in piss and shit. We have to have them cleaned every day.

There are no close stores like Walmart, sand club, McDonald's, best buy, cvs, Walgreens, target, no gyms, nothing. Because no one wants to go out because the niggers can walk and ride everywhere.

They ride bikes around looking for shit to steal or they are just on crack, slowly riding around going nowhere.

Take your walkable city and shove it up your ass.

I work deep in the hood, we get shoplifters every day. It's so bad that we ended up contracting a security company that exclusively hires off duty police officers so they can get around the loophole of needing to wait for shoplifters to leave the store before they can take action. It's a slap on the wrist the first time we catch someone but then they take names and ID and ban them from the property, we catch them a second time and they end up handcuffs for trespassing. Unfortunately the city stopped prosecuting criminals for anything less than murder so they just get out and keep coming back to steal over and over when they realize there aren't any long lasting repercussions.

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I hate them. I go to their pharmacy at the time they tell me to come and then have me wait a half hour. Their isles have dollar tree trash except it's priced at $8.

Fuck CVS too.

You end up with bug hives everywhere. To have walkable cities, you need more and more people sharing the same space therefore you won't have a comfy house, you won't even have a house. You'll live a shitty 50m2 apartment and pay a lot for it, you'll live around a ton of people that have you probably won't like and you'll have to see them constantly.

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Yeahhh faggot post em black boys


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No, it's all of California. I work in retail in California and the cops wont even show up unless the person steals over the specified amount.

This leads to organized raids on stores because if a mob of people go in and all steal less then 500$ each, it's legal. If you shoot them, you will be sent to prison for decades.

In California, shoplifting is basically legal. But if you vandalized a public menorah display, they would jail you for both vandalism and a hate crime. Jews are double standards: the race

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Niggy niggy niggy nigger

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Niggy niggy niggy nigger niggy niggy nigger niggy niggy niggy nigger

Jiggy jiggy jiggy jiggy jig jiggaboo

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>shemale fighting tourist

>crowd cheering

>opportunistic nigger steals a handbag

>some jackass yells "World Star Hip-Hop, bitches!"

the only way this video would be more American is if a burger-munching landwhale on a scooter were to shoot one of the clapping bystanders

whites all secretly hate them deep down inside. we don't say anything in fear of being perceived as "racist" for observing statistics and behavior

whites have become so neutered, asians and spics openly hate niggers.

To our resident nigger neet. Sum KFC for yo black ass.

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(/random/ faggot that lurks on 8kun)

Posted this shit👇



You've done nothing they don't know you exist

You have failed to do anything with this

So impotent and adorable it's fun to see you try

Now if you'll excuse me, ITS TIME TO JACK OFF TO CP WHILE BROWSING /random/ & calling /random/ user tranny slave bitch LOOL LOOL LOOL & LOOL Again over 20 million times

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OK/random/ steal from garbage then

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i don't see how even alien-level technology can stop me from shoving shit into my pockets when outside of camera view

i always make sure to forget to scan a few things at my local Wal-Mart. I call it the "buy one, get one"

my local grocery store has no human checkers ever present, it's self checkout only. if you scan the cheapest kind of any kind of produce, the machine honks loudly and stops you and calls the slow-ass attendant - they have to come over and they demand you tell them which bin you got it out of. sometimes their shitty worthless manager is hovering around glaring at you and so they make you walk over and point to where you got it and they compare it carefully before letting you continue checking out. they'll do this for anything with a more expensive 'organic' variant in the store, if you scan the non-organic one. the 'attendant' employees look like the want to die, and the managers just sit there doing nothing looking at you like you're a fucking criminal. if i didn't have to drive an extra 45 minutes each way to go somewhere else, i'd never step foot in the shithole again. i leave the fridge doors open when i get things and push my cart into the road when i leave.

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you can't dislike both immoral billionaires and degenerate shoplifters because… uh… BECAUSE YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY?!

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is this some prerppers doomsday shed. funny how i'm suppose to care about somebody stealing a bag of chips when there are people with a entire grocery store in their back yard.

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as long as companies are more afraid of being called racist for prosecuting shoplifters, they will look the other way and just raise prices on the rest of us

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How sad and lonely do you have to be to do nothing with your life and talk to yourself all day because you have nobody LMAOO

What a waste your dead mother couldn't afford that abortion so she hit the bucket as soon as you came out so your dad hit the road as soon as he saw you

Which left you here

All alone

Forced to work

With nothing to do or look foward to

That's why we groom you

so small and weak






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/random/ molested boy forgot his cp & BBC collections,

Nobody gors to your threads,

They all got auto deleted by itself cause no one posts there just like /random/

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Nigger slave bitch

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Nigger slave

Barrel this cotton

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File: faa5946fdc43cf7⋯.png (586.61 KB,618x616,309:308,faa5946fdc43cf7ba7c4c377ef….png)

Trump has just announced he will be changing The National Anthem

to the “N-word repeated 60 times”

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